
I summoned Tom at the start in One Piece World

Adrian, who accidentally fell into the world of pirates, obtained a strange magic array that can summon characters from different worlds. His first partner turned out to be Tom Cat! Patreon.com/NewComer714 Check my original fanfic, I'm really in Doraemon!? Original: https://m.qidian.com/book/1034349098.html

NewComer714 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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102 Chs

Chapter 57

Chapter 57: Do You Know What "Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang" Means

Rui Mengmeng's acceptance was pretty good. After all, she had superpowers and had already traveled through worlds. Encountering a cat that could do anything seemed reasonable.

After Tom demonstrated various skills, Rui Mengmeng obediently called him "Teacher Tom."

Tom was overjoyed and happily patted Rui Mengmeng's shoulder. This student was much cuter and more obedient than the one he used to teach.

"Boss, when do I start working?" Rui Mengmeng was a good employee, and she felt uneasy when she wasn't working. Now that she had gotten to know everyone, she was already starting to care about her job.

"We're closed today. You'll start tomorrow," Adrian handed her a hundred and fifty thousand berries and said, "Our tavern opens at eleven in the morning for lunch, and we serve until around two. We reopen at five in the evening, serve dinner, and close around eight. We're closed on the first of every month."

"Wow, that's a lot!" Rui Mengmeng busily took the money. She still didn't have much of a concept of the prices here. "And Boss, you're paying me such a high wage. Isn't the work schedule too short?"

"Adjusted based on the prices of both worlds, it's not that precise," Adrian estimated that it should be more or less right. "Time outside of work is for studying or training. You can also go out and have fun, but the security here isn't great. I'll give you more details later."

Adrian checked the time, it was a little past four in the afternoon. "Today isn't the best time to go shopping. Let me help you settle into your room first. There's a vacant room upstairs."


The second floor of the tavern had three bedrooms, a utility room, a bathroom, and a toilet. Adrian and Tom shared one room, Artoria had her own, and Rui Mengmeng could have her own too. When new people came, they would have to share a room or find another solution, but that was a matter for the future.

The beds, bedding, and pillows were all prepared. They had bought them together when Artoria first arrived. Towels and other toiletries were also available, though they weren't customized.

"It's not convenient to go out and buy clothes to change into today. Artoria, do you have..." Adrian glanced at the two of them, assessing their height difference, then looked at the ceiling. He realized he had been rude and apologized.

Rui Mengmeng was 175 centimeters tall, while Artoria was 154 centimeters. It didn't seem likely that Artoria would have clothes that would fit Rui Mengmeng.

Adrian cleared his throat, "Ahem, how about we go shopping later tonight? I know the owner of a clothing store pretty well, and they probably wouldn't mind opening up for us."

Rui Mengmeng eagerly agreed. She actually felt that making do with what she had was fine, given that she hadn't lived in such a big room before while working part-time. Renting something like this was beyond her means.

This room was considered a guest room, but it wasn't much smaller than the master bedroom where Adrian slept. It had a double bed, wardrobe, bedside table, and desk—everything one needed. There were even two potted plants on the windowsill. With three people and a cat standing in the room, it didn't feel cramped at all.

Artoria cast a glance at Adrian, feeling like his previous look and tone had been full of malice.

Tom brought out a cloth and a mop, intending to help his student clean the room a bit.

"I can do it myself," Rui Mengmeng wasn't as naive as Adrian. She saw Tom's actions and immediately took the cloth from him to start cleaning.

She had never really received any care before; she had always relied on herself. Not being bullied was already quite good.

Tom, as if performing magic, produced another cloth. He also gave a mop to Artoria at her request, and they all pitched in to clean.

Artoria wasn't someone who couldn't handle everyday tasks; she usually cleaned her own room. This kind of thing was nothing to her.

Adrian scratched his head, wondering what he should do when they had already taken care of everything.


The few of them cleaned the room together. Tom, the master of housework, did a particularly good job. The glass windows he wiped faintly shimmered with star-like light.

Tom received unanimous praise from the others, feeling satisfied as he headed downstairs to prepare dinner.

Adrian and Artoria sat at the table as usual, waiting for the delicious food to be served. Only Rui Mengmeng followed into the kitchen, wanting to help.

However, five minutes later, a disappointed-looking Rui Mengmeng emerged from the kitchen and sat at the dining table.

Artoria poured her a cup of tea and asked, "What's wrong?"

Rui Mengmeng spread one hand flat and made a chopping motion with the other, "Do you guys know? Teacher Tom, he... *Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang*..."

Adrian asked, "What's *Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang*?"

Rui Mengmeng explained, "He was cutting meat! He swung the knife so fast I couldn't even see clearly, and the meat strips were all neatly sliced."

"Isn't that ordinary?" Adrian poured himself another cup of tea, enjoying the sight of the inexperienced new recruit.

"And, and!" Rui Mengmeng exaggeratedly waved her hands, "Teacher Tom took out eight eggs at once, juggled them like a circus performer, turned them into a circle in mid-air, then cracked the shells open, dropping the yolks and whites into a bowl. The eggshells went straight into the trash."

"Sounds pretty normal, doesn't it?" Adrian also refilled his tea, finding amusement in the fact that Rui Mengmeng was so amazed.

"That's not all!" Rui Mengmeng waved her hands even more dramatically. "With one hand, he stirred a pot, and with the other hand, he sautéed ingredients in another pot. At the same time, he used one foot to stir another pan while using his tail to flip yet another pan!"

Although she didn't have a tail and her body wasn't as flexible as Tom's, she still tried to imitate his actions.

While she couldn't quite achieve the same level of agility, Adrian could still imagine the scene. "Hmm... That seems quite reasonable if it's Tom."

Artoria nodded, "Tom is quite amazing. You'll get used to it."

"Really?" Rui Mengmeng seemed a bit unsure.

Adrian assured her, "Those high-difficulty actions are just him having fun. Even without those tricks, Tom's cooking is delicious. With some effort, you can definitely learn."

During this time, Adrian and Artoria began to tell Rui Mengmeng about the island and the state of the world, slowly explaining the situation to her.

At first, Rui Mengmeng listened attentively and tried to remember everything,

but after a while, it became overwhelming. "Wait, wait, wait! You're telling me too much at once. I can't remember it all..."

"Alright, it's not urgent. You'll learn over time. In any case, you need to become stronger in this world. You mentioned that you've gained superpowers, but it's more like your supergenes have awakened or been activated. You won't instantly become the strongest. You need to train and improve yourself," Adrian offered her some insight.

"Yeah, I'll do my best. I want to become a Super Seminary King!" Rui Mengmeng exclaimed with the fervor of a teenage daydreamer.

"You've moved me with your enthusiasm!"

Patreon.com/NewComer714, 20 - 30 advance chapters.

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