
I Stream DC on Marvel

My name is Allen Walker. I lived a quiet and uneventful life until I got into trouble with the school's ultimate bully, Flash Thomson. It was worth it because I was able to protect my friend Gwen and help out a poor guy named Peter Parker. That's right... my life was turned upside down with my school problems. I somehow ended up tangled with bullies like Flash and his rich friend Harry Osborn, and the three beauties of the school, Gwen Stacy, Felicia Hardy, and Mary Jane. I understood why Gwen was there, as she's my friend, but I couldn't understand why the other two girls were interested in me. My destiny should have been getting beaten up by the school bullies, but luckily, I received unexpected help from a miraculous entity called the "The Absolute Content Creator System". This system mainly operates based on viewers and the popularity I gain by providing great content in my world. But somehow, I'm now live-streaming in the middle of the Superman vs. Doomsday fight... yes, it sounds very dangerous and stupid. No one told me I'd be going to the DC world to livestream?! Darkseid is going to kill me!! My aunt Natasha would scream at me for the stupidity I was committing, and she would be right, I mean, I'm streaming it to my world! But I have to be here, even if it's stupid and dangerous. The reason? I have a huge debt of one million dollars because I accidentally ordered a hundred fantasy waifu sex dolls... which have come to life for some reason. Yeah, things are getting complicated!! It sounds insane, but it's real. The first doll was Wednesday Addams, who tried to stab me, and the second was 2B from Nier: Automata, who treated me like her master... I won't complain about that. A bit confusing? Let's recap: - I live in a world that the system calls Marvel... I'm not sure if I should be worried. - I was a normal teenager making YouTube videos and streams, not very popular... – I got involved with the school beauties and that earned me the hatred of the bullies... ¿why? - I was chosen by a system related to content creation. - During a stream, my chat played a prank on me, and I ended up accidentally ordering a hundred very expensive sex dolls that left me in a one-million-dollar debt. - These dolls are coming to life for some reason. - To pay off that debt, I have to use the system that sends me to DC and broadcast craziness like Batman being captured by the Joker or some villain fighting the Justice League. It's not all bad. With a system like in the manga, I become stronger the more popular I get. I gain powers that only appear in comics and anime, and many other things. But, as I said, my world is not normal, and I'll end up getting involved in dangerous things. I knew that when a one-eyed man appeared at my door and said, "Do you know about the Avengers Initiative?"... I think I should definitely be worried about that. While things are bad with all that, my chat is full of trolls and assholes. To make matters worse, my congenital bad luck leads me into stupid and dangerous situations all the time. For example: entering Harley Quinn's room and having relations with her while the Joker is nearby or kicking Darkseid in the balls... Maybe I'll get killed soon, but if not, I'll continue live-streaming the best content on social media... I just hope the system doesn't stream to strange places. If you want to read chapters in advance, be able to see the images that webnovel does not want and support me here I leave you my patreon. Patreon.com/_Aizen A/N: Hello, I hope you like this story and support it. English is not my native language, so I hope you don't mind the grammatical errors.

Mr_Aizen · Anime et bandes dessinées
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335 Chs

185 Poison Ivy's poison, Harleen's doubts and Harley's heart.

*Ivy's POV*

Life is complicated; one day you're taking care of your plants while you plan the annihilation of mankind, and the next, you have to serve a piece of shit who thinks he's your master.

"Good morning, Ivy," said the man in front of me, with his pleasant voice that seemed to have a spell in it, with his half-smile that made you think he could read your thoughts, with his eyes that seemed to see into my soul.

"Good morning, Director Walker."

This man is unpleasant; since I met him, I only lost. Every time I try to oppose him, he crushes me. I suppose my only option is to pretend to be his servant until he gets bored of me or finds an opportunity to escape.

He narrowed his eyes upon hearing my response; my body trembled. I hate him.

"Oh? What's with this formality? It's just you and me, right?" he said in a lower tone but not threatening.

"Ugh, you're my boss, and I'm your secretary. I don't see why we should be close."

"Is that so?"

My body shivered. No, I must control myself, or it will end like the other times. He usually is a man of three faces: there's his serious side when he's managing the prison, very professional at that moment, no jokes, no games. I'll admit that at those times, I don't mind following his orders.

Then there's his unpleasant side, the playful and spontaneous side, like out of nowhere saying he'll put Freddy Kruger as a prison guard. Honestly, it's like watching him turn from an adult to a child and vice versa.

"Ivy, come here..."

My breathing increased; I grabbed my skirt as I felt an unpleasant tingling in my body.

I don't want to... This is his third face... maybe there are more faces of him that I haven't seen but this is the one I hate the most...

But my legs didn't obey me, and I went to him. Without him ordering me, I knelt. I've done this several times, and I've gotten used to it.

He took my chin and made me look at him; his face was serious, but there was a hint of dominance in it.

"The deal is that you're my lackey, and as such, you should be more polite and not put deadly poison in my coffee."


I thought I had done a good job of disguising my poison, but he noticed...

I didn't want to open my lips, but I did. "I'm sorry, master~"

No! My voice sounded strange saying those words. My body is hot, my heart is pounding. He looks down at me, yet I don't feel despised. It's a perverse pleasure to feel that I belong to him without being an object.

Damn it! I cursed the day I met him.

I have no choice.

I stretched out my hand to his pants to open them... once again, I'll have to act like a bitch, once again, I'll have to be a pervert. My heart is going to explode, that bastard must pay for this.

"What are you doing?"

My hands froze, and I looked up confused. Wasn't I supposed to be punished?

"I... but... hm??"

I was confused. While this guy is a pervert, he doesn't always mock me by acting perverted. I guess that wasn't the case...

Huh? What is this feeling of loss? I feel a bit weak, and it's hard for me to look at him.

"Don't make that face, I'm not scolding you," Allen said as he stroked my head. My eyes teared up, but he hugged me, burying me in his stomach.

"What's happening?! Let me go! Someday I'll kill you!"

"Of course you will..."

As I cursed him, he caressed my head gently, making me feel worse.

*Harleen's POV*

I got up and looked at my face in the mirror; I had dark circles and a headache. I don't know how much longer I can stand this situation.

Harley is killing me...

Not in the literal sense, but it's unpleasant not being myself most of the time.

I can't say everything is bad; before, my relationship with Harley was a constant struggle for dominance. I always heard her voice in my head, and to be honest, I was going crazy.

No, it's precisely because of my condition that I chose to be a psychologist. Okay, I know Harley is part of me, but I can't describe the feeling of being inside my body without being able to do anything.

To make matters worse, Harley is uncontrollable. Today I woke up with a tattoo on my back; it's quite small, but she selfishly decided to tattoo Allen's name in a heart.

I don't hate him; in fact, I consider him a respectable man despite his obvious flaws, especially the part about being a womanizing pervert. However, his way of handling this place made me reassess him.

He's really trying to ensure these prisoners don't harm anyone again.

Arkham breakouts are famous, and the result is an endless cycle of heroes defeating villains and villains escaping from prison to fight the heroes again.

But with Allen Walker's appearance, that cycle was broken. The crime rate decreased, but the real impact was on the rate of violent crimes.

No one wants to come to Arkham; this is true, thanks to Penguin helping spread internal material about the treatment of criminals.

Protests have started, and the government has to face it. However, the people of Gotham, who felt the real and positive change from Allen Walker's presence, did the same, showing their support.

Unprecedented, the public cheering on a supervillain. It's only been a week since Allen took over the prison, but his effects were reflected outside of it.

All this was deliberately planned, despite seeming quite eccentric and sometimes foolish; he definitely isn't.

He earned my respect, but unlike Harley, I don't love him. I... I'm not sure if I should open my heart to someone. The Joker's lies made me see how vulnerable and impressionable I am. I don't want to think about it, but if Allen hadn't appeared, they would have brainwashed me.

That's why I respect him... that's right...

Besides I don't want to be around him too much I think he's a very dangerous man for women...


I walked to Allen's office, fixing my hair and makeup before arriving. Wait, why am I doing this?!


I heard Harley's laughter. Part of our deal is that she wouldn't speak unless I spoke to her first, and the same happens on her turn.

I know you think I'll end up in love with him like you, but I'm not an easy woman.

"Hahaha, I can finally speak. Come on, honey, you know I know you better than anyone else. You feel distrust because of the Clown's betrayal. "Even someone like me who studied psychology can be deceived." That revelation made you insecure, but deep down you'd like him to corner you against the wall and kiss you!~"

"Shut up. You're the woman who's crazy about him, not me. You've seen it, he's a womanizer and a villain. What makes you think you're not just another one in his collection?"

"It's not like that, he's not like that."

Harley's voice sounded serious and calm, not defending her position but stating a fact.

"How can you say that?"

"For everything. His eyes, his warmth, his very essence. You just have to look into his eyes and compare, then you'll understand the difference between someone who sees you as a fun and useful object and someone who truly cares about you and doesn't want to hurt you."

I didn't want to accept Harley's words. In the end, both of us are trapped within each other. She couldn't run into Allen's arms without me accepting it, which gives her reasons to push me towards Allen. However, that won't happen; I don't love him, and I don't think I will. I'm not a woman who would accept polygamy.

I arrived at his office and heard Allen's voice with Ivy. Damn it, couldn't they get a hotel?!

Should I go back?

No, it's my chance to reclaim that he shouldn't do these things during work hours. Technically, he's my boss, but that doesn't give him the right to this.

"Mr. Walker!"

I opened the door, and my eyes widened. What I saw wasn't debauchery or anything sexual; it was just a man hugging a woman who seemed to be sobbing.

He looked at me with a furrowed brow, and I immediately felt embarrassed for misinterpreting things.

"I told you, girl!~" Harley teased.

Damn it!

"I'm sorry, Mr. Walker..." I said, trying to apologize sincerely. I'm not petty; unexpectedly, he opened his eyes in surprise. Huh? Wasn't he angry about my interruption?

"No, it's okay, Dr. Harleen. I just thought there might be an emergency."

If someone like me barged into his office unannounced, I'd think the same. He's not easily angered, indeed.

I sat in the chair across from him at Allen's request and proceeded to give him reports on the female inmates.

"Sugar and Nocturna had a fight that almost ended in injuries; they're both in solitary confinement."

Allen looked at their information files, then at me. "Do you see any inmates with potential for rehabilitation?"

"As usual, some, but you can never trust too much, right?"

Damn it, I let my personal feelings mix with an opinion that should be objective.

He didn't get upset with my comment and leaned back in his chair, still with Ivy reclined in his lap. If I didn't know the previous details, I'd think she was doing indecent things in that position.

"Do you think I should impose more aggressive methods in the female block?" Allen asked, with a playful look.

"With all due respect, I think the treatment of women is too lenient compared to men."


Huh? He admitted it immediately. "Why?!"

Allen shrugged. "I could give you a thousand excuses, but the truth is there's no reason other than personal preference. I'm not a fan of torturing women... yes, I understand they're villains, but look who's in my lap."

I could see Poison Ivy trembling with her head buried in his lap. Now I think she's just embarrassed and wants me to leave quickly.

"Well, you're the boss, and as long as there isn't another escape or some villain killing someone, I'll believe in you."

I got up to leave, but Allen stopped me.

"Harleen, would you like to separate from Harley?"


What did he say?! Separate from her?! But we're the same person! That's nonsense... no, we're talking about this man maybe, but...

"Of course! Why would you doubt that?! Neither of us wants to disappear or be eaten by the other. Let's just separate as if we were sisters or something!"

The idea itself sounded like a good idea, but it was actually crazy.

I looked silently at the man, searching for any sign that it was a joke, but I only met with a stoic gaze.

"How? And will it hurt us?"

Will it hurt us?... why do I care about Harley? She's the second personality... my life would have been better if she wasn't in my head reminding me all the time that I'm crazy.

However... she has accompanied me for so long that I couldn't simply make her disappear.

Allen saw my hesitation and smiled, and then a woman appeared next to him. She was very beautiful, with blue hair, blue eyes, and a voluptuous body, but an intimidating aura. She wore a military uniform, albeit with more exposed skin, which, by the way, had beautiful milky skin that teenagers would envy, although she was very young.

"This is Esdeath, and she's not human..."

"Huh?!" However you look at it, she's human. Is she a monster or something?

"I mean, she is human but in an artificially created body, a Rozen Doll."

"I apologize, but I don't understand."

The woman named Esdeath smiled slightly. "I died a long time ago, and my soul reincarnated into this body. I don't feel any different from my human time. No, there's a difference, I don't feel fatigue or tiredness, I sleep out of habit, not because I need it. Besides, this body is much stronger than my previous one."

I understood but didn't understand. In short, he wants to put Harley into an artificial body.

"Don't worry, it won't hurt you. Of course, it wouldn't be like having a tooth pulled out, it would be more like having a kidney removed."

I shuddered and asked Harley's opinion; she didn't even answer me at first until she admitted she already knew.

I don't know if I should be angry or not, it seems the bitch won't hesitate to abandon me when she gets a man.

*Ivy's POV*

Uh... it's not my intention to bother them, but can you leave already, Harleen?! It's too embarrassing to be in this position!!.

I can't believe he had to comfort me like a child. Now I feel incapable of looking him in the eye, and Harley is teasing me!


My previous patreon was removed, I made a new one and now my new patreon is: Patreon.com/_Aizen