
I Stole Other People's (Power)

Dying leaving behind a comfortable life, a man who did not believe in such things as rebirth was reborn in a world similar to his previous world, but with some kind of additional superpower stuff. Since superheroes -people with superpowers who protect society- live in prosperity and wealth, he as a reincarnator hoped for some kind of power up, but had no luck. Fortunately he was able to awaken his own powers like those people. But his powers are a bit beyond his expectations, despite that he still has to use them to become rich, oops, hero... right? Or even something else than that?

Kokiten · Fantaisie
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6 Chs

Chapter 6: Post Training and Next Steps

After 3 days of training, all participants will get a certificate of completion that will make them officially active heroes and can start their duty to protect the community.

They will also get a data collection of their training results for the three days, ranging from cohesiveness, combat style, individual abilities, as well as deficiencies that each participant should evaluate next. Because if these deficiencies are not corrected or covered, they will have no advantage in a combat situation with their enemies.

As someone with defensive-type power, the really glaring flaw of Ming Ling was her lack of attack power for the opponent, she could only withstand the opponent's attacks. Although that wasn't really a problem for Ming Ling since her power was actually more of a barrier of sorts.

From that assessment, Ming Ling was asked to immediately train martial arts to make up for her lack of attack power, which would help her if she fought alone.

As for the other three, namely Andrew, Maria, and Bastian, all three were heroes with offensive-type powers. Maria and Andrew have lightning and water elemental control powers, while Bastian has a body strengthening power that makes his physique many times stronger, increasing his attack power and resistance from attacks.

In the enemy attack simulation test, Ming Ling with her barrier power became a defender by moving and creating a barrier to protect the three of them who served as attackers, provoking the opponent's attack.

Andrew was assigned to be the main attacker, while Andrew and Maria were the lure of the opponent's attack, with Ming Ling being their protector.

Bastian would sneak in when the opponent was lured by Andrew and Maria and attack when the enemy was caught off guard. Attacks from the enemy directed at Andrew and Maria will be neutralized by Ming Ling's barrier. Ming Ling would also move to protect Bastian when needed.

Right on the third day, the four of them had officially become official heroes, with Ming Ling as a rank-D hero, Andrew and Maria as rank-E, and Bastian as rank-D.

"It was great training with you guys, even though it was short but it was a fun experience," Ming Ling said.

"Me too, I'm happy to be able to train and be an attacker in our little team."

"Us too, Miss Ming and Mr. Bastian. We hope we can meet next time," the two said.

"Goodbye," the four of them said in unison.

Andrew and Maria walked to the limo car with someone already waiting for them to get in. Bastian headed for his parked motorcycle. Meanwhile Ming Ling got into her sedan, started the engine and drove back towards Peipei town.

In the car, she thought, 'Alright, after officially becoming an active hero, my area of operation is Peipei City, my pay as a Hero with D-rank is $75k per year or $6.25k per month. But that's not enough, being in charge of a peaceful city, my reputation will have a hard time rising, but I have no plans to move to another city with a higher crime rate.'

A hero's reputation rank is affected by several factors, one of which is the location of the hero on duty. If the hero is deployed in a peaceful city where there are very few criminals, supervillains, etc. for them to deal with, then their reputation will be difficult to rise unless they are called in by the Association on an emergency mission or request to be transferred to another city.

That was the situation Ming Ling was in, although she was now satisfied with the salary she would get by serving in this Peipei city, she still wanted more. But just like in the past, perhaps she should be patient or find another way.

She was stationed in this town because her powers were useful for protecting the townspeople in the event of an attack by the enemy. Hence she wasn't placed in another area like some of the people she met in that training area.

Ming Ling felt she had to wait for a coincidence to come along, she needed another target so that she could freely go anywhere because if she was caught going to another city during her assignment by the association, she could be punished with a fine or other punishment that was more severe to her reputation.

Ming Ling could just kill any random person she met, but that didn't fit her principles of only killing and using the bodies of supervillains.

Ming Ling opened a kind of registration site to become a mercenary for some needed missions, such as enemy ambush missions, foreign portal escorts and etc.

Ming Ling planned to utilize this to earn money as well as targets. But she had to wear a costume to protect her face from being exposed to trackable cameras, so that she wouldn't be caught shirking her duties as an active hero in the city of Peipei, even though she was sure there must be fellow heroes doing the same thing she was about to do.

The mission with the closest available date was the mission to ambush the secret weapons site of the villain group "Revolution".

It says, "Wanted mercenaries to help the Heroes Association ambush a secret site belonging to the "Revolution" group."


- defensive type power (barrier, elemental): 1 person

- healing type power: 2 person

Pay: $3,000, paid upon completion of the mission.

Conditions: upload a video proof of your power possession to the upload menu if you have registered for this mission. Applications will be reviewed as soon as possible."

Ming Ling didn't want to miss this opportunity. She stopped for a while so that she could register and upload a video of her using her barrier that she had recorded herself to the site.

After that she continued driving and finally entered the city of Peipei, going to the Association's branch office to provide a certificate to be officially stamped and give Ming Ling an official badge as a hero and member of the Heroes Association.

"Here you go, Miss Ming Ling. Congratulations once again on your becoming a hero, we will look forward to contributing to the security of this city with your powers which will be very beneficial," said the receptionist who received the certificate from Ming Ling.

"Thank you, I will definitely do everything to protect the people and security in Peipei city."

Afterwards Ming Ling returned home, transformed back into Kevin, sitting up after three days that had left him a little tired from the intense 6 hours of training every day for those 3 days.

'I'll wear one of Ming Ling's costumes, which she never wore in her previous acts," Kevin thinks.