
I shock the world with my new technologies!

What would you do if you could use the technologies of fictional worlds like Cyberpunk or Call of duty? What would you do if you had access to dark technologies from dark companies like Umbrella Company or OCP. Lucas has transmigrated to an Earth-like world where humans have lost 70% of their entire territory to other races forcing themselves to live isolated lives behind great walls, but the arrival of our protagonist is about to change that.

Pato_das_lendas · Romance
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2 Chs


Chapter 2 enjoy \(°∆°)/.


The fairy danced in the air for a moment before making an electronic screen appear behind her back and changing her outfit into one of a teacher.

( I am Multiversal Research and Technology System, a fair system that will help the host develop new technologies and help their civilization!)

" This is quite suspicious and unrealistic, but I am already in a situation outside the expectations of reality so please continue." I said keeping calm and the fairy gave me a smile before continuing.

( The system is quite simple, you can acquire technologies from any existing universe and reality you know in exchange for contribution points that are acquired when anyone uses your inventions.)

" That .... is very interesting." I paused before saying and thinking about the possibilities of the system, acquiring the technology of any known universe was like a God level walking cheat, imagine if I could build a Cyborque from the Metal Gear universe able to dodge sonic missiles and cut through anything, humanity would be invincible.

(However remember host, you will have to study the knowledge after it is acquired, there is no such thing as instant learning so good luck with your studies!)

The little fairy said with a serious look as if pouring a bucket of cold water on a student who thought the exam would be easy and I couldn't help but let out a bitter smile, " well it could be worse." I thought.

" Do I have any starting bonuses to begin my research or am I starting from scratch?" I asked the little fairy and she gave a mischievous smile and a bunch of confetti and fireworks exploded behind her.

(For the successful download of the system the host won 10,000 initial contribution points spend wisely).


One hour later

" Hmmmm, I get it I get it." I said softly as I walked around the school with my head on the blue screen that only I could see.

Simply put the system offered the complete package of all the technology, methods for making the metals, computer coding and even offered personal assistance if needed.

The only problem was that everything was very expensive, most technologies from other universes just to unlock the option to buy them were tens of thousands of points, that was daylight robbery.

" This is going to be hard." I thought to myself as I talked to myself, even if I had the knowledge I would still lack the equipment needed for production, so I would have to do everything from scratch which would be problematic.

I was a young adoptee of an elderly retired couple and couldn't afford it my only option was to either make money somehow or go with Plan B.

My steps continued to pace as I stopped in front of a door that had writing on the front, Technology Research Department, and I let out a sigh before slowly opening the door.


An explosion occurred inside the room covering me in smoke and ashes for a moment and soon the college fire mechanism was activated causing water to pour down over the entire hallway and department.

"You bastard! Didn't I tell you to be careful with explosives in the room?" I heard a female voice screaming inside the room as the smoke dissipated and soon after a male voice followed, " What I do or don't do is none of your business octopus head!"

" You bastard!" It sounded like two people were arguing and letting out another sigh I walked into the room and looked at what appeared to be a war zone.

Mechanical parts, chips, broken glass, unstable explosives, all kinds of highly dangerous stuff was scattered around the 30 square meter department with less than 3 people, two of whom were arguing in the middle of the place covered in soot and the last one was fast asleep on a table in the corner.

"You made my acids spill! I'm going to kill you." The female figure in black said and picked up a sharp piece of iron from the table scaring the boy who was also covered in black making him recoil in fear, " calm down Samantha there is no need for us to use violence to solve this." The Boy said and started to take a few steps now back startled by the sharp glow of the metal.

"Don't you like to destroy things Samuel? Let's see how you do when I'm done with you." The girl said and prepared to launch herself at the boy leaving me with no choice but to intervene.

" Ahem." I made a grunt with my throat catching the attention of both of them and making them come to their senses before backing away as if nothing had happened, " I'm here to apply for the technology research department to work on my project leading up to the student science fair, I hope we can do well." I declared and without waiting for their agreement I chose a corner of the room and started cleaning up.

In the last 20 years since society has been fully restored, the search for new technologies and weapons has received extreme funding, so much so that every school would take a portion of its money to invest in the department of technological and magical research for students who wish to study and experiment on their own.

And every year students from many different schools have the opportunity to present their projects at a big technology fair held by the government for colleges, companies and research institutions to search for talent through a fair competition.

Now you ask yourself, with such a good condition and even the expenses of the research being covered why there are only 3 students in the department.

This is because the school cut funding from the technology department and put almost all of it into the magical research department, which has started to bear a lot of fruit in the last 3 years.

When the creatures from another world arrived, ours was also flooded with a strange energy that fans of magic affectionately call Mana, only that humans could not use Mana and only rare cases of mutant children capable of using Mana appeared in the population.

But with the coming of the new generation this has become more common, what used to represent 0.2% of the people able to use Mana worldwide has seen an incredible jump to 1.33% among Mana users in the new generation.

This equates to 1 in every 100 people able to use Mana, and since it was a whole new field of research it has started to bear a lot of fruit recently, attracting money from private companies that want to get their hands on this new power.

Magic technology was still in its early stages, but all schools and private and public companies began to invest fervently in it.

This has made resources scarce, causing many students who wanted to do research to drop out and leave the department abandoned.

Of course this is good news for me, although I have to deal with the twins of destruction Samantha and Samuel it would still be possible to build something for the technology festival in 6 months if I take care.

With this in mind I finished cleaning up the corner of the room and set myself a table and a chair before turning on my nootbook and starting to think.