
I shock the world with my new technologies!

What would you do if you could use the technologies of fictional worlds like Cyberpunk or Call of duty? What would you do if you had access to dark technologies from dark companies like Umbrella Company or OCP. Lucas has transmigrated to an Earth-like world where humans have lost 70% of their entire territory to other races forcing themselves to live isolated lives behind great walls, but the arrival of our protagonist is about to change that.

Pato_das_lendas · Sci-fi
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2 Chs


Hello readers, I am making this story based on two Chinese books, one transmigration and one sci-fi.

But I'm going to be as original as possible.

Happy reading.


In a second-rate high school in the city Dawn in district 3.

"Our world was invaded 40 years ago by monsters and other races, we don't know how they came but it didn't take long for a war to break out between the dozens of new races and beings and us humans over territory ...." A bald professor was talking while writing on the board and the students were sleeping or letting out yawns of boredom.

At the end of the room next to the window a young man who had been sleeping suddenly woke up half confused and began to look at his surroundings in surprise as if he had just come out of an unreal dream.

" Have I transmigrated?" Lucas murmured softly but no one paid attention to his murmur except the teacher who felt his reasoning being interrupted.

"Mr. Lucas, I know that history is not the favorite content of either you or your colleagues but I ask for a minimum of respect. Professor Ludger immediately scolded me as I was confused trying to digest the memories of my new body.

My old name was Jack, a trained engineer and a fan of games and anime as well as internet novels, but now I suddenly became a 17-year-old teenager named Lucas in a different world from my original Earth.

This world was very similar to Earth culturally and technologically, the biggest real difference was that there was only one huge continent and a few islands unlike Earth, however sometime in the 18th century the planet suffered a massive world invasion overnight.

Powerful monsters like Dragons, giant wolves, animals capable of using powers never seen before, and not only this but species that only exist in fantasy also appeared.

Elves, dwarves, Beastmen.

All kinds of species appeared and biomes appeared in the world overnight starting a bloody turf war that killed 65 percent of the world's humans and overthrew the global governments, putting the world into a period of war and blood for a decade.

However, humanity began to unite again and established the safe zones behind huge walls of metal and weapons.

These were called districts, but even though they established a form of organization again, humans recovered only 30 percent of their habitable territory and much of the world is still cast into darkness.

I am an orphan found in the ruins of a residential building after an Orc attack in the safe zone, there was no record of any parents or family members and I was given to an orphanage where I grew up until I was 6 before being adopted by a couple of elderly retired people who took care of me with much love.

"Mr. Lucas! Are you listening to me?" Professor Ludger spoke in a stern and loud tone seeing that I didn't pay attention to his earlier warning and feeling my head a bit dizzy I stood up, " I'm sorry professor but I'm not feeling well, can I go to the infirmary?"

"Oh, in that case it's okay to go." The teacher seeing that I looked a little pale gave permission for me to leave and I retreated from the room under the gaze of the other students.

As I closed the door I felt my consciousness ripple one last time before I felt all my memories stabilize and the dizziness end.

" How crazy." I muttered low before continuing walking to an empty place, I needed to digest the new events.

However without me the opportunity to rest a noise sounded within my consciousness.

( Beep! Multiversal Research and Technology System activated!)

I was surprised immediately but continued walking normally, I had already transmigrated so it wasn't a surprise that I received a golden finger like system as well.

I walked quickly through the school before reaching the infirmary which surprisingly was empty and sat down on one of the beds before taking a deep breath.

( Welcome host, would you like to activate the system?)

An electronic voice sounded in my mind before the avatar of a small fairy appeared before my eyes.

I was a little surprised and tried to touch her but my hand just passed through her like a hologram and the little fairy blushed a little as she hid behind her wing.

" Perverted host." She said softly as she looked away and I felt a vein in my forehead pop for some reason.

" Let's start from the beginning, who or what are you."


End of the first chapter, I'll post 1 more tomorrow.