
I rise from my Ash

"I Rise from My Ash" *is a story that teaches us faith in* ourselves and our ability to raise above our challenges. Unlike classic tales of revenge where the female lead suffered injustice, then years later she comes back with a strong rich male lead who would take her revenge for her, her obsessive lover and all, this book aims to teach all but especially women that you are capable of doing it. Aria has no prince charming that would sweep her off her feet and burn thr world for her, rather she is the alpha woman, who built herself from her ashes, stands strong's and takes her revenge from her oppressors. Love isn't all for her as she suffered in love, maybe she would fall in love maybe she is enough for herself, maybe her baby papa is her love interest, but no he isn't, because this book challenges the societal norms of baby papa and baby mama romance as well as rising high above obstacles and challenges. Follow this classic tale of revenge unlike non other.

Ashquill · Urbain
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80 Chs

Chapter fifty one

Stevens pov

" What?" I shouted. Georges skin tone changed to one that had been dead for centuries.

" What kind of a joke is that my dear, am your father, why would I hit you" George said with an awkward smile as he moved towards Selena. I pushed him back and he hit the wall with a thud.

" Don't you dare come close to her otherwise I will break all the bones in your body" I warned him.

" What kind of insolence is this. How dare you hit my son, and that too for trying to go near his own daughter, who are you, huh?. And Selena my child, please don't lie, your father never hit you, right?" Claire said trying to put words into Selena's mouth.

I don't talk back to elderly women otherwise I would have eput her in her place. " Mommah please send her away as well, otherwise they would kill us" Selena said, scared as she hides behind Aria.

" No sweetheart, nothing would happen okay. Now tell me all that happened, mommah is here, I will protect you from the bad people. Stevie too and uncle Josie, we would all protect you, nothing would happen to you. Now tell me exactly what happened" Aria said nudging selena to speak while also assuring her that nothing would happen.

I pinned George down while Joseph blocked the entrance. " Tell us dear, don't be scared, we are all here with you and nothing would happen to you, okay?" Kendall said.

" The other day I was walking to my room when I noticed dad's room was a little open, I wanted to go in and say hi to him, but when I entered I saw him standing with grandma and a brunette haired aunty.." Selena started before Aria cut her off.

" Sorry dear, did you just say you saw your grandma standing?" She asked.

" Yes mommah, grandma was standing on her own two feet" Selena confirmed.

Claire started shaking her head like a headless chicken.

" Go on dear, then what happened" Aria asked turning her concentration back to Selena.

" I saw them talking, dad was saying he would kill us and takeover the company, and grandma said she had to feign her illness so that you would agree with her. Dad also said he is doing all this for his and brunette aunty's future. I was very scared and dropped my phone which attracted their attention"

" Dad warned me that if I tell you anything he will kill you, and I don't want to loose my mommah, so I didn't say anything. But yesterday in the morning dad came back home and found me studying. He said he would help me study but I refused, then he started beating me with a belt, and when he tried to catch me I slipped and hit my head with the center table. I don't know anything after that" Selena explained.

My blood boiled, George donton just decided to court death, I will teach him a lesson he would never forget.

" Am so sorry sweetheart, don't worry, mommah is here, nothing can happen to you or me, okay?. Now take rest, you are still recovering, let mommah deal with this, ok" Aria said as she helped Selena to kay back down.

" No mommah please don't go, what if they kill you" Selena said holding Arias hand. " Don't worry baby, mommah is very strong and nothing can happen to me okay, just lay down and rest, trust me okay" she said as she slipped her hand from Selena's.

" Steven, you know what to do right?" She said as she gave me a glance from her shoulder.

" Sure" I nodded. With a single hit on the back I made George unconscious. Joseph went out and came back with an anesthesia two minutes later. Selena's eyes were closed so that she doesn't have to see what would happen.

I took one injection and administered it to George while Joseph administered the other to Claire, they were soon unconscious. Claire was already on a wheelchair so we got another wheelchair and took George out.

After taking them to the car Aria called me. " Steven, we would only do the needful, we won't take full action on our own okay?" She said

I understood what she meant and we took the two back the Dontons house. 40 mins drive and we were at the entrance of the Dontons house, since they all knew who Aria was they didn't question us.

Aria went inside first and told all the maids to go that why have been given a months break and will get the full payment by the end of the month.

When everything was clear, Joseph and I took the two morons inside. We tied them up in Claire's bedroom which was a more secluded spot of the house.

" What to do with them now?" Joseph asked.

" We will handle George to the police" Aria said.

" What about Claire and the brunette woman?" He asked again

" George would tell us about the brunette woman, then we would know how to deal with her. As for Claire, she was only part of the scheme, she didn't really do anything so it's not enough for the police to arrest her".

" So we would make her go bankrupt, and make sure no home shelter take her in, with time she would have to look for money to feed and care for herself. She would then be reduced to a maid who scrape dishes to feed herself, after that she won't have the opportunity to plot murders again and would wallow in sorrow forever"

" I wanted to be considerate because she was a mother, but she clearly doesn't have the heart of a human, and even her sickness is fake, now she would learn the hard way" Aria explained.

" Okay, that fair enough" Joseph said with a shrug. Aria went inside and said I should call her if they regain conciousness, while Joseph and I sat down in the room each minding their own business.

Two hours later we saw signs of Thomas regaining conciousness, I gave aria a call and she soon arrived.

With heavy eyes Thomas tried opening his eyes, the anesthesia hasn't woren of completely. We gave him 10 mins to get himself together before we started questioning him.

" So Mr George donton, you want to kill me and my daughter right, come on and do it if you have the gut" Aria said as she walked in circles around him.

" Aria, please let me go, I promise not to interfere with your life again" George replied.

" Ofcourse I would let you go, I have no reason to keep you, but you have to answer a question of mine, that too truthfully, otherwise I will shoot a bullet right through your head and no body would know about it" aria threatened, pulling the trigger of her gun.

" What is it, I promise I would answer you, just please don't kill me" he begged.

" Who is the brunette woman Selena was talking about" she asked

His face was clouded with fear, and he bent his head refusing to say a thing.

" Very well then, since you prefer death than opening your eyes, I will grant you your wish, but know that I will find that woman no matter what" Aria said as she pulled the trigger and aimed for George's head.

" No, no, please, I would talk, I would talk. The woman is my girlfriend, Tracy, Tracy rosewood" George said closing his eyes.

" Good choice. Steven call up the police and file a case against George, case of violence, child abuse and attempted murder. I want you to press serious charges on him and make sure to pressure the higher authorities and make sure he serves severe punishment in jail" Aria said and I turn to do as she said.

George started begging and pleading but his destiny has already been decided now.