
I reincarnated with a delivery system(Finishing my other fanfic)

Kanashimi is the guy with a cheerful attitude an orphan and doesn't have a friend or basically a loner although he is quite handsome.His past time is reading a fanfic watching some anime Kanashimi just sleep at night and he got reincarnated as a delivery man. he got a delivery system which can travel many worlds (A/N:book cover not mine)

Wazzup18 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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reincarnated as a delivery guy.

There is a young man who is giving a help to an old beggar, but still 'don't judge the book by it's cover'anyway back to the story.

There is a young man who is giving a food to the old beggar.

The young man name is kanashimi he's an orphan, and doesn't even know what his parent's look like.Although he doesn't even know his parents this doesn't even became an obstacle to him instead it made him to have a courage to continue in life.He is 15 year's old now have a part time job being waiter, and he is an otaku reading some fanfiction,novel became his past time since he doesn't even have a friend because although he is quite handsome he doesn't have a courage to take initiative to ask other people being his friend, but he is cheerful when helping others, but the reality is he really is a cheerful person.

"Hello elder please accept this burger although it wasn't that much."kanashimi said cheerfully.

"its ok even if it's not that much and i'll accept it, ok thanks for the food young man"the old beggar said with a gratified expression, and a smile on his face .

"No problem." Said with a smile because whenever he see a smile when he is helping others.

After that kanashimi walk and started to cross the road suddenly there's a sound.


Kanashimi can see a truck heading towards him, and thought.

"Maybe this is truck-kun well i wonder where i will be reincarnate or will i meet a creator"kenzuo close his eyes and was deep in thought he suddenly hear a sound.


"I guess this is it good b-" before he can continue he felt weird that there isn't even a bit of pain, and when he open his eyes he can only see the truck crash in the utility pole.

*Sigh*Kanashimi sigh in disappointment but he suddenly thought something.

"Is the driver alright?"Kenzuo thought worriedly then he run, and check if the driver is still alive.When he check it he can see the driver seems like drunk because there is a bottle of beer in the ground, and in his hand.

"Maybe he is only just unconscious because of the beer but better to call an ambulance."After kanashimi said that he dialed the number of ambulance and said that there is an accident, and told them about the location, and end the call.After 15 mins of waiting the ambulance just arrive, and inspect the truck driver and said that he is only just unconscious because the driver is just drunk.After that i thank them, and get home already it's already late

After kanashimi ate his dinner, he goes straight in his bedroom which only contain a bed, Laying on his bed watching some anime, and reading a fanfic after that he glance at the time.

"It's already 12:53 gotta go sleep now, I still have a classes in the morning and a work at evening."kanashimi said as he closed his eyes, and sleep.


*Yawn*"gotta go t-"kanashimi yawn and said before stopping, and look around the room have some cracks,but he have a electric fan which he doesn't have.

"This isn-" before he can continue he can see some of his memory having a sister, but not blood related, and being a delivery guy.

"Did i reincarnate or did we swap body,and for the first most likely because i have his memory and seeing him or me being in pain last night, but most importantly i have a sister."kanashimi said excitedly,and added with a smile"i will have a friend's now, and protect my sister maybe i'm a sis con"with a chuckle.

"Kanashimi onii-san the breakfast is ready."mizumi or my sister calling me.

(She look like yuki mizumi search it on google)

"ok ok i'm coming"kanashimi said in cheerful tone since the past person of this body have a cheerful attitude like him no matter what, so he doesn't have to act just be himself.

When kanashimi arrived he can only just see an egg, and have his self a promised"i will give her a life that she wanted with his beauty alone living in this old apartment, and when i see that she doesn't even complain, and even smile in my past memory i'll do what i can to give her what life she wants."that's the promise of kanashimi in his self.

"Kanashimi-onii san why are you in daze?are you ok onii-san?"mizumi said in a worried tone.

"i'm ok you don't need to worry, and why are you still not eating the food is getting cold"kanashimi said with a smile.

"are you really ok onii-san?you don't need to attend a work if you're not ok."mizumi said.

"I'm really ok you don't need to worry about me."kanashimi said with a smile since he is all alone in past so for the first time he felt warm he is really glad that he die-*cough*i mean reincarnate.

"ok onii-san you need to eat and take a bath since we have a school today."mizumi said

This the challenge for a reincarnated person but for kanashimi it is not since his score is all average, As long you don't fail it's ok.

Kanashimi sat down,and eat the breakfast after eating breakfast kanashimi walked in the bathroom to take a bath. When he is in the bathroom he see his face he have a white hair, yellow eyes but he have a very average face, although his eyes is different this does not change since he have a average face.

Kanashimi and mizumi walk together in the school gate, but when they arrive at his classroom they have to be separate since mizumi is quite smart, and she is in class-A.While i'm in class B entering the classroom he greeted some of his friend which is taiga and tenki who is his childhood friends or rather the past person of this body.

"Yo!kanashimi are you still dating the class-A beauty"taiga said teasingly.

Kanashimi know that this is only just a joke since the past kanashimi reveal that mizumi is his sister which leave them dumbfounded, so he acted with them"Yeah!of course i dated her what about you guys?do you already have a girlfriend?."

(A/N:this will be only just a sample:)