
I Reincarnated as a God! , so I built my own World.

DaoCultivativater · Fantaisie
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2 Chs

Ch-1:A Simple Death.

Almost it's been a two years since Liam has been bound to the hospital bed ,the scenery has not changed for almost months.

Same faces for the last two years, that detestable doctor, the impatient nurse and and his family members.

….'A weak heart' …..

that's the words all his acquaintances uttered while he himself was bound to stay in the hospital ,every single day for the last two years.

Operation upon operation ,endless bitter medicines,guilt invoking large numbers on the bills and pitied looks . A common occurrence by this time ,Liam as usual was laid back with his tablet in his hand ,sliding up as he reads comics and novels.

There was no one in the room but Liam was unbothered by it , Liam was the middle child of his family.

His older brother was already done with his bachelors and his younger brother was in highschool,of course he was totally ignored as a typical middle child until his heart disease became a honker asking for attention with a fountain of blood at his highschool graduation.

He was diagnosed with a ...…..(very big name) heart disease which by his dammed cursed!! LUCK! was only found one-in-a-million people .

It was of no use denying,

'He was going to die'

perhaps it was a shock at initial but it totally subsided by time .

"Arghhh!! This author! Why didn't you realease the chapter on time !! "

Liam cursed while glaring at his phone screen.

His only stress realease was to read comic and novels illegally on websites.


A gash of blood oozing from his mouth drenched his attire,he was baffled beyond sense " is this...… how I'm going to die...…...mom?...….".

These was the last words that came out of his mouth as he slid down his hospitable bed and fainted .

Chaotic, He was like in a strange state as he found himself consciously awoke,he could not speak or move but he could hear his mother screams, the rush around him as he heard that dammed insensitive doctor and nurse pair operate on him.

He was calm , totally as if a still pond as he himself found it strange but one could not dispute/refute to their own inner self .If it wants to be calm so be it , stay calm.

"Hmmm feels ...good?…. As if ….my soul is fading away from my body...…..hmm?!...wah!!.. ...….wait wait wait...…..NO!!..." Liam though as he drifted in said coldness of the dead.

Stillness surrounded his senses and then suddenly he felt like his presence turned into the smallest fragment possible in an instant!!

He felt as if space itself was bending and dissolving,as if he was pulled out of the very fabric of space. Alex felt insignificant in that moment,everything felt meaningless. "Is this how everyone dies...…a little unique experience per say",Alex thought to himself.

Honestly he felt wronged,he was wronged!! He was only a little over 19!!

Disregarding his years on the hospital bed,he only lived a little. School,home,relations and society had all taken bits of his little time.he had not even lived to experience his own unique life.

"Is this because I'm a atheist that I'm drifting in this strange state and not going to heaven...….or..hell? If there is a god then isn't he a little…..petty?",Liam was contemplating to himself as he only later turned into an atheist and was quite devoted to religion/god till his early teens.

"Oh well...…you reap what you sow. I don't really want to go to hell!! This is still a looooooot! Better than going there. But still... I'll like meet my dead cat,Theo ....*sigh* ..when am I going to stop floating!! Dam**t".

Liam did not have a ...let's say …a very good perception of time…he felt like a eternity pass by when in fact only a little over a day had gone by.

Only then after time felt like a pesky shard did a sudden figure emerged in front of Liam did he came back into his senses.

A golden heavenly figure emerged from the endless space,it shone brightly lighting the surroundings in its golden rays. It felt like the figure was endlessly enormous. It may appear comprehensible but it was like there was an difference in the purity and density between the figure and the small candle size soul of Liam.

Hello I’m this novel’s author/writer , DAOCULTIVATOR.

please do my pardon my lack of English comprehension ability in writing as it is my second language.I hope you enjoy my first work.

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