
The Return of the Hero

Six days later, Murano spotted Yui and stopped her. Yui looked at Murano and noticed she was different. Her whole personality was different. Yui closed her eyes and walked past Murano. Murano looked at her.

"Where's Yufumi?" Murano asked.

Yui stopped and Suzumi did also then looked back at Murano. Murano was confused and looked at them.

"She's gone. She's going through an important recovery. She burned out." Yui said. "She's with Leona so she's safe."

"She's not dead?" Murano asked.

"No. She's alive. I need to tie up some loose ends." Yui said and vanished then Suzumi followed.

Himiya walked up towards Murano and looked ahead. Himiya pat Murano's shoulders. With me gone and the Human Realm saved, the Demon Princesses try to figure out future plans for the rest of their lives. Murano sighed and smiled then looked at the sky.

"You never seize to surprise me, Yufumi.." Murano said then walked off with her hands in her pocket. Himiya followed.

Meanwhile with the remnants of the Nightmare Assembly, they found a base and rested there. They talked about future plans and then heard a knock at the door. Saya got up to answer the door and saw a woman with a cloak and mask on.

"Uhm hello?" Saya said.

"It's me." Stella said and took off her mask.

"Stella?! W-What are you doing here?" Saya asked. "Wait, you--"

"I heard news you all wanted to remake the Nightmare Assembly...I am happy to help you." Stella smiled.

Everyone looked at her and were shocked. Another woman walked up and leaned to the side and waved.

"Gloria?" Kielazar looked at her.

"Yep! I want in on this." Gloria smiled. "Even if the Human Realm is saved, the Unknown Order is still out there. We will stop them and prevented the spread of the Unknown Order."

"Oh? What about the Dark Lords?" Sazuka asked.

"They left the Human Realm. They've gone out into different Realms." Gloria said.

"And the Zodiacs?" Miyuna asked.

"Gone out to choose their next set of knights." Gloria nodded. "The Fourth Generation."

Everyone nodded and smiled. Stella looked back and saw Zain then walked towards him. She smiled and took off his mask. He chuckled and looked at her.

"What are you gonna do?" Stella asked.

"I'm leaving to investigate other Realms. I know there is danger out there who wish to target the Human Realm, so I will defend this Realm my own way." Zain said.

"Will we meet again?" I asked.

"Maybe..I can't promise you I'll be safe. I can promise that I'll do my best to keep you updated." Zain smiled and kissed Stella's forehead.

"Okay.." Stella closed her eyes and smiled.

Zain took a step back and nodded then vanished into a portal and the portal closed. Stella walked back towards the others and went inside with them.

Zofia sat in front of a tombstone and stared at it. She closed her eyes then heard footsteps behind her. She opened her eyes and looked back then stood up and summoned her staff. A woman in a hoodie with her hood over her head looked at Zofia.

"Calm down. There's no use in fighting me, I'm just wandering around." The woman said.

"Why are you here. This place is off limits." Zofia said.

"The graveyard is off limits. Hmph." She put her hands in her pockets then her yellow eyes glowed. "So you're the Grave Inspector?"

"What?" Zofia rose an eyebrow.

"The Cemetery Watcher. The Afterlife Guider. The Purgatory Captain. How is the graveyard off limits. Do you live here?" The woman asked.

"I do in fact.." Zofia said.

"Yuck. How do you shower or bathe?" The woman asked.

Zofia pointed to the house to her right. The woman looked at the house and understood. She rubbed the back of her head and sighed.

"Look I'm gonna come clean. I'm looking for Yufumi. Have any idea where she is?" She asked.

"What business do you have with her?" Zofia asked.

"You're her guardian also..?" The woman sighed. "My name is Kanna. I'm a Master Marksman for the Order of Justice. Our leader, Rushina is looking for her."

"Rushina..Look I don't know where Yufumi is located either. She disappeared after the fight with Trickster. No one has seen her in days..." Zofia said.

"Sigh. It's always a hunt with these situations." Kanna sighed. "Thank you anyway."

Kanna walked away and Zofia closed her eyes then sat back down. Kanna went to search for me once more.

Meanwhile at Weshina, I slowly opened my eyes and sat up slowly. I grunted and held my left eye. I looked around and noticed I was in a shrine. I saw a male sitting outside looking at the moon. I got up and slowly walked my way towards him. Leona raised her head and she was in Lion Form. I saw a black cat around his shoulder. He had short brown hair and amber eyes. He wore a jacket with his sleeves rolled up and a pendant around his neck. I saw marking all around his right arm.

"You're...not Tatsuya..." I said softly in a tired voice.

"Great observation.." The male said and closed his eyes. "Why aren't you resting..?"

"I don't feel tired anymore...I want to know where I am." I looked at him.

"You're in my home...Weshina. This is the Shrine of the Gold Dragon...me. My name is Menom, my partner Crea is watching over us in her dragon form. Get more rest while you can. You are still unable to use your power." Menom said.

"How do you know..? I feel fine." I said.

"Then summon your sword." He said and kept his eyes closed.

I looked at him and tried to summon my blade, but only managed to generate weak sparks from my hand. I looked at my arm and noticed it was still healing.

"It's best you listen to him." Leona said. "He's the one who healed you after all."

"Yes...once you fully recover..then we can leave this place." Menom said.

I sighed and nodded I walked back to the rest pad and laid back down. I looked at the roof then closed my eyes. It's been six days since I was recovering and even though I'm fine...my power hasn't returned and yet Leona is still here. Whatever power I have left is what's allows me to see her and that's it. I'm hoping I can recover quickly so I can get back to the others.