
The Battle That Decides All

"If you wish to save your precious home...you will have to get through me.." Trickster said.

He vanished and we got prepared to battle. He appeared and attacked me, but I blocked his attacks and jumped back and Yui dashed towards him and shot him with wind magic. He brushed the attacks off like they were nothing then he kicked Yui in the air and blasted her with black lightning. Yui got hit and yelled in pain.

"Yui!" I jumped up to catch her and noticed the gravity was lighter. Yui panted and looked at Trickster and got out of my arms.

"Come Zodiacs...show me your true power. Show me how much you want to save your Realm!" Trickster said and vanished.

He appeared and slashed, but we dodged in the air and slashed back. He vanished again and appeared slashing, and we kept dodging and slashing back. He appeared above me and blasted me down with heavy wind. My sword flew out of my hand and I crashed on the ground. I grunted and my sword stuck to the ground beside my head.

"I'll take it from here!" Yui said.

Yui got in a stance and Trickster landed on the ground. Yui dashed towards Trickster and shot magic at him continuously. Trickster dodged quickly and teleported behind her and kicked her back. Yui grunted and rolled forward then looked back, seeing Trickster gone. She looked up and saw he had me in the air surrounded in black aura and he began draining my energy.

"Yu-chan! If I don't stop him now, Yu-chan will meet her doom!" Yui ran towards Trickster and turned her staff into a pole arm and threw it at him.

He dodged and dropped me then Yui jumped and went for a punch, but he blocked it. Her staff came back and hit him against his head and she yelled, throwing him down to the ground. I landed on my feet and picked up my sword. He crashed on the ground and Yui landed beside me.

"You failures will not stand in my way!" Trickster bellowed and his aura surged.

He created an illusion and they both vanished and reappeared, attacking us. We blocked and struck back quickly, holding out ground. His illusion circled around me and summoned lasers around me. They shot at me at the same time then I blocked them. He circled me and summoned lasers again. They came at me all at once then I blocked them once more. My aura surged and I slashed in a circle and made the illusion disappear.

"Yu-chan!" Yui tossed her staff in the air.

I looked up and jumped up and grabbed the staff and turned it into a sword then landed on my feet and dashed towards Trickster and quickly struck him with my right sword. I spun in a circle and struck him multiple times then slashed through him and he grunted and flew in the air. I threw the sword above him then Yui warped to the sword and slashed down, sending him to the ground.

"Kagutsuchi!" I bellowed and shot a huge fireball at him and Yui summoned a huge whirlwind and the fireball made contact with the whirlwind.

"Zodiac Burst: Inferno Tempest!" We both bellowed and the tornado exploded and caused Trickster to be blown back.

"This is starting to get interesting now..." Trickster stood up and his hair covered his eyes, but we could see his smirk. "Let's see if you can survive this!"

He bellowed and his dark aura surged powerfully around him and the entire dimension turned black and portals opened around us. He summoned a barrier of arrows around us. He held his hand out and snapped his fingers. The arrows began shooting at us at high speeds. We began reflecting the arrows quickly. Some of the arrows scratched my legs and arms. Some arrows scratched Yui's cheek.

"You survived that?! I'm not even getting started yet!" Trickster bellowed and the arrows turned black then shot at us faster.

Yui summoned a barrier around us and blocked the arrows to the best of her abilities. Trickster began warping towards the arrows and striking the barrier Yui set up.

"Sync with me Yufumi!" Leona said.

I began building up Zodiac Energy and grunted. Flames sparked around my body. Trickster kept hitting the barrier and it began to crack. I felt my canine teeth grow sharper and my hair slowly turned to flames. I bellowed and the barrier shattered and my Zodiac Energy surged powerfully. My Indomitable Will allowed me to break limits I didn't know I even had. My hair was red and in the style of flames. Flames surged around my body quickly and I was in my Level 1 Zodiac Mode. The dark dimension shattered and we returned to the dimension Trickster created.

"What- This power.." Trickster looked at me.

I growled and my body shook. I opened my eyes and the Kami Yaoke formed in my eyes. Trickster and Yui looked at me in shock.

"Are you ready Partner?" I asked.

"Always." Leona said.

"Leona..." Cosima looked at us then smiled.

I dashed towards Trickster in blazing speeds and let out a roar and slashed. Trickster blocked the attack and I managed to push him back. He grunted and the Indigo Symbol shined then shattered.

"What?!" He looked at me. "Indomitable Will..the Leo Form of it, Undying Pride!"

"Time doesn't affect me when I'm in this form remember?!" I kicked Trickster back and stabbed the blade of my sword into the ground and dashed towards Trickster. I slashed upwards and struck him directly and Yui blasted him down with a powerful wind.

"Go!" Yui yelled and nodded.

My swords vanished and Leona appeared behind me and held my arms. My arms began glowing and I looked at her. She smiled and fused with my body. We became one and I dashed towards Trickster.

"I will not lose! I will not fail Chaos!" Trickster yelled and summoned multiple portals and shot beams at me.

"Leo!" I dodged the beams and slid under one then rolled forward and sprang into the air.

"Die already!" Trickster said and opened a bigger portal and shot a large beam at me.

"Flame!" I dodged the beam and stopped. "Burst!"

"You wish to protect your Universe but you will fail in the end! This is my ultimate attack! Grand Annihlation Beam!" Trickster opened a gigantic portal and shot a huge beam at me.

"Frenzy!" I bellowed and released a large beam of fire.

The two beams collided and it shook the dimension a bit. Yui screamed and stabbed her staff into the ground and held on for dear life.

"You managed to hold on for this long, but I will destroy you!" Trickster laughed and made the beam more powerful.

"Leona...! I can't hold on for much longer..!" I grunted and slid back. The dimension began shattering.

"You have to do it Yufumi! This is the fate of the universe we are talking about! We can not give up here!" Leona bellowed. "Let go of all doubt you have and focus on what's in front of you! That's all that matters right now! Stand your ground and Transcend!"

I closed my eyes and yelled then my flames flashed white. I didn't want to lose, I didn't want to die! Katsuguchi, Miyachi, Himiya, Murano, Hinari, Yui...I will not fail you!

"I will not lose!" I opened my eyes and they were fully white. "I refuse to lose!"

The flames began burning my arms. The dimension shattered and we appeared in the real world once more and I yelled and it echoed.

"Wait guys! Look at that!" Hinari pointed.

"What the hell is that..?" Katsuguchi looked at the large beam struggle.

Arcane watched from a cliff. She looked at the ground and felt it shaking, watching the surroundings evaporate.

"Help me!" Shizaki held onto Mikoko.

"This power! It's so dangerously powerful!" Mikoko held onto Shizaki.

"Is this the power the Dark Lords fear..?" Kufka asked.

"Yes...A True Hero." Li Mailin said.

Gloria stopped and felt the ground shaking and looked up, seeing the large beam struggle and fell to the ground and panicked. The 10 Zodiac Crystals she had glowed and their spirits flew towards me.

"Is that all you got?! Show me that true power, True Hero!" Trickster laughed.

"My body...growing weaker..." I grunted and noticed my beam weakening.

The 10 other Zodiacs fused in my body and my flames shined a rainbow color. I felt my power increase once again and I stomped my foot down and yelled.

"Yufumi.." Stella said and put on her mask and clipped on her cloak. "I believe in you.."

Zain watched from another cliff and smirked. Kielazar sensed the intense Zodiac Power. Saya and Miyuna held onto each other and were afraid. Izumi watched from her horse. Su Yi closed her eyes and Sazuka looked out the window.

"For my friends, my family, for everyone! I will win! For the Ancient Hero!" I bellowed.

Yui's hand slipped and she was blown away then Suzumi caught her and vanished. My beam overpowered Trickster's and he was surprised and he had a flashback.

"I just can't beat you..can I..? Steven..." He said to himself. "I've accepted my fate..."

My beam blasted him and grew in size then slowly vanished. The 10 other Zodiacs left my body and I panted then fell on my knees and turned normal. I saw them look at me then recognized the Aquarius Zodiac and held my hand out then passed out. Leona left my body and looked at me. My arms were nothing but crisps now. I used every bit of my power in that attack.

"You...almost...killed me.." Trickster stood up slowly and coughed blood. "I've accepted my fate...My path of pure destruction!"

Trickster bellowed and grunted as he was stabbed through his heart and looked back slowly. Yui had turned her staff into a sword and stabbed him.

"Leave this Universe alone!" Yui yelled and slashed upwards and killed the real Trickster. She dropped the sword and ran towards me and rolled me over. She held my head and put her ear close to my face. I was still breathing. "Yu-chan...I'm glad you're still alive. We did it...we won. Now all there's left is Chaos. We promise to kill him for good...When you wake up..we can be together and protect the Realm.."

Leona floated down and picked me up and Yui looked at her. She nodded and disappeared. Yui stood up and closed her eyes. Suzumi looked at her and her eyes glowed. Arcane walked up to Yui.

"I'll handle Chaos...You Demon Princesses have done your part. You can rest. There is nothing else for you to do." Arcane pat Yui's shoulder and closed her eyes. She walked into a portal and it closed.

Yui opened her eyes and looked at the sky. She didn't want to sit still but she had no choice...She sighed.

"Fine...I'll deal with the Hell Born remnants.." Yui said.