
God is that you?

When Alt awoke from his trance like state, he noticed the spider was already dead. While he was attacking the spider, everything felt like a dream to him, due to single mindedly attacking and reviving while ignoring any and all wounds on himself, he didn't have a clear memory of how exactly the fight took place. All that was left was the bodies and blood all over the place, and the spider's corpse. Then he realized he had already cleared the objective, he started looking around trying to see if something had changed, when he looked behind him he saw a large gate had appeared where before, there has only a wall. The gate was black with a gold colored silhouette in a shape of a tree engraved in it. He slowly approached the doors, wary that hidden dangers might be lurking around, and when he reached the gate he muttered "Am I supposed to open this?" to which a electronic voice answered "Current Objective, Pass Through The Gate." Alt was startled since he did not expect an answer to his random question. He studied the gate for a while but could not find anything new, so he proceeded to open the gate, holding swords in both of his hands to be ready to fight just in case he was attacked. When he passed through the gate, he was met by a bright white space causing him to cover his eyes, as he slowly tried to get used to the brightness, he noticed that he was feeling the same sensation that he felt while in the dark void, he could feel his body, and that he was standing, but nothing else. He also realized he was also no longer holding his swords, which slightly worried him, but he strangely felt at home, possibility due to the fact that it was so similar in sensation to his only save haven when he was being killed repeatedly. When Alt got used to the brightness of the space, he opened his eyes, it seemed as if the whole space around him was glowing, completely opposite to the dark void he was in before, which felt like it was absorbing all and any light. What he noticed then, was that there was someone standing in front of him, several meters away. What intrigued him was that the other person was floating several meters above the "floor" seemingly sitting on air, and they looked as if they were glaring at him, the other person had shiny silver/white hair that seemed to slightly blend in with their surroundings while still somehow popping out from the surrounding white space, they had a pair of golden eyes that looked like they were shining, their face was quite beautiful, but seemed androgynous even with the long hair, due to the flatness of their chest and pale white skin and frail looking arms and legs, they looked young like a 14-15 year old, but they had majestic yet inhuman aura that seemed to draw his gaze in, they were wearing a light blue robe which went from the person's shoulders down to their knees. It seemed as if it mirrored a sunny sky with no clouds in sight. As he was quietly staring unable to look away, the other person started talking, they had a young sounding voice similar to that of a child, sounding too high to be a male but not high enough to easily identify as a female, the other person asked him "Are you just going to stand their gawking at me like a idiot? Don't you have any questions, or did the tutorial make you go completely insane?", which caused him to break free from his dazed state, but he couldn't form any words so suddenly so he was only able to stutter "Uh-umm" "So- um" "Uhhh" "Where-, which was promptly interrupted by the other person "Uhgg enough! God your annoying, breath in slowly and then exhale, just calm down, and organize your thoughts!"

Alt did as he was told and managed to calm down in a couple of breaths, he then asked "Who are you?" after a moment of odd silence the other person answered "I'm something akin to a God, I don't really care what you call me as long as you don't disrespect me..., oh and please don't pray to me that stuff is just annoying deal with your own problems please." Then the self proclaimed god went quiet, and started twirling her hair while glaring at him, as if to ask "anymore questions?" Alt's mind went blank from the fact that the other person had called their self a God, causing him to go quiet again. The other person then continued talking, presumably taking Alt's silence as fact that he had no more questions, they started to explain where and why Alt was here, "So well first of all yes, you have died, more accurately you killed yourself well everyone that comes here has, anyways so as to why you are here, you have been lucky or unlucky chosen from a 3/4 chance to be able to take part in The Games Of Godhood, created mainly by a certain assh*le, and co created by me." Which then Alt asked "What are The Games Of Godhood?"