
I Need A Hero

Main paring: jin/Hiro Chen is tired seeing his half-Chinese friend continue to mourn the death of his cousin. This becomes the reason why he signs him, jin and jehyun to a summer camp. That would have been the case if he read the ad properly before signing them up for a boot camp made for troublemakers instead. The trio loses hope as they realized how much trouble they were in. Also wanting to murder the butterfly that caused this. However they also unexpectedly meet a handful of people who makes their boot camp experience into something more that just a boot camp, especially for Jin "Chen when you said I need a hero I thought you meant H-E-R-O not H-I-R-O" - Jin

lalieleo · Politique et sciences sociales
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23 Chs



was he not allowed to have one peaceful day? Jin knew he was hated by the heavens which is why he wasn't that surprised to what he has awoken to.

waking up in your camp infirmary a day after and learning that your cousin's cousin is here because someone(Chen) called him here and that the same cousin would be staying until the last day of camp was not the best experience.

he clicked his tongue, raising his fist and using it to hit Chen behind his head. ❝what is he doing here? ❞ he used his other hand to point at Junghoon who sat on the other side of the bed on a stool, busy with his phone.

Chen rubbed the sore spot, grumbling some complains under his breath in his native language that he knew Jin understood. ❝like I said, we called Junghoon after you blacked out and now he's staying for the rest of the summer❞

❝which I do not want to too but sadly my brother excitedly had someone pack my bags and throw it in the car with me behind it and instructing the driver to pick us up on the last day of camp❞ Junghoon explained, voice bitter once he mention his older brother who is probably enjoying that he had the mansion all to himself and the company. ❝that ass—❞

❝rule number 11, no cursing❞ Chen interputed, showing his pointer finger, stopping Junghoon from cursing.

❝r-right❞ Junghoon was flustered that he was scolded and decided to go back to Jin. nevertheless he started to sermon the younger. ❝what did I tell you about those thoughts of yours? you have the same condition as noona so you have to be careful . do—❞

❝I get it OK!? ❞

Junghoon flinched, snapping his mouth shut after the younger literally exploded in anger. he grew alarmed as Jin held his chest. he quickly pulled him closer and started rubbing his back.

❝breath... breath jin❞

❝what do you think I'm doing? ❞ Jin snarled, rolling his eyes. ❝holding my breath? ❞

❝not cool jin❞ Chen was quickly shut up as the two turned towards him and glared. if there wasn't a cussing rule, he guessed the two would give him the middle finger.

❝what the... Chen I said take care of Jin not make him worse! ❞ Jehyun cried, entering the infirmary with a tray. it was Jin's breakfast consisting of a bowl of oatmeal, milk, and a cookie for dessert. he walked up at the two before placing the tray somewhere on the bed. ❝I brought some breakfast❞

❝thanks hyun❞ Junghoon said, pulling away from Jin before gesturing the younger to give him the tray. once he had it, he placed it on Jin's lap. he took the spoon that came with it before taking a good amount of out meal and placing it in front of Jin. ❝say ah! ❞

Jin looked at the older skeptically. he leaned slightly back as the spoon was on his closed lips. he gave a look of her to his two friends but only got encouraging smiles. heavens he feels like a child.

it took him a while before deciding to open his mouth. ❝ah? ❞ he let the spoon enter his mouth before closing it and letting Junghoon pull it out a few seconds after. he took his time chewing the oatmeal and sa or its bland taste.

Junghoon nodded his head with pride, patting the younger's shoulder before going to get another spoon. he always wondered what it was like taking someone younger than him. it made him remember how much he wanted a younger sibling as a child. he shook his head.

❝you should rest. relax to say the least. it's the summer jin❞ he said to him.

Jin gave the older a look, cheeks puffing As he was chewing the oatmeal. ❝but I'm fine ❞

❝and you blacking out is fine? ❞ Junghoon placed the bowl down before placing his hands on his hips, giving a stern look. ❝we may not be directly related but noona handed you to my hands so it's my responsibility to watch over you ❞

at the mention of their noona, defeaning silence filled the room. somewhat taboo for them, they try their best to not say it but sadly they have to.

❝fine, ❞ Jin said after a few minutes, ❝I guess you can take care of me❞

Junghoon smiled before ruffling the younger'S hair which earned a whine from Jin and chuckles from Jehyun and Chen.


❝good to have you back jin❞ Jake nod his head at Jin's direction before ma ing to Junghoon who stood in one corner of their cabin with his arms crossed. ❝and good to have you here junghoon❞

Junghoon gave a forced smile. ❝it's a pleasure jake❞ it wasn't really a pleasure as he had to share a bed with Chen since there are only three beds or he could sleep on the floor with a sleeping bag. he chose the former as he didn't want to suffer from back pains for a month straight.

Chen squealed, clapping his hands before taking out junghoon's bags that he retrieved(stole) from Junghoon before pushing it towards his bed. speaking of bags, junghoon's consisted of one gym bag and a rolling suitcase.

Jin could only stare, not shaking his head as Jake was still there. he couldn't believe that Chen was that enthusiastic about staring a bed.

❝this is great❞ Chen said while falling on top of his blanket, ❝we get to spend sometime with Junghoon hyung❞

Jehyun, Jin, and Junghoon shared a look. they knew where this going.

❝what do you need now Chen? ❞ Junghoon asked from his spot. he swore he saw Chen suddenly glow Up at his question.

❝it's something easy hyung❞

❝the only time he calls someone with formalities is when he is desperately in need❞ Jin said out loud, forgetting that Jake was still in their room. ❝this isn't going to end well❞

❝it certainly isn't ❞ Junghoon agreed from his spot on his bed

❝what is senior high like? ❞ Chen asked, taking his pillow and plopping his elbows on top of it with curious eyes.

Junghoon sucked in a breath, debating if he should tell the cold hard truth or sugar-coat it. it took him a moment before deciding to answer and bring his arms down. ❝it's good like as a freshman but—❞

❝see!? ❞

Everyone flinched at Chen high pitched voice.

❝senior high isn't that bad❞

❝it certainly isn't ❞

jin suddenly snapped his fingers, remembering that Jake was still there. his bad for forgetting.

❝ I forgot you're still here ❞ Jehyun remarked, showing no remorse for what he said to the older. ❝I thought you left❞

rude child, Jake thought while smiling sweetly. ❝it's ok. you guys were bisy talking with Junghoon anyway❞ he clasped his hands together. ❝anyhow, wake up extra early. we're going somewhere tomorrow❞

❝where are we going this time? ❞ Chen asked, genuinely terrified as the last time they went somewhere ended up with him crossing a bridge in the air.

❝I can assure Chen that there isn't any bridges suspended in the air❞ that was all Jake said. ❝anyway, see you tomorrow❞

the four watched as the Councillor left the cabin with door shut behind him before letting out a deep breath.

❝well that was interesting❞ Jin remarked, now sitting on his bed. Junghoon who walked to chen's bed nodded his head before sitting down on the floor and laying down his suitcase and started to unpack.

❝I'm guessing this isn't something new❞ he said while taking out a blanket he brought in case of emergency. it's better to be prepared than not. boyscout things.

Jehyun shook his head no. ❝nope and the last time that happened Chen ended up almost dying❞ he pointed at his best friend who looked like he saw an angel. ❝I'm just happy he was with hiro❞

❝hiro? ❞ Junghoon furrowed his brows.

❝the Japanese❞

❝the uncooked lobster❞

Junghoon gave a bewildered look at both Jin and Chen. ❝okay? ❞ he blinked thrice, weirded out before deciding to just continue unpacking. ❝do we need to bring some clothes to wherever we're going? ❞

❝I don't think so❞ Jehyun pursed his lips. ❝I mean, whatever place that is, it couldn't be that bad right? ❞