
The love at first sight

[Hey Akita. Where are you man. You are going to get late for school, you know.] A boy says with a high voice in the phone.

[Yes yes Daiki. The bus is late today. So that's why it is taking longer to get to school] I replied.

[What! The bus you are waiting is late. Isn't this a miracle.] Daiki says with a surprised tone.

[Yea yea. Sometimes, I could also get late you know]

[Well considering you, I guess you could never be late. Well even if you are late, you will get your attendance without any problem, you know.]

[I know that my luck is good. Now let's hang up.] I said with a irritated tone.

[Ok. Come school in time or do I wanted to say but you will just get school in time. So, I don't have to worry] He says while laughing.

[Don't just says unneeded thing. Bye.] I hanged the phone.

Now time for the introduction. My name is Akita Kanji and the boy whom I was talking is my classmate daiki Gima. He is my friend and I think of him as a annoying boy. I am a second year in Horikoshi High School. Well I think you are wondering about the conversation between Daiki and me. To say the truth, my luck is super great. Not like some daily good luck or something. My luck has been good since my birth or so my parent says.

For example, my parents are rich. They are business man who handle super Tanji industry which is a multi-national company. Well you think that this is some average luck but that's not it. I am popular in school. Many girls have confessed to me. You may be thinking that if you are rich then many girls will come flock to you. And also you may be thinking of me as a playboy. But I seriously say that I am a virgin. i haven't date a single girl. Well I am also a anti-social boy. I don't talk with much people. I have an expressionless face. Well let's leave my face now. Well I was going to tell you about my luck.

Now let me give you a incident as a example. Last year, I participated in a sport in a sport festival. It was 100m running race and I came first. You may be thinking that being first is not so much luck but I didn't even run to fast. I just walked and won first prize. Well to tell the whole incident, when the match started and everyone ran ahead of me. I was just walking or saying i ran a little. When everyone was running, they started to fall. Someone threw banana cover and a runner slipped in it. Someone fell on the ground and someone didn't pay attention and hit a person. Like this everyone fell and I came first. And also one thing, I have not experienced a single misfortune in my life. That's why everyone gave me a nickname chorakkiboi. It means super lucky boy. Let's forget other things now and focus on story.

[Why is the bus late today?] While I was wondering that, I saw a super cute girl in the bus stand. She had black hair, was little shorter than me and had a cute face.

"Wow! What a cute girl! I want to talk with her." I walk to her and reached behind her.

"I am super nervous to call her. And also how I do I call her. Well seeing the uniform, she is a student of my school. Well here goes nothing."

[Hey girl,] I said that with a nervous tone.

She didn't responded to me.

[Hey Girl!] I said that with a rough voice near her ear.

[Huh!] She got surprised and turned to my side. [Yes. How can I help you?] She asked me with a nervous tone.

[Well, I wanted to chat with you.] I said that with a straight face.

[Why do you want to chat with me? I don't even know you?] She asked me that with a confused face.

"What do I say to her? I am super nervous. What do I do?" I started thinking many things.

[Hello. Are you here?] The girl asked me with a confused face.

[Oh! Sorry. I just spaced a little. What were you saying?]

[It's ok. I was asking that why were you calling me?]

[Oh! I just saw you and thought you were cute. So I wanted to chat with you.] I said in a nervous tone.

[Well, thank you for saying cute to me.] She said that while blushing. [Well, you shouldn't talk too much with me.] She said that in a little sad tone.

[Why?] I asked her that.

[I have a great bad luck. Wherever I go, I bring misfortune with me. So, the people who chat with me or is close with me also get in a misfortune. I don't wanna see you getting hurt. So please don't talk with me.] She said that in a sad tone.

[Oh! That's why today bus is late.] I said that in a surprised tone.

[Well, most of the time, the bus I am waiting for it never came but today it's just late.]

[The bus is just late, that could be because of me.] I said while smiling.

[Huh! Why the bus be little late because of you.] The girl said in a surprised tone.

[Because just like your bad luck, I have super great luck. I have never missed my bus upto today.]

[Huh! Really. So that's means your good luck and my bad luck cancelled each other.] She said that in a loud voice which caused others to pay attention to us. The girl saw that and started to apologize.

[It may be so.]

Just I said that, the girl started to laugh.

[Why are you laughing?] I asked her.

[Well because in my entire life, the bus never came but today the bus is only late and I thought even if the bus I am waiting for is late, it is also a good luck for me which made me laugh.] She said in fast tone.

Well as she were laughing, the bus came and we both get inside the bus. When she got inside the bus, the girl became surprised.

[Why are you surprised?]

[As I was saying that I have never gone school in time and today I am going to school in time for first time. So this is little surprising for me.] She said while smiling. her smile was so bright that it caused me to blush and stare at her. Then the girl turned at me and said.

[Now that I think about it, we havn't introduced ourselves.]

[Oh yea. I totally forgot about it.]

[Ok. Then I will introduce myself. My name is Aoi suzuki. Nice to meet you.] The girl introduced herself.

[My name is Akati Tenji. Nice to meet you too. And which year are you in?]

[I am in first year and you?]

[I am in second year. So that's means you are my kouhai.]

[Oh yea. Then I will call you Senpai.] Aoi said that while smiling. Her smiling is really beautiful.

[Oh! By the way, what do I call you Suzuki, Aoi or Kouhai?] I asked to Aoi.

[You could just call me Aoi. That will make me comfortable. And I will call you Senpai, ok Sen-pai] She said in playful tone.

[Ok Aoi.] When I said her name, she blushed which was very cute.

[Now that I think about it, do you go to school from this bus stop, Aoi]

[No. There is a bus stop near my house. So, mostly I wait for bus there but I got to go to school on bus rarely.]


As we were chatting, the bus stopped near our school. Then we got off.

[Senpai, let's eat lunch together today.]


[Ok then bye Senpai]


I said bye to her and went to my classroom smiling.

Well this is my first novel. So I don't know what mistake I made. So if you are reading this then I will be really grateful if you could point my mistake. And chapter would come next week.

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