
Chapter 0 - Introduction

Do you know, what happens when you fall in love? Well if you know or not, but for me it was a wonderful thing. The moment I fell in love with a girl, my whole life changed. The me in past didn't compared to my present self. Well let's leave it that now. I don't want to upset anyone who has not fell in love. Now, I have bragged too much about love, now let's introduce my self.

My name is Akito Tanji. I am a completely normal high school boy or do I wanted to say. But I am not that normal. I don't want to brag but my luck is really good. From the moment of my birth, I have good luck or do my parents say. Well if you don't believe me then, I will give you an example, I am good looking and popular in my school. My parents are rich and they love me so much. There have been many girls who have confessed me. Well despite of that, I don't have a girlfriend and I am a virgin.

Well I thought my life will go smoothly, but one day when I met a girl. The girl was so cute that, the moment I saw her I fell in love with her. I went to chat with her. And we chated for a while. I also got to know that she had a great bad luck like mine good luck. And because we were in same place our good and bad luck got cancelled. Well it meant that the bus would come quickly if it were only me and the bus will never come if only she was there. But because we were both there the bus only became little late. Well as we chated I get the desire to know more about her. The bus came and we both went to school. We chated little on bus and when we got to school, we went to our classroom. But when I realized I fall in love, my mood became super happy. But I don't know that this is a good luck of mine or the starting of my bad luck.

well This is only a introduction. The real story will come this wekk or also could come next week. And one thing, the girl name is a secret. So stay tuned with my novel to get know of the girl name.

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