
I have come to love you

How would you feel when you wake up one day to find out that you have become a mother? Lily Smith is the queen of movies of x country with a clean reputation and is respected by many. But the coming of a child with an unknown background kept my tongue wagging and questions arises about whom the father of the child was. "I am the father of the child," The handsome mafia Lord proclaim. "No this is my child, don't you see that the shape of her nose looks like mine" The well-known medical surgeon cuts in. The child and her mother are mine" the iconic multi-billion CEO said. His proclamation made everyone silent as he was not to be contended with. "And I have come to love them" Lily stared at the men speechlessly. 'I need no man to care for me and my child'

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4 Chs

Chapter 3 Who are you?

Lily headed for the exit carrying the little bunny in her arms.

"Sis Lily" A girl wearing thick glasses with a female coat approached Lily immediately after she came out of the hotel.

"Who owns the child?" The girl looked at Lily confusion being apparent in those eyes hidden behind the glasses.

The little cutie starry eyes attracted the assistant.

"I can't answer any questions now, Mary."

Lily walked past Mary, she enter the car, placing the little bunny gently on her lap.

Mary started the car looking at Lily who had closed her eyes through the rear view mirror.

The little bunny gaze around the car in amazement.

The mode of transportation in Starry Night Metropolis is Teleportation.

This metal box looks amazing!!!.


Lily opened her eyes, she looked at the Little bunny who was holding her stomach; she looked at Lily aggrieved.

"Sis Lily, there is a supermarket ahead," Mary said. She does not care whose child this is. But the baby is so cute!!

"Mummy" The little bunny pursed her lips. Her large eyes brimming with tears.

Lily looked at the child before her. Who is trying to set her up with a child?

Is it Ann or Flora?

"Mummy, hungry" The little child gently dragged the hem of Lily's dress.

"Sis Lily" Mary pouted her lips.

"Stop at Seashell restaurant."

"Yey!!!!!!!! Flora exclaimed happily.

"Yey!!!!! The little bunny clapped her chubby little hands. Though she doesn't understand what was going on she had to exclaim happily.


Daredevil's Casino

A man dressed in a black suit walked through the busy casino. The sound of laughter, tears, and arguments could be heard in almost every corner of the casino.

The man walked into a private room. Two armed men stood by the side of the door.

They opened the door for the man, letting him in.

"Young master" The man bowed at the man who was standing with his back facing him.

He was wearing a black shirt and black pants. The sleeve of the shirt folded to his elbow; revealing his muscular arm. He had the first three buttons of his shirt undone revealing his toned chest.

He appeared to be in his early thirties. He had a strong jawline, dark eyes, and a pointed nose complemented with thin attractive lips.

"Hmm, do you have any news, Elvis?" The man's voice was so deep and enchanting.

"A Little girl from Starry Night Metropolis has been sighted in Country X"

The man suddenly turned around. "Find out what family she was sent to and send me the details immediately"

"Yes sir" Elvis bowed and left.

The man walked to the bar counter, he poured some wine into a wine glass.

The red wine contrasts his fair radiant skin. Making him look like a blood-sucking vampire.

He gently swirled the cup and murmured.

"Starry Night Metropolis"


Seashell restaurant


The little cutie burps out. She rested on the chair placing her hands on her already bulged stomach.

"Sooo full" She murmured. " Thank you mummy" She flashed a smile at Lily.

Lily felt something stirred in her heart when the little cutie uttered thank you.

"Hey, look at the headline" A young girl tapped her friend. " Movie queen Lily had a child outside wedlock.!!!!

"OMG!!!, it appeared first on Exclusive"

"Movie queen. Lily is my idol, she is so clean and pure"

"Don't you know that the movie industry is filled with dirty secrets"

The girls argued amongst themselves.

"Sis Lily, the child" Mary looked at Lily shocked.

"Let's go" Lily stood up from the chair.

"Mummy" The forgotten bunny called out to Lily.

Lily pursed her lips, went back, and picked her up.

"That lady looks like movie queen Lily," a young girl said to her mother.

"Movie queen would never come to this cheap-end restaurant."

Lily was not recognized because she was putting on a noise mask.

The car was as silent as a graveyard. The little bunny was fast asleep as she snuggled into Lily's warm embrace.

Mary kept quiet all the way home with thousands of thoughts running through her mind.

The car came to a stop in front of a bungalow. The bungalow was built with both modern and classical structures. It was low-key but it had an air of elegance.

"You can go home" Lily carried the child inside the bungalow.

Mary pursed her lips as he stared at the departing figure.

Lily walked inside the house placing the child gently on the sofa.

She sat beside the child looking deeply at her. The child's pink soft lips move slightly as she breathed softly.

"Who are you?" Lily asked softly. " Who sent you to me?"

The night was very silent only the rustling of leaves made by the wind could be heard.

Lily looked out of the window to the bright full moon. She closed her eyes; her long soft eyelashes casting a peaceful shadow on her.

The birds chirped happily as they welcome the beginning of a new dawn.

The sunlight seeped in through the window cascading on the mother and child duo.

Lily's eyelashes quivered as she slowly opened her eyes. She felt something warm snuggling close to her bosom.

"Mommy" a soft voice murmured sleepily. The little girl sat up on the sofa; somehow the duo had slept off on the sofa all night.

"Mommy" The little girl called out to Lily who sat down in dazed.

Lily was wondering where the softball came from. Then she remembered the events from last night.

"Mommy" The baby cried out again. She was holding her stomach; Her fair cheek was red from holding it in.

Lily looked at the child confused. 'Is she hungry?'

She had never cared for a child before, so she had no idea what was going on with the child.

"Do you want some milk?" Lily stood up and went to the spacious kitchen. She opened the fridge and took out a carton of milk. She poured the milk for the baby.

"What?"!!! Lily wide her eyes as she stared at the baby.

Somehow the little bunny could not hold it in any longer. The bunny stood with her legs together. A droplet of water streamed down her thigh.

"No...no" Lily dropped the glass of milk on the table, carried the little bunny, and ran to the bathroom.