

Adrian finds himself unexpectedly catapulted into the world of "One Piece," waking up on Dawn Island with no memory of how he got there. Believing it to be a prank, he soon discovers the reality is far more complex. As he encounters figures like Makino, Dadan, and the formidable Garp, he realizes he's not just in any world, but inside his favorite anime. Under Garp's mentorship, Adrian navigates the dangerous seas as a Marine, equipped with a mysterious power called the Shadow Monarch System that allows him to summon and command shadows of the deceased. As he subtly influences events and raises powerful allies from the shadows, Adrian must balance his knowledge of the series' future with the unpredictable twists his presence introduces. Caught between the worlds of Marines and pirates, and wielding powers that could alter the course of the story, Adrian must decide where his loyalties lie and how to use his unique abilities without disrupting the foundational elements of the world he loves. ------ 3 chapters every week. Disclaimer: I do not own any of the One Piece characters, only the one's that I have made up or the main character. I apologize if the it doesn't match the One Piece lore as it was based on my knowledge.

Drewy2cold · Anime et bandes dessinées
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17 Chs

Shadow Monarch System

After ensuring Adrian and the other Marines were out of harm's way, Garp turned his attention to the remaining threat—the Trump Siblings. With the lower-ranked pirates subdued or retreating, only the leaders remained: Bear King, Honey Queen, Pin Joker, Boo Jack, and Skunk One. The battlefield was chaotic, with injured Marines scattered across the deck, their comrades rushing to aid them.

Garp barked orders, his voice commanding and clear despite the din of battle. "Tend to the wounded! Adrian, stay back, watch, and learn!" He then turned to Bogart, nodding once before both of them leaped into action.

It was a daunting sight, the two veterans against five notorious pirates. As Garp and Bogart engaged, the air filled with the clang of metal and the shouts of combatants. Garp, ever the indomitable force, moved with a brutal efficiency that belied his age. Each punch and kick he delivered was like a cannonball, sending pirates flying across the deck.

Garp's face was set in a grimace of determination mixed with irritation. "Fucking pirates!" he roared as he landed a crushing blow on Boo Jack, sending him hurtling into a mast with a loud crash. "Stupid, dumb pirates, you ruin my appetite!"

As he swung his massive fists, Garp continued his half-humorous, half-angry tirade. "I was going to have a whole feast tonight to celebrate our new recruit officially becoming a Marine!" He grumbled, slamming Pin Joker into the deck with a resounding thud. "And you lot had to go and spoil it with your nonsense!"

Honey Queen transformed into her liquid form, trying to sneak up on Garp, but he was ready. With a swift motion, he scooped up a bucket of sea water and doused her, solidifying her form momentarily, enough for Bogart to step in and swiftly incapacitate her with precise strikes.

Bear King, the largest and toughest of the siblings, charged at Garp with a roar. But Garp, ever the powerhouse, met him head-on. "You think you can ruin my dinner plans? Think again!" With that, he delivered a series of rapid-fire punches that seemed to shake the very air, finally knocking Bear King out cold with a direct hit that echoed across the sea.

Skunk One tried to use his foul gas attack, but Garp simply held his breath and plowed through the cloud, grabbing Skunk One by the collar and tossing him overboard like discarded trash. "Try stinking up the sea, maybe the fish will appreciate your 'perfume'!" he joked dryly, wiping his hands as if cleaning off dirt.

As the last of the Trump Siblings fell, Garp and Bogart stood amidst the carnage, breathing heavily but victorious. The deck was quiet now, save for the moans of the injured and the gentle lap of the waves against the ship's hull.

Adrian, who had watched the entire battle from a safe distance, was both horrified and awestruck. The strength and ferocity of Garp and Bogart were unlike anything he had ever imagined. This fight had taught him more about the harsh realities of this world than any training could. It was a brutal reminder of what it meant to be a Marine in a sea ruled by pirates and power.

After the battle, as the lifeless bodies of the Trump Siblings were dragged below deck to be stowed away, Adrian found himself alone with his thoughts and the dead. Just as he was about to head back to assist with the cleanup, a strange anomaly occurred—a digital-like interface suddenly appeared before his eyes:

[Deaths confirmed] [Welcome to the Shadow Monarch System.] [Initiating soul extraction process...] [Success rate for Trump Pirates Siblings: 80%]

The sudden appearance of the interface left Adrian scanning his surroundings, but everyone else seemed preoccupied above deck. Garp's stern voice reached him from afar, "Adrian! Don't dawdle, get back to work!"

Ignoring the call for a moment, Adrian focused on the interface, whispering, "Arise."

The system responded, working its intangible mechanics:

[Soul extraction successful. Please choose a commander.]

Adrian's choice was clear; he selected Bear King, the strongest among the fallen siblings. Instantly, a stats window popped up displaying the name, notoriety, and a brief bio of Bear King. The window clarified, [Bear King: Notorious leader of the Trump Pirates, known for his brutal strength and tactical cunning.]

The system further elaborated:

[Shadow Monarch System allows resurrection of fallen enemies or those close to death. Command executed: Arise. Bear King, designated as commander of your shadow forces.]

Adrian hesitated, his voice barely a whisper as he confirmed, "Designate Bear King as my commander."

[Command confirmed. Bear King is now your commander.]

Adrian observed as a spectral form of Bear King slowly coalesced into existence, kneeling before him in a ghostly guise. The system updated Adrian on the limitations and potentials:

[Shadows can be leveled up to surpass their original form. User does not gain personal levels from resurrection. Training independent of system recommended to enhance personal combat abilities.]

Adrian muttered to himself, grappling with the implications, "So, I can strengthen them, but I remain as I am... I have to grow through my own efforts."

[Correct. Shadows do not transfer power directly to the user. User must cultivate personal strength independently.]

"Can you understand me, Bear King?" Adrian tentatively asked the shadow.

The spectral form shimmered, nodding in response, its actions devoid of the original Bear King's will but bound by Adrian's commands.

[Shadows retain basic awareness but are primarily controlled by the user's will. They do not possess memories or full personalities of their originals.]

With a deep sigh, Adrian processed the enormity of what he'd acquired—a tool that could both command the dead and necessitate his own growth. He acknowledged the power and the burden, whispering, "This changes everything."