
I Grow Stronger With Scars!

Jin Scar could do nothing but obey the human limits on earth. One day he decides to go and test his swordsmanship after training for 2 decades. He eventually dies after an encounter with a bear and gets reincarnated into a world populated by magic users. only few people know the way of the sword and his path will undoubtedly not be easy. However he has a helper.. his scars. The more scars he gains the more power he will receive. Watch how Jin becomes the most respected and powerful swordsmanin the world! - 1-2 chapters everyday [20 Power stones = 1 extra chapter]

VanTan · Fantaisie
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7 Chs


"Waah.. I don't want to die.." A young woman's voice could be heard deeper into the cave.

"Finally my savior!" Jin thought and a grin appeared on his face. His memories of the world were not the best and he barely knew the Geography or cities locations.

Jin started dashing through the cave and took a left to finally see a room in the distance. The cries were intensifying and he could hear them clearly.


Jin suddenly appeared in the room out of thin air and was not met with a not nice greeting. Several naked dead female bodies could be seen on the ground with umbilical cords exiting their vagina, indicating vaginal birth.

"Fuck me.." He murmured to himself. Jin knew that goblins would kidnap women to breed their offspring but this was just filthy. The smell radiating in the air was horrendous and small goblin children could be seen running around it with no care in the world.

Jin raised his sword and called a prayer for the deceased before wiping out the filth from his world. He had acquired a new hate for goblins and would carry it until he died.

Jin dashed and slashed killing everything in his way. 20-30 goblins raping and beating the women were instantly beheaded. Their green blood ran through the floor creating several puddles.

At the corner of his eye, he gazed at the several women. Their expressions were haunting. Some looked shell-shocked out of World War 1 and others simply looked at him with dead expressions. It seemed their will to live was no more.

After killing all the adults Jin turned to the children in the corner trying to hide from him. Their eyes were full of fear and they raised their arms to protect themselves.

Jin slowly but surely approached them, stepping into their parent's blood. His and the goblin's blood covered around his face, torso, and lower body. He didn't know it but Jin looked scarier than the devil in their eyes.

He unconsciously released bloodlust onto the small weak goblins making them shiver and cry for help. Although they could not speak they instinctively knew this was their end.

A devilish smile appeared on his face and Jin raised his sharp sword covered in green blood to finally end them.


He sliced and sliced until their body parts were no more. And stomped onto their weak heads killing every single one.

Jin then started snickering and laughing while spitting onto their bodies.

Ding! The host has discovered the berserk mode.

Several of the seemingly fine and mentally aware women looked at him in horror and others even started screaming.

"Ah!.." He shouted finally back to his normal state.

Jin quickly looked around and saw chunks of flesh replacing the kids he had just seen earlier.

"Did I do this?" He asked himself before reading the notification he received from the system.

"Berserk?.." Jin thought to himself in horror.

"Shit, I've got to keep myself in check now too?" He then replied with a sigh.

He then turned around and saw the women scrambling to the corner of the room to hide from him.

"Ah right I just massacred a whole bunch of goblins with no remorse," He thought and scratched his head while walking towards them.

Seeing Jin getting closer they realized he was just a teenager and they instantly covered their private parts in embarrassment.

"Well.. hello," Jin said out loud hoping to get a response.

"H-hello" a young woman in her early twenties eventually replied after seeing no one reply to him.

"My name is Jin and I'm 13 years old!" He continued hoping to make them comfortable using his young age.

An awkward atmosphere was created after they noticed how young he was. And some older women started asking him questions.

"Is help coming?? One of the clans or families must be nearby right!?" She said and stood up to look eye to eye with him.

"Help us please!" Another one pleaded.

"What is a mere boy doing here!" A young woman shouted ending the questions. Her pride seemed to have been hurt by being saved from a young kid.

Jin side eyed her and she immediately looked away in fear.

"Well anyways, I was just in the forest when I saw this cave so there's only me here. I also killed all of the goblins so it should be safe" He said clearly reassuring them.

The women finally dropped their guards and several started sobbing whilst others thanked him for his great deed.

Many of them were still naked and felt uncomfortable nearing him so they stood as far as they could.

Time went by and Jin eventually announced that they could start exiting the cave whilst he checked it one last time

A few agreed but most of them stayed in fear of getting captured again.

"Alright then," Jin said out loud. He hoped they would leave so he could end their companion's lives in peace.

He tapped on many of the women lying on the ground seemingly staring into the air and asked a simple question.

"Do you wish to live?" He asked them.

He continued going around the room asking these questions while beheading them so that they may rest.

After ending their suffering he picked up two unconscious women on his shoulders and started walking out.

Those who remained were shocked to see such a young boy ending their comrades suffering whilst also helping them.

They only asked one question in their minds.

"What life did he live?" Many of them thought.