

One typical day Katherine read a random book just to pass her time. 'Contract marriage with an attractive stranger? How does the legendary hero constantly appear when the helpless girl is in trouble? Is he waiting at the side for the precise moment to appear? And there are so many missing plots and elaborate descriptions. It's problematic to figure out from which era this book is because it's confusing. This is just so stupid,' she instantly thought before promptly shutting the book and placing it back. Seldom did she know, that night when she would go to sleep, she would wake up as the protagonist of that same book and it wasn't a dream. As the events of the story unfold, she decided that she will not follow the plot. She declared it was time to become a self-made woman that works hard by herself. However, she soon finds out that perhaps she is not the only one stuck in this book. And she doesn't know how the book ends so what will happen to her? A story about a girl who struggles to survive financially after losing her family and then ends up becoming the female lead, Rhea Lenegan, of an unknown nameless book she randomly read without knowing its ending. She ends up getting closer to Duke Argus, a character from the book who was supposed to die, but he does not. The story seems like it's going quite differently from the book she read. Just what is going on? It is as if they know what will happen. Is it perhaps they may also be not from the book just like Katherine? Will they find a way to get out or stay trapped in the book? Read to find more!

Melody_Alyward · Fantaisie
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28 Chs


According to this diary, Rhea met the Duke two times before. And according to the book, in the third meeting, they sign their contract. But no matter how many times, I think about it. I do not desire this marriage. There are multiple flaws in this. The Duke completely ignored Rhea and merely assigns her tasks to spy which clearly has sometimes indeed caused danger but he never cared. Even though she had become a duchess, she lived in the Duchy like an abandoned princess. The parties she has to attend are like walking on fire and constantly getting stabbed. No one is in fact accepting of her because of her family losing their wealth and merely becoming a noble in name. As a result, even if she became a duchess, no one respected her. And last but not least, this one marriage ruins her life for the next few years. And I am not enduring that hell. Nope. No way.

I quickly grab a blank paper and pen to write down the things I require to carry out. First thing is first, tomorrow, I need to terminate this contract before I even sign it. After I annul the contract with the Duke, I then need to find a way to arrange money. Honestly, I have already thought of a way to pay more than half the money. But I am not quite sure if everyone else will agree or not. That is why I have decided to talk to them tonight during dinner when Rhea's father or now my father will also be present along with my two younger brothers.

I was still drafting my list when a rushed knock came on the door.


Before I could even reply, mama comes rushing in along with Reynold.

"Rhea! Your father...he fell sick on the way to coming back!"


I suddenly sprang up, pretending to be shocked. I already knew this was going to happen. Rhea's father stays sick in the hospital throughout most of the plot, as far as I have read. Yes, I didn't follow the book properly, so I still don't know the ending. This makes me more anxious than ever but I also feel a sense of relief that I can promptly do what I require without dwelling about the future. As for Papa, the author most likely didn't want to write much about extra characters or maybe forgot he even existed, but he/she doesn't mention him at all except that he fell ill and was admitted into the hospital, the night before Rhea signs the contract with the Duke. Making her more motivated than ever to sign it.

"Don't worry, he has been admitted to your Uncle Edmund's clinic. He's your father's friend, so he is not charging us for his treatment. I am not exactly sure of what happened to him which is why I am going to meet him now."

"I will come with you."

Although I already know that he won't leave the clinic after today, it still would be better to assess the situation beforehand and see how's he doing.

"No. Stay with Lia. She's already confused as it is. Besides your brothers are coming back soon and they will need their eldest sister to explain to them."

"Okay. Please take care."

"You too, dear. Stay strong."

She then leaves the room while I stand there, gazing vacantly at the list I had just prepared. When Mama came, I placed my hand over it to conceal it. But after she was gone. I once more started staring at it. Why is every character in this story utterly miserable? Does the author enjoy seeing others so unfortunate? Weirdo.

That evening, I stayed with my sister and younger brothers who were terribly worried. But I tried to console them as best I could and thankfully they were kids who understood others. But it was challenging to feed them dinner because they wanted to wait for Mama and Papa. However, it was getting late, so I forced them to eat even if it was a slight bit, and then put them to sleep. Following that, I waited for Mama to come back who came back quite late. I wanted to talk to her about my plan but noting her disheartened broken self, I couldn't bring myself to deliver a bomb on her. Hence, I decided to do it tomorrow and after making sure she also ate dinner, I then got ready to sleep.

As I lay down to sleep, I recalled all the events that occurred and wondered that if I went to sleep will I wake up back to my typical routine or will I be stuck in this book? For some reason, the last thought that entered my mind before my eyes closed and I dosed off to sleep, was that I want to help these people. They may not be my family, but I feel this desperate urge to help them and I wish I could at least manage to do that before going back.

'Ha...who is going back? I am still here.'

I thought as I woke up in the same bedroom that I went to sleep in last night. I woke up late but surprisingly no one woke me up. Mama had gone to see Papa at the clinic while the younger ones were also sleeping. I let them sleep while I got dressed. I deliberately wore the same dress as yesterday even though the maids protested but I knew that I had to get used to this lifestyle. Though I was already used to it but Rhea was not. After getting ready, I then head out to the Duke's mansion with Reynold. Reynold was the only one who knew about my meeting with the Duke before though he doesn't know about the contract marriage contents. He promised to keep our meetings a secret. As I stood in front of the 8 feet massive gates, I wondered just how huge this mansion would be. The Leneghan Estate was undoubtedly a beauty but it was of moderate size. It was nothing compared to the mansion I was looking at now. An aide, whom I assumed to be the Duke's secretary, detected me and took me straight to meet the Duke as if they were waiting for me.

I was led into this huge nearly empty room with such soaring ceilings that I felt so insignificant next to the walls. At the middle end, there was this huge fancy brown table and chair. An orange-red head was looking down, concealing his face while writing something. The assistant motioned me to take a seat at one of the two seats on the other side of the desk. I sat on the left one and waited for the Duke to speak first as part of courtesy. For a little while, I could only just examine his slightly tousled hair because of how he would run his hand through them, and the navy blue shirt he wore. His fingers were slender and slim. In the book, he was described as a handsome man. I wondered if it was true or not, so I looked at him with eyes that said, 'Please look up. I need to observe your face.'

While I inwardly laughed at my thoughts, he suddenly looked up and I felt as if my breath got caught. Hell. The book didn't say he was THIS good-looking. Why did the book miss out on all the details? With hazel-golden mesmerizing eyes, sharp features, and jaw-line, he looked like a prince straight out of an anime. He caught me staring at him, but he didn't say anything back as he continued to look at me with curiosity. Did I look weird? Why does he look at me like that? He then suddenly stands up, startling me. He heads to the adjacent side table and grabs a paper from it and comes back to his seat. Even though he stood for a short while, I was able to note his figure. He had broad shoulders and a medium build. Not too bulky but not too skinny either. You could tell with that slightly tight shirt that he worked out. And he was tall. He must be 5'11" or 6 feet tall. That's when he finally broke the silence,

"Here's the contract. The pen is on the table. You can read and then sign it."

His voice was deep. But it wasn't deep with intense roughness. It was deep with slight huskiness. Why does he sound so good as well? This nothing but makes me more sad about the fact of why is he, not the male lead. Yes, this guy right in front of me represents not the hero of this book. He is only a stepping stone on the way for the Female Lead to meet the real Male Lead. He is Argus Dallarosa. The Duke of Dallarosa. A distinguished leader of Knights as well as the owner of multiple lands. Quite famous and rich along with being handsome, I'd say he is the whole package. Sadly...he dies soon. The reason for most of Rhea's misery is because of his death. In this society that's shown in the book, being a divorcee or a widow is considered taboo or a sin. No one associates with you because they regard you as bad luck. And one month after their marriage, because of how Duke Argus dies in one of the border missions, Rhea is mistreated. During that time, no one helps her. No one. Only just afterward, she ends up falling in love with the Crown Prince, the authentic hero of this novel. After which I stopped reading the book. Even though it wasn't the end since they both had yet to confess their feelings to each other but I had other better things to do than to read the book.

"Is something on my face?"

I realized that I was still staring at his face. This made a small blush creep my cheeks. I take a deep breath to calm myself, and I look at the contract in front of me. It's such a pity. You seem like a nice guy but I don't want the things in the story to repeat with me. Sadly, this will be our last meeting. At least I got to see this face and hear your voice once.

Grabbing the thin slightly tanned piece of paper, I tore it in two without reading the clauses. I again shredded it into four and grabbing the lighter that was on the desk in front of him, I burn the torn pieces as he looks at me with his eyes slightly wide.

"...what are you doing?"

"Burning the contract."


"I changed my mind. I don't want to sign this anymore."

"But aren't you the one who came up with this idea?"

He slightly arched his brow and looked at me with curiosity. I am glad he didn't get mad.

"I did. That's why I am the one who is taking it back. I apologize for all the trouble I caused you."

I let go of the last bits of paper before they turn into ashes and fall into the table's polished surface.

"May I ask, why the sudden change? I thought you wanted to repay your family's debt."

"I do, but I decided to work hard by myself. I am sorry for backing out of your deal. I hope you will hire someone to spy for you. Thank you for meeting with me today."

I lower my head slightly in respect but when I look up, I find him standing in front of me. He really is attractive, now that I am getting a much more proper look at him. And he smells good too. What's with that? So unfair...Argh...focus Katherine. You are Rhea right now, so don't overlook what you came here to achieve.

"If you are really sorry, at least tell me the reason for this rejection."

"Well, I just realized that I didn't need any man to handle my expenses. I can do it by myself."


Before he could ask further questions, I again gave a slight bow and left. Gosh, my heart felt like it would jump out at any moment. That was a terrifying moment. For some reason, my heart was beating faster in this situation than it did yesterday. When I went out of the mansion and was walking towards the cart, I finally paused. I felt as if someone was looking at me. I glanced around my surroundings to find no one there. I then turned around to look at the window of the room where I was not long ago. I swear I saw the curtains move. Is this a haunted house? Swaying my head, I wonder if I should have hinted about his upcoming death so he could prevent it. But I can't go back in now. I then decided to advise him tomorrow. By all means, if tonight my plan gets confirmed then there are chances that I will get to encounter him tomorrow. Although I wasn't planning to call out to him, but now I have to. I know who is going to die and if I can save someone's life, then I should. Even if it's a gorgeous guy like this. God, he really is attractive, I wasn't expecting this at all. Come to think of it, even when I read the book, I admired him more than the male lead, though he died early, he was one of my favorite side characters. I then take one last glance and head into the cart to go back.

As soon as I reached home, I immediately called a family meeting. We all got together along with the maids and the butler in the garden house as everyone else was curious and worried besides me who was just about to make an announcement. I didn't know when I was going to go back. But I knew that I was here so might as well take care of things.

I cleared my throat while looking at the puzzled eyes of my family and servants. I could feel the anxiousness dripping from their face because of the serious aura that I emitted.

"What's wrong, dear?"

Mama was the first one to break the silence in her polite, worrying tone. I offered her an assuring smile and went forth to explain the reason.

"As you all know we are under a crippling debt. It's not a trivial matter. I'll be blunt. We additionally have the danger of our lives especially me. But I will not enable that to happen. We cannot allow that to happen. If things don't progress our way, then we need to step up and work hard to transform it. We do not have to wait for help because only we can help ourselves!"

I tried giving them the same motivational speech I used to give myself every day before I started my part-time job. This speech encouraged me to work hard and save money and not give up. I was hoping it would have the same effect on them, and seeing their dull faces suddenly brighten up, I was satisfied with myself for making them feel motivated.....or at least that's what I believed until my younger brother, Eros Leneghan, who was 11 years old with dirty blonde-greyish straight spiky hair, that contrasted with his black eyes and red shirt and brown pants that he wore, blurted out,

"So what's the point?"

"The point?"

I raise my eyebrow, annoyed at him for interrupting me and displaying such a non-serious attitude.

"Do you even know why we are gathered here today?"

"To eat snacks?"

Lia innocently extended her hand and spoke up. Cute, I thought. But it's not what matters right now. I turn to Eros, waiting for his reply.

"To eat snacks."

He recites his sister's words. This makes me feel like slapping my forehead at their obliviousness. But when I look at the freshly baked cookies, in the medium-sized picnic basket, that was in front of them, I could perceive why they were thinking this way.

"No...Well somewhat. Mom did bake cookies. But that's not what we are gathered here for."

"You summoned us for a family discussion."

Lark, my other younger brother of 14 years of age finally spoke up which made me happy that at least someone is serious. Unlike Eros, who was more interested in games and sword fighting, he had a high IQ and apparently had read thousands of books making him more knowledgeable than more than half of the adults. I point at him and add,

"That's correct! We need to discover a solution together, and I came up with a bunch of ideas that I wish you would please hear me out."

"Please do tell."

At Mama's approval, I began by telling them the importance of saving money and surviving.

"At this moment, all that matters to us is staying alive. Hence we need to save money as much as possible and try our best to gather as much amount as we can."

"We already know that. But how do we do that?"

"Do you even know how to handle expenses and save money?"

"I...uh...I might have some experience..."

I chuckle nervously, recalling my actual past. The time when my real family was still alive. I used to save a lot of money back then, even starving myself during a lunch break just to save money to purchase a new game that came out those days.



At their call, I twinkle my eyes to not delve into the past. Right now there are bigger problems to deal with.

"How much is the debt?"

"...600 billion mels."

Mel was this book's currency. After hearing Mama's words, my eyes went wide. I couldn't believe it. I knew the debt was a lot, but I didn't know it was this much.

"Okay, no worries. We can do this."

I spoke aloud to myself, in a way to assure those who were in front of me and probably even calm myself down.

"Mama. You are pretty magnificent at baking, right?"

"Well, I wouldn't say I'm that good-..."

"Don't be humble. I know how even the worldwide excellent pastry and desserts chef complimented your baking."

"That's accurate."

"Then please bake and sell your food. I am confident we will gain money for that."

"But Rhea...That will not be enough. Exactly just how much can I get in return for those deserts? It won't be 600 billion mels."

"I know that, mama. That is why I am saying, please believe in me. Just do as I say and start making different kinds of desserts starting today. Eros can aid you to deliver stuff from the market."

"I'm not quite sure how is this going to help..."

"Please mama, rely on me. I have a plan."

I then turn to Lark and request politely,

"The Fay family wanted you to tutor their 5 and 6-year-old children, right?"

"Yeah, but I rejected it because I don't deal with kids. They are annoying."

"You are also a kid."

"I am fourteen! A teen, you know!"

"I know. That's why you take that job and try to seek other tutoring jobs as well. I know you are young, and you still have dreams of studying and going to school, but you both already applied for a gap year a month ago so you are free this whole year. I promise I will find a way to send you back to school but for now, we need your help."

"....I know...But I won't be qualified to instruct those high rich nobles. I am still...well not a kid...but a teen."

"I know. That's why your target customers should represent the more reasonable middle-class nobles, who can't afford prominent teachers but nevertheless desire their children to possess the same education."

"I see. I will go to find out and see what | can do."

"Great! Now...Next is our living situation..."

"Don't worry about me. I can stay at the local library. It will be a dream come true!"

Lark added with excitement.

"What about your meals, idiot?"

"We can worry about that later on."

"No, we still need to do something about it."

"Rhea, what's wrong with our house?"

"We need to sell it."

At my statement, everyone's eyes went round.


"Mama. We can't keep holding onto this house forever. Like I said before, staying alive matters the most. I know it's tough to part with something that you love and a place that holds on to so many memories, but we can't keep holding onto it forever. You know it as well as I do, that selling this house will help us pay more than half our debts."

She nibbles her lower lip at my argument. Not knowing what to say because deep down she did agree with me.

"Your father..."

"I am certain he will understand, mama. He is a person who comprehends situations best."

"I am not quite sure about it. Where will we live? This house is all that we have."

"There are some modest cottages for rent. I will look for one today."

"I see...I guess this was to be expected though I didn't think this day would approach this sooner."

"Don't worry mama. We have each other so we will be happy."

"As for you all..."

I then looks at the servants who gave me that comforting smile that even though it had been two days, I had grown fond of. Was it because of Rhea's actual fondness towards them?

"I am sorry. You did so much for us and I feel that no matter what we do, it won't be enough to repay you. All I can give you right away is your freedom. Thank you for all your extensive work till now."

"Miss! I have told you before, and I am not leaving."

"Me too."

They all then started nodding.

"Bless you but it's not possible. I will reward you back your fee as soon as possible. I apologize for causing you to wait."

"Miss, don't talk like that...we don't demand our money."

"No, you do require money. Holly here is getting married soon, isn't that right? She needs money for her wedding."

"No, miss. I am fine with hosting a private small wedding."

"But I am not fine. Asher (the male servant) needs money to pay for his grandmother's treatment."

"That...Miss, it is fine. I will think of some other way."

"Don't be like that. Just leave. I appreciate you guys, truly."

"Miss, Olivia and I can stay with you if it is not too much trouble."

Reynold spoke up. He and Olivia were married for three years now.

"By all means, Miss. We have no other family to go to besides each other."

"And we don't require money because practically thinking living with you all, we will get shelter and food and that's all that we need."

"And we can help you raise sheep and hens. If you're moving to a cottage, they traditionally contain these private farming gardens, where we can even grow vegetables and fruits."

"On top of that, we can sell the eggs and the sheep's fur too to acquire more money."

The couple tried using a practical way to make me accept and somewhat it was working. I couldn't say no to their offer.

"Thank you."

I smiled at them gratefully. Promising myself in my mind that one day, I will repay them all back, and one day...If I am still over here and I manage to collect a lot of money, I will purchase this house back again for my family. One day. I promise.

What do you guys think of the story so far? What do you think of Argus? I know he is my favorite character from this book! Also, do you think Rhea did right to refuse the contract? What do you think will happen next? Do comment to let me know! And if you guys enjoyed reading then support this book with a thumbs up and add it to the library!

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