

One typical day Katherine read a random book just to pass her time. 'Contract marriage with an attractive stranger? How does the legendary hero constantly appear when the helpless girl is in trouble? Is he waiting at the side for the precise moment to appear? And there are so many missing plots and elaborate descriptions. It's problematic to figure out from which era this book is because it's confusing. This is just so stupid,' she instantly thought before promptly shutting the book and placing it back. Seldom did she know, that night when she would go to sleep, she would wake up as the protagonist of that same book and it wasn't a dream. As the events of the story unfold, she decided that she will not follow the plot. She declared it was time to become a self-made woman that works hard by herself. However, she soon finds out that perhaps she is not the only one stuck in this book. And she doesn't know how the book ends so what will happen to her? A story about a girl who struggles to survive financially after losing her family and then ends up becoming the female lead, Rhea Lenegan, of an unknown nameless book she randomly read without knowing its ending. She ends up getting closer to Duke Argus, a character from the book who was supposed to die, but he does not. The story seems like it's going quite differently from the book she read. Just what is going on? It is as if they know what will happen. Is it perhaps they may also be not from the book just like Katherine? Will they find a way to get out or stay trapped in the book? Read to find more!

Melody_Alyward · Fantasy
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28 Chs


"But Miss! Does that mean you care more about Olivia than me?"

Holly pouted and complained.

"Of course not. I care about you all equally. In fact, I have even prepared your wedding gifts."


Her eyes lit up with excitement and surprise.

"Yes, take it with you before you leave today."

I then look at my family and added the one last idea that entered my mind,

"Everyone please select necessary things you absolutely cherish. We have to sell everything else if we need to immediately shift to a rented cottage."

"That is valid. We do need to pay its rent as well."

"Let's go kids. I will help you minimalist your things."

Mama called out Lark, Eros, and Lia and then went inside to assist them. While I went to my room followed by Olivia and Holly. I gave some of my jewels and expensive clothes to Holly as a wedding gift. I even gave some to Olivia though she told me to sell them for myself but I didn't want to play unfairly. I felt bad for giving Holly used clothes, but that was all I could do for now. I promised to gift her something new in the future. For the present, I kept only three dresses for myself. One was the one I was wearing, one a similar one but in green color and off shoulders and the other was full navy blue. Yeah, you guessed it. Blue is my favorite color. And examining these clothes, I'm guessing it was also Rhea's favorite color as well. These dresses were modest, ordinary yet still quite presentable. Since we were going to shift into the commoners' community, it wouldn't be good to wear an overpriced jeweled dress. Although Olivia and Holly looked upset by my choices and kept advising me to at least keep ten dresses with me. But I refused. There's no use for extra luggage. After we spent the whole day sorting them out, Reynald went with Olivia to sell these things. While we went to pay our father a visit.

The clinic was private yet comfortable looking. It was in the middle of the city, among the commoners' place but nobles would also often visit it. Because the doctor was extremely civil and skilled at what he did. Although the Count was still not awake, the situation was still dire. Seeing him on the hospital bed, bones that were nearly visible under the thin skin, made me feel pity for him. This man never harmed anyone yet look at the state he is currently in. He does not deserve it. His family also do not deserve it. This is not fair.

After the visit, Mama started working on making desserts and pastries. I told her, for now, we need samples since we still have to be selected by a store or a cafe that will be willing to sell these desserts. I then personally went with Reynold and Olivia to multiple stores, cafes, restaurants, and any place we could find that would be willing to sell the goods. Since we can't afford to build our own shop, this is the most we can do. After hours of roaming around here and there, getting kicked out of a few stores, we then head back home. Only three stores agreed. One of them was a cafe while the other two were small businesses that I could tell were themselves at a loss. But who am I to complain? The fact that they accepted is more than enough. That night, I was so tired from all the scouting, that I didn't know when I went to sleep.

The next morning, I got up as quickly as possible and got ready to head out. Mama had to start making all the orders we received yesterday, and Olivia and Reynold were going to help her. Holly and the other servant went back to their homes last night. Lark had the first day of his tutoring today. He managed to get two families' children including the Fay family that had requested him as a teacher. Hopefully, everything goes smoothly for him.

While I was on the way to the real-estate ministry. Yesterday while Mama was busy baking, I ended up reading various accounts books and real estate books and anything I could discover to enhance my basic concepts and learn more about the ways of this world so I could be better prepared.


The agent who was assigned to me went into shock upon hearing that The Leneghan Estate was going to be for sale.

"It needs to be done instantly. Within two months, if possible."

"Is everything alright? Why is the Leneghan family suddenly mo-..."

He stops talking as if he recalled all the rumors circling around. Yes, everyone knew by now how our business went bankrupt and we remain presently only a noble in name. He clears his throat and composes himself to inquire,

"But why in two months?"

"That's not something you should be concerned with. Just tell me the market price."

"I will have to see the mansion once before deciding on the final price but from what I have witnessed so far, I can calculate a rough figure. Please excuse me."

He got up to get a pen and paper from his desk because right now we were sitting on the sofas opposite each other with a medium-sized wooden table in between.

The house is around four hundred years old so I'm guessing the price must have declined a bit. But shouldn't being ancient add to its value? I'm guessing it would get sold around 500 billion mels. I was still in my thoughts when he writes the figure and slips the paper on the table for me to see. My eyes go round at seeing the numbers. Wait...this isn't right? Only 250 billion mels?! Why?


"It's a vague figure. Just imagine between 250-300 billion mels."

"That's not even half the price of its original value. Stop joking!"

"Because of the war in the West, the land prices have dropped."

"What kind of logic is that?"

I rolled my eyes, while he starts to explain,

"That's because people don't invest in lands during the war. Investment goes more into weapons and medicinal herbs."

"I know but this is so less."

"Moreover, there is this unfavorable condition to find a customer in two months. That's going to be hard."

"Won't its value increase in two months?"

"I am sorry, but prices will remain constant for the next six months."

"This is not how it's supposed to be."

"If I may, can I provide you with a bit of advice?"

I glared at him even though I know it was not his fault for such a minimum price. I had already anticipated it would be less, but I didn't know that it would barely be its half.

"300 billion mels is also a stretch. Sell it to the first customer that comes because these days it's also hard to find someone interested to purchase a property. Commoners are buying a little bit of land here and there but no one would invest such a massive amount of money. Any primary customer that comes, just sell it. Otherwise, you may unexpectedly have to wait for six months."

".....I understand."

I sat up disheartened. This isn't how it was supposed to go. I may need to buy more time. But how exactly?

"Thank you for your time. Please inform me if any customer comes."

"I will. Thank you for coming."

He gave his courteous bow and I then left the room. I suddenly felt extremely anxious. What should I do now? If maximum, the house gets sold for 300 billion mels. Then what about the rest? The money we received from selling all the decorations and clothes and every single thing we owned was around 50 billion mels. There is still such an enormous amount left.


I ran into someone while deep into my thoughts. My face crashed with someone's chest.

"Woah...Careful there, my lady."

Recognizing that soothing deep voice, I immediately look up to see Argus Dallarosa. What is he doing here? Oh, right. He was supposed to come here. In the story, he comes here with Rhea to deal with some work and then goes with her to meet the debt owner to repay the debt. I was originally planning on not running into him here, but then I changed my mind thinking how it would be better to at least slightly warn him about his upcoming death.

"Are you alright?"

He added when I noticed he was still holding my elbow from before when we collided to stop me from falling. Flushed, I jump back, maintaining a distance. I slightly bow in greeting and added politely,

"I am fine, thank you."

"What brings you here?"

"Some business."

"What business involves you to come here?"

He briefly glances at the room out of which I had come out earlier.

"A business that does not involve you."

I tried to speak in the most respectful and polite tone I could. In my head, I was still trying to figure out how to forewarn him about his upcoming death.

"You are suddenly acting so differently."

This makes me flinch. But then I compose myself and remark,

"Since when did the Duke know me so closely to judge whether I have changed or not?"

This takes him back and he slightly smiles and replies,

"That is valid. I apologize if I overstepped my boundaries."

"It's fine. I forgive you."

My answer makes him slightly chuckle. I furrow my brows in confusion. Why was he laughing? I did not deliver a joke. Though this is the first time I am sighting him laugh. I don't think a scene like this was ever mentioned in the book. He stopped laughing and retorted,

"My bad, I expected you to act humble."

"What's wrong with accepting an apology when it was fair and square?"

"That is correct. I guess I am still not used to the reason why you decided to back out."

"You don't need to understand. I understand and that alone is enough."


"I apologize but it's the truth."

"I am having more fun with you now as compared to our first two meetings. Sadly, I am a bit busy. I have to go somewhere. See you some other day, my lady."

"Umm wait..."

He shifts his head slightly, waiting for me to continue,

"Are you going to the Royal Border Defense Mission?"

This makes his eyes slightly flicker and he adds,

"Why do you ask?"

"Nothing. I just thought it would be better if you didn't go because..."

I played with my fingers, figuring out what to say. Maybe I should blurt it out. It's not like he would understand what I am mentioning but if he listens to me, at least he won't go and die. In the end, he is just a character from a book.

"I overheard this from some trustworthy source. The report you will receive regarding the number of enemies is ten times lesser than the actual amount. It's all an ambush to lure out the noblest knights in one place and execute them."

Upon my statement, Argus's face goes blank. What is he thinking? His eyes studied me which made me feel nervous and awkward.

"...is that so? Then is this source also the one that informed you to back out from the contract?"

"How is that related to this?"

I don't get why is he still hung up on the contract. As far as I read the book, he isn't supposed to give a shit about the contract or Rhea. Did I read wrong? I need to get out of here quickly before he starts asking any further questions.

"In any case, the reason for me backing out is different. I just offered you some advice. You can listen to it or disregard it, I don't care. I have to go now, therefore good day."

I slightly bow to leave but just when I went past him, he grabbed my wrist and blurted out in a low murmur,

"...Just why are you trying to change the plot?"



My ears couldn't believe what I just perceived. Both our eyes went round at this even though he was the one who declared it.



"What did you just say?"

He lets go of my wrist instantly and retorts,

"I did not say anything."

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