
I got reincarnated as a robot bird in marvel.

I got reincarnated as a flying death! predator missile, RCXD with wings, AC130, A-10 the destroyer! The world will kneel before me! *Chirp. Chirp Chirp Chirp!* "Aww. What a cutie you are." Unhand me woman! I got a universe to conquer! "See? I told you he likes to be patted" "You know that thing can level a city right?" "Ahhh Patato Patato" I- i will, once i am done here. I am writing this to just do what ever i like with stupid things with memes. I dont know about others but i am going to enjoy this more than i should have.

The_Puffer · Films
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10 Chs

Nia joins the team!

<Sorry guys I was sick for a week so I couldn't write. I am releasing a half chapter for you guys to not forget about me. Love you all.>

<By the way I am thinking about making a New fanfic about Titanfall in Marvel. Let me know what you think>

[Agamotto Pov]

"I... I dont know." Nia answered. She is probably still in shock after what happened.

"Well, you can stick with us here until you decide." I am saying this but I know she won't and can't leave us. She is just a little girl, hated by many and has nowhere to go. At least she can't say "I never wanted this, you guys kidnapped me" or something. She can still say "I was just a kid" but what are we spose to do? We can't just leave her here to die.

"T- Thankyou Uncle... For saving me from that metal monster." she nearly whispered.

My eyes twiched a little when I heard what she called me. "First of all, I am not that old and second, that metal monster is that guy over there." I pointed at Pumpkin.

She looked to her side and saw the little Pumpkin sleeping on the ground and asked with an innocent tone "Umm Uncle. Are your eyes bad?"


Did that bird just laughed at me? Oh you will see it Pumpkin. I will show you how it feels to be humiliated. Just wait.

"N- No. You see, that little guy actually has superpowers. just like you." I tried to explain it to her slowly. I couldn't just say that "little" thing is immortal, controlls time and can transform into metal birds that breathe chaos while listening to some strange music.

"Just like me? Can it glow?"

"Yes he can! But he glows Green. And can get bigger!"

"Wooow. Can it show me?"

"I don't know. You must ask him."

She turned to Pumpkin, brought her little head close to him and whispered "Mr. Bird can you please show me your glow please?" 'she used two pleases so I think its impossible for Pumpkin to refuse.'

He opens his eyes and looks at me. I look somewhere else to avoid eye contact knowing what he is thinking.

He opens his wings and uses his powers on a small rock. Nothing happens because the rock was probably there for days maybe months. But what Nia is watching wasn't the rock, it was Pumpkin.

"Woooow." she looks at him with sparkling eyes. 'last time I remember, humans couldn't do that. Ah whatever.'

She grabs and hugs him very tightly. "You are going to be my best friend!" Pumpkin tries to get away while trying to breathe.

'the little immortal is acting like he is actually going to die haha! He doesnt even breathe normally. '

*Chirp Chirp Chirp!* (s.o.s.)

"look! He is so happy to be held by you that he cant stop chirping!"

*Chirp Chirp Chirp!* (I am going to skin you alive Agamaggot!)

Nia laughs while holding Pumpkin. Now that I think about it, she acts like her Mother didn't just died yesterday. Strange. Is this part of her power? Maybe reinforcing her own mind unknowingly so that it doesnt break down?

*Chirp Chirp! Chirp! Chi-* (Thats it! I am getting out of here! ZA WARU-)

Just when Pumpkin was going to do something, Nia closed his beak with her tiny hands.

"Too much chirping is bad for you Mr. Pumpkin."

"how did you know his name?"

Nia looked at me with confused expression "Huh? You mean the Mr.Pumpkin? I just named him because he has beautifull Orange feathers."

I guess its his destiny to be named Pumpkin. Sorry my friend but I cant do anything about it.

*Muffled chirping* (cannot be translated due to immense swearing)

And thus, our day has Come to an end. We all rested *Intense muffled chirping* *cough* me and Nia rested near the fire place while Pumpkin tried its best to escape the little girl's bear hug.