
I Got Picked By The Cosmic God To Replace Him As The New Cosmic God!

Zyron's day was as normal as any other day. But suddenly after he blinked, he found himself in the middle of nowhere in the space. It turns out that the Cosmic God, the ruler and protector of the universe where Zyron exist has called him to announce that Zyron will be the next Cosmic God of the universe. Although anti-climatic and is beyond of Zyron's expectation, The Cosmic God gave the title on Zyron and hurriedly disappeared. Zyron is facing a new journey to understand the power that is given to him. And to discover every secrets and mysteries of the universe that is now on Zyron's hand.

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39 Chs



They're really on a higher realm of power. I'm sure I'm like 1 miles away from them but their blows create shock waves that even reached in my locations.

"Woah! "

I screamed as the black scythe's edge almost reached my throat. I swing my spear vertically aiming for her sternum and she block it. I can't get pass through huh? I used the impact of my spear on her scythe to push me away of her attack range.

Can I really defeat her? She's a God! I'm just a puny little homunculus with a power up. I can match her speed but not her strength and weapon mastery. She's swinging her scythe like it was part of her arms. She's not even wearing a serious expression! She looks like bored which somehow offends me.

And I can't focus with this shock wave from Diabolo and his opponent. It's even harder to focus. Think! What can I do. Oh! I haven't analyse this forms skills yet! Does it even have one? And we can acquired skill! I just don't know how!

Oh! My game and weeb knowledge will be handy here! First let's see the skills and spells. While keeping my distance away from her and parrying her attacks. I scanned through the virtual screen in my mind.


Avatar name: Yun long





Spells: Blink, Soul raid, Holy slash, Judgement web,

Skills: Spear Master, Dragon scales, Dragon vitality


Hnmm. 2 spells and 2 skills where provided by the this holy dragonmacer form. And my 2 avatar spells are just Blink type spells. My avatar skill just let me use Lance. I'm still so weak and yet I faced a fallen angel.

I read a lot about them and they are more powerful than common angel. She's balance in strength and weapon mastery which is better than me but we're even in speed. Perhaps it's still doable.

I activated soul raid and a spiritual clone emerge from my Avatar body. My consciousness will be transferred in the spirit clone making the body unusable until I came back to it.

She raised her scythe to ready it when I approach her in a closer range. While I was still far from her, I thrust my spear forward which made her frown for my attack won't reach her. Her eyes widened as my spirit clone disappeared and Blink in front of her. My spear successfully stabbed her abdomen making her flinched.

Her empty left hands turned into darkness and she launched it in my clone. I quickly deactivated the soul raid which then pulled my spirit clone back into my body before her punch hit. It might be a clone but the damage will be felt by the body once it returned.

Combo spells did work. Now I just have squeeze my brain and find a way to defeat her with this. Let's try her comprehension first. I engaged close range combat first since soul raid is in cool down. I flew at her direction and our spear and scythe meeting each other produced a clanging sound. She pushed herself back from and then swung her scythe upward to me. I flew out of her scythe's path but I was a second late and the scythe slashed my left arm.

The cut arms disappeared into light the place were my arm was before were now glowing the same white light. Doing this while floating is hard. Next time I'll just parry it. She dashed forward forming vertical and horizontal lines of slash which was just repelled by my spear . Even though it was repelled, I still receive some damage from the impacts and shock waves.

She lurched forward again but she back out once she saw my spear glowing in gold. Nice! She fell for my trick. Her eyes widened again as a spiritual clone emerge from my body and flew at a fast speed to her direction. This time she was wary and wait for further actions from me before she moves. She Learned a lesson earlier but this is a different subject!

I released the energy gathered in the tip of my spear by the holy thrust and it launch on her direction. She raised her hand and a ball of darkness flew to intercept my projectile. An explosion occurred as the two projectile made contact.

She then burst forward and swing vertically on the smoke. But she didn't hit anything. A spear protrude from her stomach that made her to vomit blood. Wait! Blood? She's a mortal? I thought this admiral types are gods? Because the demon and the female God was fighting one!

I thought she would resist but she remained still and uttered a sentence in a tired tone.

"I guess I need to go back in square one again."

"But you were stab! Aren't you gonna die?"

I sound worried but I'm the one who actually stab her, what am I even thinking.

"Oh? What is this? You're worried about your opponent? "

She muttered in a amused voice as she hold the handle of my spear from her back and push herself so that she can remove the spear. I was stunned for a second but I regained my wariness and once she faced me, my spear was now I front of her neck.

"Don't worry I'm already dead."

She waved my spear away with her hand and from her stomach, golden lights shined and slowly spreading across her body.

"What is happening to you?"

I asked curiously. She was stunned by the question but later released a genuine laugh. She laugh for like 5 seconds before wiping the tears that materialised from her eyes. Some of it floated but some still stick on her skin.

"Well I had a skill given by the system which will always reincarnate me with my memories no matter what my cause if death is. I thought I was gonna be lucky this time because I was reincarnated as a fallen angel which supposed to be really kinda strong. But you stabbed me, thanks."

Her last sentence had pure tone of annoyance. System?

"Wait you had system?!"

"Huh? You too?!"

"Yes but this was temporarily. It was because I had this homunculus and it was powered by the system."

"Heh? That sucks, I thought there's someone like me too. Anyways you're a genius. I always thought I was a protagonist so I never considered dying at someone whose weaker than me."

I hated her last sentence but it was true though. And the real me is even weaker. But that's kinda cool? She has a real system and she's been reincarnated many times from how she said it. But I think it's kinda sad?

Suddenly, she threw the scythe at me which I staggered to catch.

"Her name is Soni. She's a good weapon. It's gonna dissappear too if I held her so, do what ever you want with her."

She nonchalantly said as the golden light has swallowed her lower body. The only part of her that remained was her neck and head.

"Uh. I don't know why am I asking this but, what's your name?"

Oh! She blushed! Oh! She recovered. That was fast! Why did I even ask? It just came out of my mouth.

"Hmm. Vierra, just Vierra. And you?"

Now I feel my cheeks reddening.

"Mark glasc."

I smiled and I stupidly held my hand in front of her. Why did i-. She hovered her head and it placed itself under my hands. She wants me to pat her? That's kinda weird and awkward. But I did as she wants.

"If I ever meet you in next life, I'll have my revenge Mark. Farewell."


She finally closed her eyes and her head dissolved into golden dust.

What happened was really confusing. I don't understand my actions. But what I felt now was regret and a feeling of emptiness. What is this feelings?

"Oh! Mark! It seems that you succeed!"

A female voice resounded behind me and I saw Hannah's avatar hovering towards me when I turned.

"Cyrus died. He unfortunately faced a strong one. He won't be able to join us for now. And the bitch me and Lady Maderine faced was eliminated! Can you believe it? I did the final blow!"

She's able monster on combat but yet, here she is being a girl. I release a sigh as I converse with her. We will go on Zyron since his opponent was strong too that's why his battle hadn't ended yet.

But I'm still thinking of her. Vierra huh? I wonder if I will be able to meet her next life. But how will she identify me? I'm not even sure if I will be reincarnated with memories intact! My mind is in turmoil. Maybe I'll slash few enemies along the way to fend off this thoughts.

screw word count cap! I'm just gonna type the hell as long as I want and end whenever I want!

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