
I Got Picked By The Cosmic God To Replace Him As The New Cosmic God!

Zyron's day was as normal as any other day. But suddenly after he blinked, he found himself in the middle of nowhere in the space. It turns out that the Cosmic God, the ruler and protector of the universe where Zyron exist has called him to announce that Zyron will be the next Cosmic God of the universe. Although anti-climatic and is beyond of Zyron's expectation, The Cosmic God gave the title on Zyron and hurriedly disappeared. Zyron is facing a new journey to understand the power that is given to him. And to discover every secrets and mysteries of the universe that is now on Zyron's hand.

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39 Chs


She's fast! Her swings creates sharp sounds. Even if I parry it with my talon blade, the excess force still giving damage on me.

Her deep crimson eyes observes and predicts my movement and she does not give me any chance to let me launch my attacks.

I admit, she beats me in battle prowess. Then, I should fight in my own style I suppose.

"Lord of darkness, darkness familiar lord!"

I activated two consecutive buff skills which enhance my powers as a battle mage.


I casted a soul fire spell from my soul fire spell book. Fallen seraphim: Abdiel.

A floating crest made of 4 pairs of soul flame wings materialized floating behind my head. A skill named after a fallen angel from mortals beliefs. It enhanced my control over soul fire and allows me to apply an effect called soul burn to my enemy when dealing damage.

This system really detailed the way I use soul fire and turned it into a spell and skill inside the system. With this, I can just cast and activate skills and spells instantly than manipulate it.

Beiretha grinned evily at my action thinking that she can just eliminate me easily now that I resort into long range attacks. She blinked in front of me swinging down her claws but darkness appeared before her and bites it's fang into her skin.

Beiretha grimaced in pain as she cuts my Wolf familiar. Of course this familiar is a small fry for her but what's important was the soul burn. It will deteriorate her soul little by little if she don't do anything about the burns.

She stepped back and tries to cut out the skin which is where the bite mark emitting soul flame was but I won't give you a break.

My body turned into a dark smoke and many darkness bats emerge. The flock of darkness bat swarms Beiretha encaging her inside.

She sneered warily on the wall of darkness made of darkness bat but she still wears her evil smile even though her eyes are wary and frustrated. Still holding on to your mask huh? I understand well. Noble demons believes that showing weak emotions to your enemies can be considered as a loss.

But still..

"There's no entity this strong named Beiretha resides in the Cosmic plane. Where are you from and to whom are you working? "

My voice lingered inside the swarm confusing her sense even though she is a celestial. I shot a soul fireball. And she eagerly dodge it quickly swinging her claws from were the fireball came from.

"You know that asking someone like us is futile right?"

She said matter of factly. Vicious aura covered her body and red flames coated her claws. She swing both of her claws vertically slashing the swarm with her flame imbued claws.

The bats scattered in every directions revealing to her another swarm covering her. Countless of small soulflame orbs surrounded her and quickly shot towards her direction.

My body materialized just above her body burning in soul flame. She took large amount of damage but I could tell that she won't die that easy. By the burns inflicted to her soul, she will die a few hours for now.

I have good control over soulfire but I haven't mastered it yet to make it damage a lot. After all. I'm just new on this system. This battle shows how powerful we've become because of the system.

It allows us to use skills and spells in instantly just by invoking it. It's power is fixated to match our innate power and energy. We can't make it deal more damage but we can cast it instantly.

Her body explode. Hmm? Wise choice. Another body of her materialized from where she was before. She stopped the soulfire but there is still some burn damage remains for soulfire damage the soul itself.

She still wears her evil smile despite the clear advantage I had against her. If I can just fend her attacks and hit her with mine. I can slowly wear her soul. I'll make this a battle of time.

She Bursted again blinking in front of me with her claws now inside my body. But she was too late. She can move fast but my sense can keep up with her speed so I can react to her attacks as fast.

My body was already shattered into small bats engulfing her. She passed through my body acquiring new burns from my bat's bites.


Oh? A new skill? I willed the skill to activate and my perception became tremendously quick. I saw her moving slower in my perception. A skill that speed up my though processing. A simple skill but when handed to a someone of my caliber, it will be scary.

My swarm followed her but she flew faster than my swarm of darkness bat. Now I need to catch her, this will be troublesome.

I used celestial step and my form materialized in front of her now grasping her neck. My eyes sneered closely to hers activating the skill eye of terror. The skill's effect was to deduced the enemy's stats by 25% and apply fear onto her.

Her expression twitched as she struggles to fend off the fear trying to form on her expressions. Hands ignited in soulflame and my talon thrusting her abdomen. She cuts my Arms and blinked few kilometers away from me.

Her body explodes again and another one materialized on the place. Escaping is futile since I can use a spell than can close the gap between us. But she didn't try to move from her position. She is staring at me.

"You suddenly resolute into long range attack even though your opponent is a melee. But you made my speed futile because I can reach you but can't inflict damage. You have so many tricks up on your sleeps I suppose."

She made a stance and now seriously glaring at me. Giving up on emotions means you know you will die and you are prepared for it. That's how the noble demons acknowledge their opponents strength.

But that doesn't mean they will let their selves just die. Higher celestial demons are strict and loyal to our kind's beliefs and traditions. And that's a common knowledge in the celestial plane.

Once again, she released more energy but this time, she imbued it evenly on her body and her claws. She looks like she's covered in translucent fire that moves with fluidity like water. Her eyes are now bright crimson.

"Your will is honorable. But you made a mistake when you made Zyron-sama your enemy. I promise to make you repent your sin by taking your life. Now Beiretha! Come!"

"Very well, I'll make sure I'll put up a good fight, Diabolo!"