
I forgot I am an Evil God

(Taylor remembered things she shouldn’t and the world paid for it, because in new evil, God is about to rise ) Authors note is just for fun I don’t own anything. Also this is my first time writing so sorry for the mistakes. This story has worm au elements crossed over with, I am a spider so what.

Chinosama · Anime et bandes dessinées
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24 Chs

Chapter 7 magic theory and sleep

Sitting on the couch, I ponder on the days events.

First I figured out I am now a parahuman all though that is debatable, the next thing I figured out was how to use my powers, and I also talked to my new servant, then I figured out that my bully, Sophia is a hero, then I figured out that there are side effects to my powers for example,an emotional dampener or a streak of sadism, and many more like, small modifications to my personality.

So what do I do next, since It's the afternoon, my dad is going to get home soon so, I have a limited amount of time to figure out, what my next discovery will be?

To figure out what will be my, next discovery will be I think back to my spider experiment.

The first spider, a.k.a. white, that is the name I gave her by the way was a success, but subsequent experiments on enchanting insects, or any other living being resulted in the lifeform dying or exploding.

But I do have a theory on why this happens. Well you see the first spider that I enchanted,

was given a core mechanic of my being I don't know what this mechanic is all I know is, That's why our thought patterns Are very similar, and by having this minuscule amount of essentially me in the spiders body allowed it, to carry a minuscule amount of MA energy, which then allowed it to cast the magic.

If my theory is correct, then, no matter how many experiments I conduct all of them will fail, and subsequently I can't give Emma powers to make her suffer.

Although I could just make my servant connect to her and give her powers, but why do that when you can experiment for days or maybe even months just to figure out a formula to grant other people powers.

My first theory is MA energy is everywhere.

Essentially, there is this energy that nobody can detect, but me for some reason throughout the entire universe, oh nahh, I can't even convince myself of that.

Second more probable theory, personal reality, or to be more menacing, personal universe.

It's essentially a personal domain, made of MA energy essentially giving me Godlike powers well I have a limited amount so not really Godlike it's more cape like, the other thing I found out about MA energy is that my servant can't scan or see through my MA energy field It is only because she is my servant, and she's connected to me that's why she can even perceive or even quantify MA energy in the first place.

You might be thinking aren't you gonna run out of MA energy eventually.

And that would be a good question, and that is what I'm trying to figure out right now.

My leading theory is that a core mechanic of me essentially creates MA energy at a fixed rate. I don't know if it's infinite or if there any are bad side effects, but I sadly just have to find out.

Now for the actual meet of the matter, how to give Emma superpowers, my best chance of this happening is extracting a minuscule amount of essentially me to make a Shard like existence, like my servant for example.

This would also solve the problem of monitoring and giving powers entirely, but there's just one problem, actually multiple problems.

I'm still mulling over how I'm gonna extract a piece of myself, and also enchant someone without them noticing also figure out how enchanting even works, and also figure out the underlying mechanics of MA energy, and those all of the problems.

The first problem I'm going to tackle, is the underlying mechanics of MA energy. If I figure this out, the rest should be easier.

The first step on figuring out MA energies underlying mechanics is to quantify it but luckily, for me, my servant has already done that.

I won't go into too much detail, but essentially I have 5000 MA energy in total , now this may seem like a lot, but it's nothing compared to how much I will be needing to do the things I want to be able to do.

The next thing I need to do to figure out how MA energy works is to figure out its effect on reality and how it affects reality.

The first step on figuring out how and why AM energy works?

Is to know my radius or my domain, I should give it a better name like MA domain no, I think magical domain is much cooler.

Now back on topic, thanks to my servant, I figured out the diameter of my Magical domain, it is about half a city block radius Up-and-down, and fluctuating in distance, depending on my damp and emotions.

But before I could experiment more with my power my dads, car parked outside the house and then after a couple of seconds he came inside, and did not greet me, deciding to simply sit down at the At the table, eating the food I prepared.

He only commented on how good it was asking me. If I got better at cooking, I simply gave a noncommittal response and that was the end of the matter.

Walking back up to my room, careful not to look at my dad, I begin my experimentation where I left off and where I left off, was figuring out if my domain is more effective, the closer you are to the inside.

I tested it on birds by trying to impute them with fire, and it seems to not work, even though my the birds were in my domain.

What a conundrum I try to do it again, but this time, I try to imbue the fire on the birds, and this time the birds catch on fire.

I understand it now my enchantment works by imbuing, anything with a concept, for example, by imbuing , a bird with The concept of fire,the bird catches on fire because I added an extra concept to it.

At least that's my theory for now.

My power, theorising was interrupted by my servants and informing me of her success.


After I received the information through shard speak, I was quite satisfied, so I gave her a little more MA energy to speed up her reparations to serve me better.

But that interruption was enough for me to be aware of my surroundings again, looking outside my window I see the full moon, meaning it's already midnight It is quite late so I'm gonna go to bed. Hopefully I don't get any nightmares or weird dreams again.

My hopes were dashed when I come to and see a kaleidoscope of memories.

Looking around at the kaleidoscope, there are quite interesting memories here for example how to turn someone, into a vampire or if you like Japanese folklore, how to turn someone into an onies, in fact that white haired girl from my dreams were friends with an onies and a vampire.

But sadly, most of the memories are blurred or so incomprehensible that I can't comprehend anything useful from them.

There are also miscellaneous memories like the white haired girl, wondering what it would be like to eat a baby.

The white haired girl, thoughts on this subject,are quite interesting for example, if a baby is small maybe it will make a good portable food, source, or other words a good snacks, or maybe I can eat it in one bite to get maximum satisfaction, but seeing all of her thought process makes me ,now I'm wondering what it would be like to eat a baby.

Looking at the black haired girls memories for different and interesting memories, but for some reason the black haired girls memories are mostly blurred.

The only memories I can view are the black haired girl, playing video games for three days straight or her tormenting her classmates without them knowing and more miscellaneous memories.

But I wasn't gonna give up there. I will figure out what this black haired girls mysterious memories are for.

But no matter how hard I try to focus on the black haired girls memories I couldn't find any way to unblur the memories, it was simply impossible for me currently.

So I gave up and looked at more of the white haired girls memories, and they are quite interesting, like I mentioned earlier how to make vampires and Onies.

But Through scouring hundreds or even thousands of blurred and miscellaneous, memories, mostly blurred, I found a to make Demons, but there are several varieties of demons, and I have only seen one of the variety , but when I was about to look for more Demon variant in the kaleidoscope of memories, I was suddenly awakened by a call to consciousness.

Waking up with quite A shocking experience because a white haired girl, the same one from my dreams was sleeping peacefully, right, besides me.

it was as if she walked right out of my dreams.

But I quickly snapped out of my shock due to my emotion dampening.

Wanting answers, I tried to wake up the girl by shaking her a little, but that didn't work, so I shake her more and that finally woke her up.

As she slowly gets up from her lying position, I was mesmerised for a moment by her appearance.

No, it wasn't her beauty. It was something else, something calling to me, a familiar feeling it's not, because she was in my dreams. She just seemed familiar in a way, I can't describe.

But finally, when she opened her mesmerising multiple pupil red eyes, she asked me what do you require from me master?

I know in the I’m a spider so what novel and MA energy doesn’t quite work in that way, but they didn’t expand too much on it so I expanded on it.

anyways, thanks for reading this novel, and please give me some power stones because I want to be able to see my book in the rankings.

Or don’t.

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