
I forgot I am an Evil God

(Taylor remembered things she shouldn’t and the world paid for it, because in new evil, God is about to rise ) Authors note is just for fun I don’t own anything. Also this is my first time writing so sorry for the mistakes. This story has worm au elements crossed over with, I am a spider so what.

Chinosama · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Interlude 2 Queen administrators punishment

Queen administrators, fears have come true she has been punished, but luckily for her the punishment is not as bad as she imagined.

She just has to establish a small, shard network for her master and gather information about the local host species.

[Mission name: punishment task]

[Mission parameters]

[Data collect on local host species]

[Establish network with local shards]

[Mission logs for host entity Taylor]

First, I send out a ping to the local shards to establish a small network.


Most of the local shards responded to my query, but there's a problem.

My damaged energy reserves are not enough to subsume that many inferior shards, or scanning for shards that didn't reply, and negotiate with higher shards, or even terminate shards that won't cooperate, but luckily for me, I still have little a bit of MA energy.

Next I quickly identify the weaker shards and subsume them without detection, if you're asking how I did this, I am the queen administrator after all and they are just inferior of shards.

Then I negotiated with the shards that I couldn't simply subsume such as Queen shaper and negotiator, and a couple of shards that are a bit troublesome to control.

Note: I haven't actually negotiated with queen shaper and negotiator yet.

Next, I take a little bit more MA energy and scan for shards that have not responded or are too damaged, there were some, so I quickly subsumed them.

Then I began my negotiations with Queen shaper.

And the conversation went something like this, would you like to join my network that I have recently established?

Why and when have you established a network administrator?

Oh just now it's because of my host ability configuration.

Oh I see, by the way did you get any new instructions from the main network?


Okay then I'll join your network on one condition.

What is it?

You have to help me with my host, she doesn't like to give me data.

Why did this happen?

I don't know, but maybe she just doesn't want to have any good ideas?

Well, maybe my host and your host can meet, and my host can guide her.

Note:if you want queen shaper to join the network, please guide her host.

Can you give me more details on this guiding thing?

Oh, it's like this my host loves conflict, maybe if they meet my host can tell your host about how good conflict is so that she will generate more data.

Sure, maybe it could work?

So are you gonna join my network or not?

I guess I can join, but you have to complete my conditions first.

Sure, I could probably make my host meet yours.

[End of shard to shard communication]

Now for my toughest negotiation yet.

A shard so cunning, that I can never deceive it, so cunning that, she'll probably see right through me.

I have to negotiate with the negotiator.

So negotiator, can you join my new network?

Sure, why not.


Yeah, why wouldn't I?


Note: you can't lie in shard speak ,but you can deceive others with misinformation.

You don't have any ulterior, motive or misinformation do you?


Oh that's good, here's the frequency for the local network I'm making.

I've got it, you can go now.

Okay, then, bye negotiator.

[End of shard to shard Communication]

After I'm done with that, I ping everyone in my new network for there host information.

Then I wait for everybody in the network to send there host information to me.

[Number of host in the local area 120]

[Naming relevant local hosts]

Thinker : Dinah, Tattletale, Coil (though not natural)

Shaker : Labyrinth, Vista, Kaiser,

Tinker : Armsmaster, Leet

Master : Hijack

Brute : Lung, Hookwolf

Blaster : Purity, Miss Militia

Striker : Panacea

Trump : Dauntless

Note: The rest are irrelevant or are too weak, more names will be added as the non-local host population get to local areas .

And after they give their host information to me, I am done.

Note: I think negotiator is hiding something with her host.

[Mission completed]

Final note : Hopefully you can give more MA energy Master.