
I don't know what I'm doing....

The cliché OP reincarnation schtick

ThatOneGuy01 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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1 Chs

The Benninging

Waking up in absolute darkness was not something I expected to happen to me, sorry that is a bit of a lie I expected it but not like what I am experiencing right now, all I see is absolute darkness that extends infinitely all around me. I expected a blackout or a brownout to happen considering where I live, but if that happens you can still see just not very clearly, of course, if your house has no windows you won't see shit but…. Uh you get the point, right?

*Sigh* who am I even talking to?

Anyway, all I see is infinite darkness all around me and this floating screen that is telling me to choose whether I want to go Hard mode, Normal mode, an Easy mode. And there isn't even an explanation for what choosing any one of these will do….

I choose Normal Mode though…. Yeah, what did you think? That I would go on this convoluted and in-depth explanation of my choices? Yeah… Nah, anyway if you want an explanation for why I chose Normal mode its rather simple really, easy mode would just either whatever is going to happen after this very easy and I would just be handed everything and I don't want that, If I want something, I want to deserve it and work for it. This is probably why I don't like anything related to mind control in anime, novels, Hentai, etc.

And for Hard mode well…. My last life (Assuming I'm dead) was already on hard mode and I don't want whatever is going to happen after this to fall on that line so the most appealing option to me was Normal mode.

Now it's asking me to choose if I want to fill out a [RWBY CYOA] by PixelGMS, Get [Essence of Blank and Home], which is more appealing than making a CYOA build, to be honest, I mean infinite potential and the ability to travel anywhere in the multiverse with a personal dimension that only you have access to? Yeah this choice is more appealing than the first one, and the last one is getting [Inspired Inventor] with something similar to [Eidolon] or [Power Manipulator] with restrictions and they are….

1. You can only have 3 powers and they are permanent

2. You cannot give yourself powers that will make you OP

3. You can only make passive buff powers

Of course, that isn't the exact wording for the restrictions I just shortened it a bit… ok maybe not a bit but you still understand the restrictions so no harm, no foul. To be honest, the last choice is the most appealing to me, I'm not the smartest person, hell I'm probably just below average or just average but with [Inspired Inventor], I would be able to live out my fantasy of making sci-fi shit like spaceships, lightsabers, teleporters like the ones from stargate, etc. I mean I know with [Essence of Blank] I would still be able to do this only that I would have to spend a lot of fo time studying.

Well…. Shit, this is a hard choice to I go for long term er…. No, not long term it's the hard way or the Easy way essentially since if I go [Essence of Blank] I need to study and get the books or access to the internet or whatever is equivalent to it to wherever I'm going after this, and that isn't a guarantee, meanwhile [Inspired Inventor] gives me the knowledge and all I need to do is find the materials to make whatever I may come up with…. Eh…. I'm leaning more towards [Inspired Inventor] so…. That's, that I guess.

Huh, that wasn't that hard. Now for the 3 powers that I need to pick oh sorry 2 powers since [Blank] from where [Inspired Inventor] came from is an auto-lock, sp I already have protections from postcog and precog and whatever else that is supposed to protect me from (sorry I forgot) now I need something to protect my Squishy fleshy body. Preferably wither something that would increase my durability or increase my regenera-….. [Deadpool Regeneration] locked in, now what else do I need? No, what DO I want because I already have the 2 passives I need (I think)? Oh! Shit [Mind Palace] for my memories and the accelerated thinking and multiple thought processes.

And with my decisions made for my powers, I locked them in and watched as 2 wheels(?) appeared in front of me with one having Anime, movies, Manga, Light Novel, etc listed and with one blank that I think need the first wheel to be spun first so I do just that and I think lady luck was smiling upon me because it landed on [Anime] since I've watched more Anime than Movies or read manga and light novels. I looked over to the second wheel and my guess was right It has Anime titles on it and the one it lands on is probably where I am going to…. And so, with much anticipation and fear, I spin the wheel...

Waking up in an alley was not what I expected would happen, I thought I would wake up in a forest-like most Isekai protags would and encounter some secret tomb and be chosen as the disciple or student by a hidden expert there you know? Though that has a very low chance of happening considering the world I am in is not a Cultivation type of world nor is it in the Medieval era.

"*Sigh* I don't have the time to just lay here and procrastinate do I? well… technically I do consider I have about a week or so before Deku meets All Might for the first time, and I remember Deku training with All Might for 10 Months before he goes to UA so I have 10 months to prepare. And considering my power *Grin* that is enough time for me to build something that could allow me to throw black holes at All for One or Tomura. Though I am getting ahead of myself for a bit considering I'm currently Homeless and I don't even know where I am going to get materials to build the things I need, or…. I could build something that breaks down atoms or whatever and combine them into something else? ...Yeah, that could work I just need to go to a junkyard and collect the materials"

As I get up to leave the alley, I search around my pockets just in case whatever or whoever brought me here gave me a phone or maybe a letter, and lucky me since I did find something in my pocket. It's a phone, the same one I had in my previous life before I arrived here actually, though I don't have anyone registered in my contacts (I checked) other than the one just named ROB – Sama…... and I have a message from this dude(?).

[ ROB – Sama: Hey, kid thanks for agreeing to all of this by the way you're doing me a favor here. Don't worry about the details, for now, I'll explain everything in the future. Anyway, thanks to this, your Identity problem for this world is solved, a bag will appear where you woke up and it will have everything you need for your Identity. And your enrollment to UA is covered in there as well, I will be meeting with you in the future when I think it's time for you to know everything. Good Luck Kid.]

'Well, I have one problem solved I guess…' I thought as I went back to where I woke up to pick up the bag to skim through who I am in this reality, and yes 'This Reality' I have the [Inspired Inventor] I will eventuality find a way to travel the Multiverse or maybe The Omniverse. Anyway, that's for future me to think bout right now? I just need to go back to my 'Uncle's' apartment.

Though said uncle does not exist, anyway my name is Ciel Cross, half-American and half-Japanese and 14 years old, my parents were Heroes who died from a Villain attack. And I currently live in Mustafa, Shizoku Prefecture with my Uncle from my Father's side who is out of the country most of the time because of work so I essentially Live on my own, though I hope that my 'Uncle's' apartment isn't empty and has some appliances that I can salvage for material so I can build something for me to get some funds, or I could just build scavenger bots like in Dead Space and stea-*cough* Borrow, from junkyards and I can also get some materials from the beach that Deku Used and a training place with All Might. And I would be helping the environment too, *Heh*.


Author's Note:

As the title says I don't know what I'm doing, I've been reading a shit ton of books and fanfics ever since the pandemic and I just thought 'hey I want to try writing a story as well' so here I am.

so if anyone has any advice on how to improve my writing im open to suggestions, and i dont have any plans for what will happen in this story so again im open to suggestions