
I, dark zagi! be kind

Travel through Nexus and become the fourth generation of Nexus adepts - Li Mu. At this time, the alien beasts were flooding. I thought that I could evolve light into Noah like in TV and suppress everything. However, he didn't want to think that the place he passed through was the legendary copy of hell. Once inadvertently, he was bewitched by the dark Lucifer and fell into the darkness. Since then, in the Ultra Universe, there has been an extra kind person who is obviously dark but extremely kind. "I'm kind, I can't see your pain, I'll send you on your way!"

Mhd_Fazzlye · Action
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15 Chs

Chapter 8 The Battlefield of Light and Darkness!

"Everyone, a new crisis has arrived!"

The silver figure, as soon as it appeared, said immediately.

"A new crisis?" Da Gu was taken aback and asked, "What is that?"

"Boundless darkness..."

That silver figure, that is, You Lian, looked deeply at Da Gu and said.

"Boundless darkness?!"

You Lian nodded, regained the artificial intelligence state, and said slowly under the eyes of everyone: "Not long ago, I sensed that someone broke into the barrier of the dark giant that sealed and destroyed the world 3000 million years ago. ."


Hearing this, the team members in the war rooms and the TPC director all frowned.

eventful autumn...

At this time, Zijera's matter has not been resolved, and suddenly a mysterious person appears.

But now, the artificial intelligence of the ultra-ancient civilization that has been preserved for 3000 million years actually said that someone broke into the barrier that sealed the dark giant, and the boundless darkness is coming.


Just when everyone was irritable, Juma Megumi suddenly seemed to think of something and looked at You Lian.

"Does this have something to do with my TPC being hacked by an unknown presence?"


You Lian thought for two seconds, then nodded slightly.

In an instant, the war room became quiet, and Ju Zhan Hui's pupils shrank, and he asked in a deep voice, "What is his purpose?"

"The southern part of the Pacific Ocean is the burial place of my super-ancient civilization!"

You Lian organized some language and said: "Where, there are thousands of dead giants."

"That is to say..."

Kashiwamura Reiko suddenly came over, "Who kidnapped the Lina team and went to the southern Pacific Ocean to find super ancient ruins and giants to maintain their lives?"

Most of the humans eroded by darkness have some side effects.

The side effect is forgetting...

However, although she has forgotten everything she has done, the monitoring and data are all well preserved. Naturally, she still knows some incredible things!

For example, the man who controlled Lina was actually a human...


You pity looked over.

"But human..."

"Which man is the light!"

Dagu opened his mouth, but before he could fully spit out the words, he was interrupted by You Lian.

You pity said: "To be precise, it is a human being who is evolving towards light!"



"Towards the light, evolved humans?"

"Can humans also have the power of light?"

"But, no, if that guy's identity is human, why didn't he leave a trace on the earth?"

"Could it be... a super ancient human?"

As You Lian's voice fell, there was an uproar in the war room, and the members of the victory team whispered, look at me, I look at you, and finally turned their attention to You Lian.

"He is not a human of our era, you can even say..."

"None of them are humans in this universe!"

Under the eyes of everyone, You Lian opened her mouth and gave an answer that made everyone open their eyes.

"Not the humans of our universe?"

"Could it be... a parallel world?"

"How is that possible?!"

"But... it seems that this is the only way to explain why that guy is so terrifying, but he left no trace of any activity on the earth!"


There was a lot of discussion in the war room, but You Lian seemed to have nothing to do with him.

"That human being has been severely injured, his life energy has been exhausted, and he is about to die!"

"If I'm not wrong..."

At this point, Hori and the others had stopped talking, and all of them stared at You Lian intently.

You pity said: "His purpose should be to absorb the power left over from the dead giants on the super ancient battlefield, fill up his oily body, and by the way...promote the evolution of his own stagnation, so as to restore the peak state..."


Hori was about to be shocked, but suddenly reacted, "No, it's not a good thing for humans to evolve from humans to light, isn't it?"

"Yes, evolve into light, as long as we follow the path of that guy, can we get rid of the fate of destruction?" Xincheng slapped the table, full of energy.

Zongfang looked at Ju Jianhui, and Ju Jianhui's eyes flickered a little, not knowing what he was thinking.

Director Sakai, on the other hand, was leaning on the chair, looking at You Lian thoughtfully.

As for Dagu...

Dagu opened his mouth several times, but every time he was unable to speak, he hesitated.

"Maybe so!"

You Lian shook her head, "But..."

"There are so many giants buried in the ultra-ancient ruins, and the remaining power is terrifying. Once that guy doesn't have a strong spirit, he will be dominated by power and enter a state of depravity."

"Instantly, it will be a disaster for mankind!"

This is not a joke, but a real meaning.

On the battlefield of the super ancient city, the giants that the super ancient civilization depended on for survival and glory were buried.

These giants are numerous, light and dark.

Not to mention, secretly... Once the resentment that has gathered for 3000 million years is condensed, it is no joke.

It might be the ruler of darkness, and Gatanjee can't be compared with him.

After all, when that guy used the remaining dark power to erode Dr. Kashiwamura, the trace of darkness that leaked out also shocked her, a super ancient priest.

Can you imagine what kind of attitude that guy will turn into once he is resurrected?

"So, we have to stop that parallel world visitor?"

Director Sakai got up, You Lian didn't answer, but the meaning was already clear, this was letting them choose for themselves.

Sakai didn't ask any further questions, and nodded directly to Megumi who was looking over from the other side.


Megumi understands.

"Victory Team..."


At the same time, the visitor from the parallel world who gave them the crisis had taken Lina through a long dark passage and came to a hole.

This hole stands on the cliff, as if embedded on a [-]-meter mountain.

A strong wind whistled from nowhere.

The shaved Li Mu and Lina's clothes swayed constantly, but there were happy smiles on their faces.


"Finally found it!"

"Super ancient ruins, Luluye city, light and dark... battlefield!"
