
I, dark zagi! be kind

Travel through Nexus and become the fourth generation of Nexus adepts - Li Mu. At this time, the alien beasts were flooding. I thought that I could evolve light into Noah like in TV and suppress everything. However, he didn't want to think that the place he passed through was the legendary copy of hell. Once inadvertently, he was bewitched by the dark Lucifer and fell into the darkness. Since then, in the Ultra Universe, there has been an extra kind person who is obviously dark but extremely kind. "I'm kind, I can't see your pain, I'll send you on your way!"

Mhd_Fazzlye · Action
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15 Chs

Chapter 6 Do you want to gain great power?

In the southern part of the Pacific Ocean, 4000 meters underwater.

The Dolphin is moving slowly at a speed of ten meters per second.

And Lina, who was mentioned by everyone, was sitting in the main driver's seat at the moment, and nervously controlled the Dolphin to move towards the position marked by Li Mu, not letting go of a detail.

I don't know how long it has been driving, and the Dolphin has left the uneven seabed vine reef and came to a vast area.

Although this area was dark, the lights on the Dolphin still illuminated an area, causing Lina to open her mouth and widen her eyes, full of wonder.


With the help of the faint brilliance of the Dolphin, she vaguely saw the civilization buried in the sand.

"Here... is it some super-ancient civilization that humans have never discovered?"

Lina opened her eyes in shock.

However, she did not forget the real reason why she came here.

She suppressed the shock in her heart, stretched out her small hand, and gently pushed Li Mu who was sleeping beside her.


Li Mu frowned, his eyelids twitched a little, and he woke up from his deep sleep.


He forced himself to cheer up, and then looked around. Although it was dark, he couldn't resist his sight.

"Yes!" Lina's tone was a little excited, "I have come here according to your instructions, master. I didn't expect this to be the remains of a super ancient civilization."

"...then get ready to go!"

Li Mu felt a little bit, glanced somewhere in the darkness, and then nodded.

Many civilizations have been buried in the Pacific Ocean for 3000 million years. Although Li Mu doesn't know where the super ancient civilizations are, he can sense the majestic darkness!

that dark...

It was Gatanjee's.

And Gatangjee is above Luluye, as long as you find Gatangjee, you can find Luluye.

Here, it is the darkest place.

At this moment, even though there was a Dolphin, Li Mu still sensed the power that made him feel refreshed, as if he had returned home, making him spiritual and warm.


The excited Lina was stunned, and looked at Li Mu in amazement.

Li Mu was also a little confused, looking at Lina puzzled, until the next second, he didn't react.

At this time, Lina was just a human being eroded by darkness, not an evolutionary like him.

4000 meters under the sea, equivalent to 412 atmospheres, which is enough to smash the armored car.

If Lina went out without any equipment, she might be crushed into flesh in an instant by the pressure of the ocean.

"It's my lack of consideration, but..."

Li Mu rubbed his chin, then his eyes moved, revealing a meaningful smile, "Do you want to gain great power?"

"Powerful...power?" Lina looked at Li Mu.

Li Mu said: "The same power as Ultraman Tiga!"


"I..." Lina's throat moved, her eyes full of anticipation, "Is it okay?"

"Haha!" Li Mu laughed a few times, "You'll know if you follow along..."

After all, he directly unbuckled the seat belt, controlled the Dolphin to open the valve, entered the water, and then completely subverted his physical cognition and levitated beside him waiting for Lina.

He believes...

Lina certainly couldn't resist this temptation.

After all, there is such a thing as evolving into light, turning into a giant, and gaining eternal life.

Don't say it's Lina who has been eroded by darkness, even Lina who has not been eroded before will be tempted by this kind of temptation.

Sure enough... Lina, who hesitated for two seconds in the main driver's seat, seemed to make up her mind, and crawled out of the Dolphin following Li Mu's passage.


As soon as she entered the water, Lina's dangling heart calmed down in an instant.

Because she didn't experience that terrifying air pressure.

In other words...she passed Li Mu's test?

That's right, as a woman, a top student who can join the winning team, she is not a fool.

As early as the moment Li Mu said those words, she understood that Li Mu was testing her.

Because Li Mu's life is only three days away, she must have a big plan to come here in a hurry at this time, so she will definitely be brought in so that the news will not be leaked.

And saying this...

Nothing but a test!

Live and die!

Now it seems that the pressure has not come, which shows that her choice is right!

Lina breathed a sigh of relief, her eyes flickered for a moment, and then she used her swimming skills to come to Li Mu, and then she pretended to be unstable and embraced Li Mu's arms.

Li Mu hugged him subconsciously, and Lina said weakly.



Li Mu was stunned for a moment, looking at the woman in her arms who showed off her tea skills like a kitten, and suddenly burst out laughing.

Isn't it incredible?

Lina, who is obviously like that, suddenly made such a move at this moment!

This gap...

This fall...

It made Li Mu's dark heart greatly satisfied.


This is also normal.

Because the Lina at this moment is no longer the Lina she used to be.

In the Ultra World, everyone seems to think that the power of darkness is very strong, such as Dark Tiga, Dark Emperor, Dark Zaki, Dark Luki El and so on...

These are dark words, and they are powerful.

But in fact, in addition to being powerful, darkness has a lot of secondary abilities.

For example: hypnosis, brainwashing, blackening, etc...

And Dark Zaki, the most famous skill, isn't it tampering with memory?

In TV, this guy first predicted everything that would happen in the future, and then tampered with everyone's memory, concealed his existence, and set up a big picture.

And Li Mu...

After crossing into this world, he used this ability to tamper with part of Lina's memory.

And for fear that when she recalled the past, she also used the power of darkness for a second blackening, so she had the appearance at this time.

In Lina's memory, he was her master a long, long time ago.

She joined the victory team, all by his orders.

In order to one day be able to use the identity of the winning team to work for himself.

Although this memory is a bit flawed, if you think about it carefully, you can even find many problems, but let me ask, would a normal person question his memory for no reason? !

"It's really fun!"

Holding Lina in his arms, Li Mu was elated.

"Let's go, take you to see how powerful the 3000 million-year-old ultra-ancient civilization is!"
