
I, dark zagi! be kind

Travel through Nexus and become the fourth generation of Nexus adepts - Li Mu. At this time, the alien beasts were flooding. I thought that I could evolve light into Noah like in TV and suppress everything. However, he didn't want to think that the place he passed through was the legendary copy of hell. Once inadvertently, he was bewitched by the dark Lucifer and fell into the darkness. Since then, in the Ultra Universe, there has been an extra kind person who is obviously dark but extremely kind. "I'm kind, I can't see your pain, I'll send you on your way!"

Mhd_Fazzlye · Action
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15 Chs

Chapter 15 Demon... Mephistopheles!

"What's its name?"

The more she looked, the more satisfied she became, Lina asked again.

Li Mu paused and replied, "Devil... Mephistopheles!"

"Demon, Mephistopheles?"

Lina repeated it in her mouth, and the eyes that looked at the stone statue shone with light.


She was very happy with the name and the giant.

However, this is normal, after all, Mephisto's shape does have a very large visual impact.

The demons and skeleton elements all over his body, plus the rib-like back, are like a real devil living in reality.

That is, without losing grace or ruthlessness, like a messenger from hell.

Simply to their own identity and taste!

How could this not satisfy Lina? !

Li Mu also noticed Lina's appearance, he smiled, then raised his right hand, smeared his energy core, and beckoned towards the shaped stone statue...

In an instant, a strong stream of dark light broke away from Li Mu's palm and injected into the energy timer on the chest of the stone statue.

all of a sudden...

The stone statue seemed to have undergone some kind of transformation and came alive on the spot.

The first is the energy timer at the chest.

The energy timer was no longer in the shape of a stone block, but changed into a dark gem that can swallow people's hearts, and then spread out in all directions with the timer as the center.

Before long, a brand new dark giant appeared in front of everyone.

This scene...

Stunned everyone.

With the frequent occurrence of crises on the earth, they also have some understanding of the life of giants.

However, what they didn't expect was that in their eyes, the giant who was like a god and a savior was actually created by people like this.

That's right...

is to create.

This scene has subverted the three views of mankind and subverted mankind's cognition of giants.

Even the TPC, the largest syndicate on the planet.

Especially their internal researchers.

That is one by one began to doubt life.

Giants, they've been in touch since the beginning.

Although they have not studied physical giants, they have a lot of TPC powder for giant stone statues.

Of course...

After more than three years of research, they haven't come up with the slightest result.

The only thing that is useful is the light particle conversion device invented by Masaki Keigo.

But this thing, if you want to use it, you must have a complete stone statue of the giant of light, and their TPC has never been in contact with this ranks, and they all know little about it.

In addition, the director chose to seal all the information on the giant of light.

and so...

The research giant has faded out of sight.

But at this time, what did they see? !

A giant, pinched out another giant, and resurrected him.

This Nima...

"how is this possible?"

Dagu muttered to himself.

You Lian's eyes were full of astonishment, because she didn't expect their super-ancient civilization's pride, in the hands of a dark giant, to be so easily re-engraved.


"What will you do next?"

Luke suppressed his ups and downs and stared at Li Mu, looking forward to his follow-up actions.

3000 million years ago, although the Giants of Light had already been pipelined, but to truly assimilate with giants, they still needed genetic factors of light. Only this kind of genetic factors could be transformed into light, assimilated with giants, and then revived...

And this woman named "Nanase Rina", he has already tested.

Does not have the genetic factor of light.

Therefore, it is still difficult for her to evolve into light and fuse with the resurrected giant.


He still underestimated Li Mu's power after all.

In the Tiga world, without the genetic factor of light, it is indeed impossible to turn into light.

Even if he uses the light particle transformation device, he will only transform his own life energy, and he will not evolve himself into light like Masaki Keigo.

Therefore, it is impossible to make Lina, a human, merge with Dark Mephisto.


Who is Li Mu?

Li Mu has evolved into a complete Noah, the wingless Noah of the previous stage!

Although the body at this time is all composed of Luluye's negative energy, but even so, it surpasses many giants.

Want to make Lina merge with the dark giant, isn't that easy?

I saw a flash of red light in his eyes, and Lina, who was suspended beside him, was also shocked. At the same time, the same light flashed in his pupils, and his expression became stiff.

Then, a majestic darkness poured out of her body, shrouding herself and turning into a ball of light.

Under the control of Li Mu, he fell into the energy timer of Dark Mephisto.


Dark Mephisto's dim eyes flashed a crimson light, and then it dimmed again.

However, her movements were obviously more energetic than before, not as rigid and stunned as before, like a walking corpse.

"I... become a giant?"

Dark Mephisto raised his hands blankly, looking at his arms and his huge body.

"Humph! How do you feel about the power?"

Li Mu put his hands around his chest and looked down at the dark Mephistopheles with a hint of arrogance.


Dark Mephisto's body froze, and Lina's voice came with a little doubt, confusion, and... struggle.

The power of darkness is powerful.

But the side effects of dark power are terrifying.

After merging with Dark Mephisto, Lina gained powerful power.

But when she looked at herself, around Li Mushi, thoughts would always come up in her mind.

kill him...

Occupy him!

Why is this guy so high, I have gained a powerful power...

I am God!


All kinds of thoughts and emotions, with the powerful power of Dark Mephisto, continued to flood into her mind, making her a little dazed for a while, and even her persevering heart began to shake.

But this is normal...

In the face of powerful forces, except for some saints who have no desires and no desires, powerful humans will also be deceived.

For example, Gou Lu Muzhen also...

Mizulu Muzhen is also the strongest able-bodied person in Nexus.

If you let him get the light of Nexus, then there will be nothing behind Zaki and Lucifer.


Goulu Muzhen also defected to the darkness at first, but it was not because he gave birth to an evil heart.

He just made a big mistake for the sake of greater power, somewhat similar to Gagula in Uub, only to finally get lost in the power of Dark Mephisto.

At this time, Lina was the same as her, not to mention that she was eroded by darkness.

Not that kind of puppet.

Naturally, some other thoughts will arise.


She can't do the same thing as Gou Lu Muzhen.

Because, her change was already expected by Li Mu!