
I, dark zagi! be kind

Travel through Nexus and become the fourth generation of Nexus adepts - Li Mu. At this time, the alien beasts were flooding. I thought that I could evolve light into Noah like in TV and suppress everything. However, he didn't want to think that the place he passed through was the legendary copy of hell. Once inadvertently, he was bewitched by the dark Lucifer and fell into the darkness. Since then, in the Ultra Universe, there has been an extra kind person who is obviously dark but extremely kind. "I'm kind, I can't see your pain, I'll send you on your way!"

Mhd_Fazzlye · Action
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15 Chs

Chapter 11 Something rushes out again!

Reiko Kashiwamura, Megumi Juma, Sawai, Zongfang and others immediately turned their attention to the big screen.

On the big screen, the sea water surged rapidly, and then a loud "Tom!" sound was heard, and a water column soaring into the sky was splashed on the sea surface, roughly a kilometer.

Then, a crimson light beam flashing with dark purple lightning broke through the water column, rushed out of it, and flew to an altitude of [-] meters in the blink of an eye, still accelerating.

"what is this?"

Seeing this scene, Zong Fang opened his eyes wide and stared in horror at the crimson light beam flying from the bottom of the water on the big screen.

I don't know what it is, but it's definitely not good news.


This speed has far surpassed their human technology.


Before anyone could reply, Zong Fang suddenly thought of something, and hurriedly picked up the communicator and shouted loudly.

"Dagu, stop it!"

"No, it's too late!"

Ye Rui took off a basin of cold water, "His flight speed cannot be estimated. At least he starts at around Mach [-]. With the power of the Feiyan, he can't catch up at all."

"how can that be?"

When Zongfang heard this, his eyes almost popped out.

They had calculated before that the fastest speed of Tiga's purple form was no more than Mach [-].

This guy started ten...

What is this kidding?

Even You Lian had an incredible look on his face.

However, this is normal. After all, the running speed of Dark Zaki is Mach 27.

a flight...

That's not at least several times running?

At this time, Megumi used her ability as the captain of the winning team. She looked at Ye Rui with a clear mind, "Is there a way to predict where it will land?"

"No, the speed is too fast, our system can't accurately capture each other... eh? This is..."

"what happened?"

Ye Rui tapped the keyboard a few times, "Under the sea, something has come out again!"

Reiko Kashiwamura: "???"

Megumi: "???"

Director Sakai: "???"

Zong Fang: "???"

Everyone looked at the big screen with a dazed expression, and then several huge water columns rose from the sea, and then several huge figures rushed out and rushed to the sky.

In the direction where the red light disappeared before, he chased after him.

"It's a monster!"

Ye Rui wanted to capture the images of those monsters, but the satellites couldn't be used, and the current ground simulation devices couldn't keep up with the speed, so he could only take pictures of blurred silhouettes.

"They're chasing that red light, my God, it's too fast."

"What kind of monsters are these and what do they want to do?"

Zong Fang was lying on the table in shock, looking at the blurred shadows in the picture.

"They are the vanguard of the Dark Dominator, Zorga!" You Lian moved her eyelids and said, "It should be that guy who angered the Dominator and was sent out to attack by the Dominator!"


Megumi opened his mouth, but his eyes moved, and he looked at Zejing again.

"Director, immediately order all people in the city to evacuate to underground shelters!"

"Is it necessary to do this now?"

As soon as these words came out, the staff officer Nanyuan, who had been with Director Zejing, was shocked.

You must know that those people are in cities all over the world. Once they do this, the world will almost be paralyzed, and the losses caused are simply incalculable.

"I'm afraid it's too late to do it now."

Megumin sighed and said, "Two absolutely powerful beings have awakened."

"And now, it seems that there will be a victory or defeat between them. With their great power, we humans are like ants in front of them..."

"I understand!"

Director Sakai also knew how powerful it was, so he nodded and stood up.

"I announced that a special alert order will be issued immediately, all TPC personnel will cancel their vacation, the logistics department will immediately start building emergency supplies reserves around the world, and the police station and ground troops will start evacuating the crowd and entering underground shelters."


Intermediary favor order.

Then, she looked at You Lian.

"How much time do we have?"

You Lian shook his head, "I don't know either!"

"But..." She looked at the chase on the big screen, "How much time you have depends on the existence of the two darkness, how long you can decide the winner!"



"it is good."

"I understand!"

"Let's return immediately!"

In the southern part of the Pacific Ocean, following behind Zaka, watching Zaka's figure getting smaller and smaller, the three received a communication from the headquarters, and they were receiving new orders from the headquarters at this time.

"Those guys, what exactly are they?" Xincheng looked at the vanishing Zaka with lingering fears.

The red light beam rushed out, and the headquarters saw it. How could these cruisers not see it?

For the first time, they wanted to chase, but the other party was too fast, and in the blink of an eye, the tail could not be seen.

This made the three of them extremely disappointed.

But at this time, several monsters appeared on the bottom of the sea, and the three immediately followed them.

But don't want to...

"Alas, the battle between two darkness, the world is shrouded in darkness, the sun will not rise again, I think the wish to smoke Chijera pollen once will not come true."

Hori lay in the cockpit, looking a little lost at the dark sky.

Xincheng was just as listless, "Who said it wasn't!"

The two imagined those good times when they had entered the dream world.

Only Da Gu sat in the back row, his right hand subconsciously grabbed the divine light stick on his chest, and staring at the choppy, unsettled sea below, he was dazed.


At the same time, in the sky, two different species are engaged in a tug of war.

The speed of the crimson beam is extremely fast, and it is not comparable to these pioneers sent by the ruler.

During the flight, Zorka gradually found that he couldn't catch up with the other party at all.

So he immediately changed his strategy and prepared to launch an attack to forcibly interrupt the path of the scarlet beam, only to see them open their mouths together and spit out bullets of light.

These light bombs spread out and rushed towards the airspace where the crimson beam of light was about to reach.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

Almost in an instant, the light bombs fired by the Zoga group reached the predetermined airspace.

With a loud "bang", it exploded directly, and the raging flames spread in all directions, swallowing up the airspace within a kilometer in diameter.