
I, dark zagi! be kind

Travel through Nexus and become the fourth generation of Nexus adepts - Li Mu. At this time, the alien beasts were flooding. I thought that I could evolve light into Noah like in TV and suppress everything. However, he didn't want to think that the place he passed through was the legendary copy of hell. Once inadvertently, he was bewitched by the dark Lucifer and fell into the darkness. Since then, in the Ultra Universe, there has been an extra kind person who is obviously dark but extremely kind. "I'm kind, I can't see your pain, I'll send you on your way!"

Mhd_Fazzlye · Action
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15 Chs

Chapter 10 Terrifying Darkness!

"what happened?"

In the spaceship research room, Lu Ke, who was extracting Qijera's essence, looked at the darkness in the system alarm with astonishment, "How could the darkness recover so quickly?"

In his memory, didn't Zijera want to save humanity first before darkness came?

Why now, before Zijera's flower has fully bloomed, darkness has appeared?


"and many more..."

Just in shock, suddenly Luke's eyes snapped and his fingers clicked on the virtual image a few times.

next moment...

Luke's pupils shrank.

Full of incredible looking at the results of the computer system analysis.

"This darkness, isn't Gatangie's?"

Gatanjee, known as the ruler of darkness, is a terrifying existence that resides on the planet and the culprit that destroys the super-ancient civilization.

The black mist released by this guy has no quality response, so the usual attacks and physical methods cannot be blocked.

Organisms inhaling the gas can be paralyzed or die in severe cases. In addition, the black mist also carries special ions, which can disrupt the normal operation of machinery and block electrical waves.

Even in the case of gathering, it can burn the opponent.

But what Lu Ke observed at this time was different.

This is pure darkness, a cloud of pure negative energy that blocks the sun.


There is no detrimental quality inside yet.

Therefore, this must not be the darkness of Gatanjeur.

But it's so huge... Even if the dark giants sealed in Luluye were unsealed, it would be impossible to create them.

"What on earth happened?"

Luke tapped the keyboard anxiously, and began to use the spaceship's communication channel to connect to the TPC and query information from the TPC.


A video appeared in front of Luke.

When Luke raised his head again, his eyes were full of shock.

"A visitor from a parallel world?"

"Evolved from human beings to the existence of light? You have the genetic factor of light yourself, and you are a giant?"

"Another evolutionary route that is completely different from the ultra-ancient civilization."

"This guy... Could it be that the existence that releases darkness is him?"

"Has he solved his own problems?"





At the seaside, a man with glasses, his eyes were full of fear, as if he had seen something extremely terrifying, his forehead was dripping with cold sweat, and three of them were speechless.

Looking at the darkness that covered everything, he couldn't help shaking.

"This is a more terrifying darkness than... the darkness that once destroyed the ultra-ancient civilization!"

In "Ultraman Tiga", there have been many unbelievable strange human beings.

For example, Ryosuke, who wants to become a monster, the circus leader who performs a wandering performance with the monster Durban, and Tama, who turns into light to protect Mayumi after his death.

Human beings seem to have infinite possibilities.

And this is indeed the case. There are even superpowers in "Ultraman Tiga".

And he...

That's the superpower.

His name is Kirino Mufu, he has the ability to predict, and he also has the ability to penetrate the weaknesses of monsters.

Just now, the sky changed, and he suddenly realized that the darkness he had seen a long time ago had changed.

A new darkness covers the world.

In that darkness, a black and red combination, like a demon, roared a giant that brought fear and despair.

Behind him is the exploding human city, and Tiga who lay down and lost his life.

The giant opened his arms and kept roaring, and bursts of negative emotions swept in, all watching from the air, which made him Kirino Mufu's spirit was greatly impacted...

Fear, like gangrene attached to the bones, crawled all over his body.

Let him not be able to give birth to a little resistance.

Because he really can't see any hope!


"This power..."

In the TPC base, Reiko Kashiwamura's eyes were full of unease.

The other party's real body has not yet appeared, but the momentum anddarkness that came out have been like a cloud, covering her mind, making her uneasy and fearful.

At this moment, Kashiwamura Reiko's heart panicked and worried about what she had done.

For fear that after Li Mu's resurrection, he would trouble her.

And the people in the base, with the emergence of darkness, also have different expressions.

It goes without saying that Megumi and Sawai are both high-level TPC executives. They think more, Zongfang and others below are directly afraid. That is because they are inscribed in their genes. When low-level beings face high-level beings of fear.

This fear is uncontrolled and is a self-reaction of the body's cells.

And Ye Rui was rapidly building a ground communication system at this time.

The black cloud swept over and blocked the satellite signal, but they could also use the ground communication device, but the structure of this device took a little time...

"It seems that the visitor from the parallel world has succeeded!"

Feeling the terrifying dark aura in the air, he sighed with pity: "Are the human beings of this era going to fall into the boundless darkness like the previous era?"

3000 million years ago, human beings were destroyed by their inner desires and darkness.

And today, 3000 million years later...

"Great, communication is restored!"

At this moment, a joyful voice suddenly sounded in the dark war room.

Everyone looked up and saw Ye Rui tapping the keyboard with joy on his face. Then, the blackened screens suddenly lit up and connected to the network.

Then, accompanied by Ye Rui's voice, "Play the real-time picture of the southern Pacific Ocean".

In an instant, a video popped up on the big screen.

It was above the sea in the southern Pacific...

The sea was rippling and the waves were turbulent, as if something was moving on the bottom of the sea, causing a huge wave.

At the same time, there are broken buildings that are emerging from the water.

But this is not the place to be noticed.

The eye-catching place is the pillar that is hundreds of meters long.

"This is..."

"This is the ultimate darkness, the prison of the Dominator!"

You Lian looked at the screen, and said You You: "Thirty million years ago, it was laid by the giant of light!"


Everyone was stunned.

Before returning to his senses, he suddenly saw You Lian and continued: "The resurrection of that guy may have disturbed it, and now it has woken up early from its long slumber!"


Zei and Megumi looked at each other, and were about to ask something, but suddenly heard Ye Rui exclaiming.

"Something rushed up."