
I, dark zagi! be kind

Travel through Nexus and become the fourth generation of Nexus adepts - Li Mu. At this time, the alien beasts were flooding. I thought that I could evolve light into Noah like in TV and suppress everything. However, he didn't want to think that the place he passed through was the legendary copy of hell. Once inadvertently, he was bewitched by the dark Lucifer and fell into the darkness. Since then, in the Ultra Universe, there has been an extra kind person who is obviously dark but extremely kind. "I'm kind, I can't see your pain, I'll send you on your way!"

Mhd_Fazzlye · Action
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15 Chs

Chapter 1 Li Mu


On the endless plain, the bleak autumn wind swayed the tall green grass with the wind.

In the air, the incense is overflowing, and the rich fragrance permeates the entire grassland. In addition, there are no clouds in the sky, and the clear weather really makes people feel refreshed and refreshed.

But some people don't think so at the moment.

That is, the members of the Victory Team who received the GUTS order and came to this grassland to investigate the abnormal vibration waves.


"The waveform of the plasma is in this grassland, why don't we see anything!"

Several people held a special detection device in their hands and walked on the grassland in a triangle shape.

Suddenly, Lina frowned, looking at the yellow flowers that were growing out of the green grass under her feet, which were completely different from the surrounding scenery, and murmured doubtfully to herself.

"What kind of flower is this?"

With that, Lina put away the detector, squatted down, stretched out her hand, and stroked the flowers.

Xincheng also came over.

"This is..."

According to Da Gu Wensheng, the next moment, under the influence of the DNA of the super ancient warrior in his body, his pupils shrank, and images appeared in his mind, causing him to open his mouth.

"The demise of the super ancient is related to this flower?"

With the passage of time, from the very beginning before Tiga appeared, the human disdain for that ultra-ancient civilization became solemn. GUTS has recognized that there are more powerful civilizations on the earth before the emergence of human civilization.

But how this powerful civilization was destroyed is still a mystery.

And at this moment...

The moment he saw the yellow flowers, the vision of the demise of the super ancient appeared in Dagu's mind.

"What exactly is this flower?"

Seeing Lina and Xincheng squatting down and their abnormal behavior, Dagu didn't care, he just muttered to himself, and went to other directions with the instrument that was still in the "Bidong".


Dagu just left the plain with his front feet, and followed the instrument to explore into the jungle.

On the back foot, a burst of frequent cracks emerged in the space on the grassland.

Just because Lina and Xincheng were attracted by the yellow flowers, no one paid attention.

These cracks seem to have special energy, are dark red, inlaid on the space barriers, and spread rapidly like water, and a spider web appears in the blink of an eye.

The spider web covers a huge range, about two or three meters in length.


Spatial cracks go a step further.

In the dense place, it cracked on the spot, and a world composed of dark colors appeared.

All kinds of energies in this world are surging, and lightning flashes from time to time. In short, when people look at it, there is a strong feeling of heart palpitations.

This world didn't last long, and when a red light rushed out of it, it instantly returned to normal.


The red light hit the ground, splashing several meters of dust.

When the dust settled, a man in a black trench coat revealed his figure.

The man was half-squatting on the ground, his flowing broken hair floated in the breeze, and his dark eyes matched with the temperament all over his body, vaguely revealing some domineering.

"Finally, have you escaped?"

The red light in the man's dark eyes flashed, and he slowly got up from the ground.


Look around.

"here is?"

"Cough cough cough..."

He turned his eyes and looked at the grassland where the breeze was floating in surprise, and the indescribable fragrance in the air. He murmured, and suddenly he was out of breath, as if he wanted to cough out his heart and lungs, covering his mouth and coughing.

When the palm was removed, it was already a mass of blood.

Looking at the blood in the palm of his hand, the man smiled bitterly, "Is there... not much time?"

His name is Li Mu!

In the previous life, he was just a "slightly" handsome ordinary person.

Five years ago, because of a coincidence, he traveled from the 21st century to another world.

Just after crossing, he experienced a big change.


Very simple!

Because he traveled to the Ultra World.

And it is the most dangerous Nexus world.

In addition, the most important thing is that he is still a unique meat wear!

Li Mu didn't understand Japanese, and the meat wear had no identity, and the RMB could not be used. It was a black household. During the time he stayed in Neon Shinjuku, it was very miserable.

But soon after, a major event happened and subverted the three views, which changed everything in Li Mu.

To this day, Li Mu still remembers.

That day, Shinjuku was on guard, the whole city was on alert, and soldiers with guns were everywhere.

This frightened Li Mu, thinking that his identity as a transmigrator had been exposed, and the officials were organizing people to arrest him.

Later, it was found that he was thinking too much, and the official arrest was not him.

It's a man named "Youdong Guiwen".

Although he doesn't understand Japanese, he can understand only those few words in Japanese.

Knowing that the target of arrest was not him, Li Mu breathed a sigh of relief and came to the city center, trying to find Neon's embassy in his own country, so that he could be sent back to the country, and his rebirth began.

However, just as he arrived in the city, a new world that subverted everything appeared in front of Li Mu.

On screen...

You may not feel it at all.

But when the existence of Ultraman really stands in front of you, how shocking should it be?

Especially in the sun...

A proper giant stands on the ground like a god.

At that time, Li Mu's mind was blank. Looking at Next and THE.ONE, he couldn't help but spit out the words "Noah" and "Ancestor of Alien Beasts".


Just to the side, seeing that there are still survivors, Suwon Sara, who was about to come over to tell him to escape, heard it clearly.

In an instant, Suwon Saruo's gaze towards Li Mu was a little wrong.

However, due to the inopportune question, he did not arrest or question Li Mu, but stood with him and looked at the battle between the two behemoths in the urban area...

As in "ULTRAMAN", although the battle was difficult, Shunichi Sanki, the father, finally defeated THE.ONE in order to protect his family.

People cheered, Suwon Sara also smiled, only Li Mu shook his head.

Because he knew that at this time, it turned into particles and dissipated, and THE.ONE, which seemed to have been wiped out by Next, would bring such a crisis to the world in five years!

This scene fell into Suwon Sara's eyes, and she couldn't help but ask Li Mu's reason.

As an ordinary person whose three views have just been subverted, and the confusion about the future, and the fear of seeing Ultraman just after crossing the road, Li Mu did not hide it, and immediately told Suwon Sharo something about Nexus thing.

Saying this, Suwon Salami's eyes widened immediately.

In order to verify the authenticity of Li Mu's statement, she immediately took Li Mu to the military, and then went to the army herself to investigate.

This investigation really found something incredible for Suwon Sara.

Suwon Sara was shocked.

She immediately returned to Neon, ready to ask more things from Li Mu's mouth.

But when she came back, the official "Forgetting River Project" had already started.

Like many people in the world, Li Mu has forgotten everything.

This made Suwon Saruo lost, but he did not give up completely, but forged his identity for Li Mu, and used his authority to arrange a reasonable job for Li Mu.

It's the kind of assistant who doesn't know anything.

Once this job was done, even for five years, Li Mu didn't notice anything wrong.

The only thing is that she has a bit of admiration for her immediate boss, Suwon Shara, a strong woman.

But reality is reality after all, how can it be as outrageous as fiction?

He was still fantasizing after all.

Time passed day by day.

Until recently, an incident changed everything, and it also reminded Li Mu of the battle between Ultraman and monsters in Shinjuku, as well as his past life memories.

It was one night when he was driving home through a jungle when he was attacked by the descendants of THE.ONE.

That is, alien beasts.

Under the invasion of fear, in an instant, his mind seemed to open the valve, and the memories that were once closed were like a flood that broke the embankment, frequently pouring into his mind.

This made Li Mu understand everything.

After narrowly escaping, he chose to plan for the first time.

After all, the Ultraman world, without power, is really no different from bugs.

Don't know when it will be over.

What's more, this is the world of Nexus...

Moreover, in the world of Nexus, it is not particularly difficult to obtain the power of Nexus.

Because he remembers that in the world of Nexus, in order to find the able-bodied, Noah once made all humans in the world have a common dream, that is, the dream of ruins...

As long as you pass the dream of the ruins, you can get the power of Nexus.

to this end...

With his memory recovering and knowing the identity of his immediate boss, Suwon Sara, Li Mu used his identity as Suwon Sara's assistant to investigate TLT.

It was found that the Nexus plot had entered the mid-stage at this time.

That is the third able man, the story of pity!

This made Li Mu feel lost, thinking that he was too late, after all, everyone knew that after pity, after the hands of a vice-captain Saijo Nagi, Gumen Ikki will inherit a new light.


There is always a way out.

Just when Li Mu was lost and thought he was about to die, he found that the development of the plot was different from what he remembered.

It seems that there is a more terrifying existence behind the scenes.

At this moment, Li Mu remembered the dungeon of Nexus that had been cut in half...
