
I Conquered The Universe As A Hive Empress

Yasha200215 · Autres
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41 Chs

10. The Madness

The Jedi hated me. I could feel his hate. how dare he? when he and his kin were the murderers, hunting us down and slaughtering us, simply because it was the Sith who created us?!? the memories surfaced, unbidden and my Rage began to build.

as I stared at him, I knew he could feel my need to hunt, to kill, my Hate and Rage building within me. My engineers sensed it, and seemed to know I didn't want my prey escaping. the removed key engine components so the Great Enemy could not flee the planet in our ships. my Guard was becoming agitated, my Madness beginning to spread to them as well.

I reflexively cut my connection to the greater Hive, I was still aware of them, and they of me, but unless I gave direct orders when in this state they were unaffected by my emotions. I was slowly approaching my Great Enemy, the organic glue-like bindings drying out and crumbling away as I began to unconsciously draw on the power of the Dark.

I charged, and the older one shoved the younger behind him, shouting something. I felt my claws connect,and was rewarded with the sweet scent of Force-rich blood. My hunger spiked, lending itself to the mad aura I was emitting. It grasped it left arm, gave a short howl of pain, then pulled out its lightsaber. the light HURT! the ice blue blade glowing fiercely defiant in our red-lit hangar, blinded me, and I shielded my eyes with my forearms.

He leapt at me, swinging his blade down in a clear attempt to kill. I felt something strike my forearms, and as my sight adjusted to the glare off his blade, I saw my limbs were intact. Thank the Masters and their Sith Alchemy for that organic Beskar-like material our carapace was made out of.

my focus shifted to the warrior behind the blade who, sensing my attck, leapt away and ran. I bellowed my rage, and gave chase.

Qui Gon Pov

A rage filled roar reverberated throughout the tunnel i had just left. I fled into the forest, following what may well be my masters final order. Run and find a way to contact the Order and get help.

For the first time in my life I knew true Fear.

I ran. in a blind panic, I ran. all I wanted in that moment was to live, and I knew if that thing found me, it would kill me. Or worse.

I forced my fear down and put of the way then headed back towards our ship.

As I drew closer to the shuttle, I found myself grabbed from behind, a clawed hand on my forehead. instinctively I began to struggle, only for a voice to reverberate through my mind, ordering me to calm down.

The fear and panic vanished. 'Who are you?'

'Somone who wants you gone.' I could feel it meant gone as in off world, not dead. 'Your masters hate triggered Mothers' memories of the last Great War. The pain and suffering of every single hive-mate who died was felt in those few moments. This caused her to feel both physical and emotional pain, and in response she lashed out at the source of it.'

'So what do I do bow?' I asked.

'I put the parts to your ship back, but I don't know how to connect them. go to your ship. I will retrieve your master and attempt to calm Mother. The Swarm does not want War at this time, though if your people attack us, that may change. we simply wish to live out our lives in peace.'

The clawed hand vanished, and I turned but there was no one behind me. I somehow knew where our ship was, and how to leave the hangar. The strange being must have implanted the information to help me. I ran for the ship, using the force to give me extra speed, and bolted inside, hitting the ramp.

It was the power source they had disconnected. I simply plugged it back in, and fired it up. I then turned the ship, and jetted out of the hangar tunnel.

Turning on the communicator, I called my master, "Master! I got the ship, where are you?!?"

"Go to the Village. I will be there shortly."

"Copy that."

Jedi Dooku Pov

My communicator chirped and my padawan spoke. "Master! I got the ship, where are you?!?"

Darn, that monster was still after me. I'd have to lose it somehow... " Go to the village. I will be there shortly." Qui Gon is a clever boy, I've no doubt he understood why I didn't tell him where I was.

A brief pause. "Copy that."

A net flew over my head, hitting my pursuer and knocking it down. I used a force push to smash it into a tree, stunning it, then headed for the E-wok Village. "I'm on my way, lower the ramp and ready the hyperdrive."

My communicator unit chirped twice, signifying my Padawan got my message. I was dizzy from blood loss. The wounds that creatures claws inflicted... they weren't clotting like normal wounds were supposed to.

A rage filled bellow, and it was behind me again. I could see the shuttle and I jumped, twirling mid air, using all the energy I had left on a force push which propelled myself into the shuttle and the monster away from it. I shouted to go, to get us away from here. The adrenaline and the fear faded, and I promptly passed out.