
I Conquered The Universe As A Hive Empress

Yasha200215 · Others
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41 Chs

11. Aftermath

Qui Gon Pov

The shuttle was in hyperspace when I went to check on my Master, as he hadn't come to the cockpit. I saw him lying there, in a pool of blood. I immediately tore my robes and bound his wounds, and gave him some emergency bacta injections, then used a spray to clot the claw marks on his left arm.

We came out of hyperspace over Coruscant, and immediately contacted the Temple informing them we had a medical emergency, and to have a please Force Healing Expert at the hangar.

Jedi Temple, Coruscant

Council Chambers

"Qui Gon! what happened to him?"

"We found, or rather, rediscovered an extinct species. and they were not happy to see us. One of them showed me their history. It used telepathy. the were created by the ancient sith to hunt down and kill maddened force users, whether they be light or dark. they were protectors of innocent people, but their leader, their Mother...Master Dooku felt hate when he learned they were designed and bred by the Sith. this brought back Mothers memories of the wars, which she soon lashed out and tried to kill Master."

"Are they a threat? To either us or the Republic?"

"They can use the Force and are extremely skilled in the Ancient Sith techniques. Their Hive felt like it was built on top of a Nexus, like the Temple is, and they are not harmed by lightsabers."

"What should we do? Declare the planet off-limits and put up a sensor grid?"

"That would be best, at least untill they find a way to leave the planet."

The Hive, Endor

I must have my Engineers finish the Hive Ship before those Jedi return and destroy us.

I have been practicing my Mechu-Deru and began developing the basic designs for the Hive Ships, replacing the metal with carapace, and the electronics and wiring with various organs and nerves.

My eyes had turned a bright blood red, denoting the extent of my power.

I... Hungered. I could feel that my fit of madness had changed something in me, making me constantly angry, and yet, I did note care. I hated the Jedi for what they did to me, to my Hive, in the past. They would pay. My Hatred and Wisdom were five thousand years old. I knew all that the ancient Sith Empires ever taught.

I had to make contingency plans incase anything ever happened to me. my consciousness would live on in the Hive even if I was killed, but not having a body was... difficult.

The Engineers were getting right to work on my Flag Ship. The rest of the fleet won't be done for a good 15 years. I remember the Geonosian Hive can possess and control outside entities. I Make a mental note to travel to Geonosis and consume a queen, adding their unique abilities to my own.

Then none can resist us.

Time Skip 15 years later

My Flagship, The Devourer, was complete. I went to load up my Warriors and Pilots, along with their Fighters, and our Landing Pods. It was time to Invade Geonosis.

I watched the space surrounding our fleet as we traveled through hyperspace. the blue glow was uncomfortable. I closed myself off from the visual information, and began organizing the invasion.

Our Two wing soldiers would load themselves into the Orbital Drop Pods. My Honor Guard and I would take the Atmospheric Flyer and land without crashing.

We arrived in orbit above Geonosis and I tuned in to the sensor suites. It was then I felt a familiar presence... as if one of the Old Masters were here. This Master in particular was quite weak. It was then I realized that this presence was likely an apprentice in training. it was nowhere near strong enough in the dark arts to be an apprentice.

"Mother. We have found one of the Queens. What is your recommendation?"

"Bring the Pods down around the target. I will be there with my Guard as well. Also, be on the lookout for any force users, I'm sensing one on the planet some where, though he is weak compared to the Old Masters. I will be seeking him out, along with my Honor Guard."

The Geonosians are like us in many ways. they live underground, have a Hive Mind, are insectoids... but their one weakness is they do not possess the force. I cleverly used it to map out the tunnels to get us to the Queens Chambers. My troops surround and kill any and all Geonosians they encounter, while making certain I get to the Queen.

When I arrive, I see that the Queens are massive, and that I won't be able to move it to my ship. I decide to kill it, then take plenty of DNA samples. I then proceed to devour the queen, making certain to eat the eggs she has produced. I find many little fist sized eggs with hard shells, and eat those too. it is then I realize I possess all of the Queens knowledge, including how to use these 'brain worms' to their fullest extent.

The dark presence neared as I was done processing the new information. it was trying to hide from me. how cute.

My translation Droid was functioning, and The Old Tongue, what 5he galaxy knows as the ancient sith language, was not forbidden for our droids, out of necessity, as this is the only language we speak in front of outsiders.

I turned, and as I blasted my red lightning in the direction of the pillar he hid behind, I spoke.

"I know you are there, Dark Jedi. Show yourself." my Droid translated.

"I am no Jedi" came the response, a deep voice replied.

"Hah. It thinks itself a sith? with such a weak connection to the dark? Such a weak power level is barely enough to be an acolyte entering the Academy on Korriban!" i stated, as I walked over the the pillar the being was hiding behind. "And you forget, you were scared half to death of me back home on Endor, little Jedi."