
I can improve every night in an alternate dimension.

Altair suddenly woke up in a classroom, only a few moments ago he was in front of his computer working late on a project due the next day. "What's going on?" he thought to himself. He realized that he was in another world and that the human race was an inferior race on the verge of extinction since the Earth was taken from them by other races. The humans vowed to take revenge one day. Altair finally found the opportunity to fulfill his dream of becoming the most powerful warrior, especially when one night... [Beep...Welcome to the pocket dimension]

Le_Merwen · Fantaisie
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19 Chs

Chapter 9 :

"Um I don't think that's normal in the wild lands. How could no one find this place before me? Altaïr said to himself.

He hesitated to enter this portal, here it was no longer the pocket dimension, he was playing with his real life and if this portal was a trap and he died, he would be finished.

"Opportunities come where you don't expect them," Altaïr encouraged himself as he stepped towards the portal.

He reached out his hand towards the spherical shape which brightened more and more as his hand got closer and when contact was finally made, a flash of light ignited the clearing. The tree closed and a small luminous butterfly could be seen fluttering around.

Altaïr was now familiar with the feeling of perceiving his body twisting because of the many teleports to the pocket dimension, he no longer felt this feeling of dizziness or nausea.

"Where did I land again? »

He was standing in a cave that was damp and cold and whose only source of light was the water that shone the same color as the butterfly. In the distance he heard the sound of a waterfall.

"I better tread carefully. This place is strange, really strange. »

Altaïr thus advanced step by step in the cave with the dark walls. After a few minutes, he finally reached the waterfall. There was nothing after the waterfall, no other paths, no way out.

"Damn, I'm completely stuck," Altaïr exclaimed, slapping his forehead.

He kept his calm, this place had to have a specific purpose. He had a special and difficult mechanism to put in place to enter it, it is not for nothing. Altaïr searched every corner of the cave without success.

"I think I have no choice anymore," he sighed.

He took off his sweatshirt and jumped into the luminous river.

He then felt the power fill his body, exactly the same feeling as when he absorbed an orb in the pocket dimension.

"????? »

Moving a little further, he finally saw the waterfall, which flowed down a rock face. It was breathtakingly beautiful, the luminous water flowing in a fine lacework that glowed faintly. Altaïr cautiously approached the waterfall, mesmerized by its natural beauty. He could feel the cool mist on his face and hear the soft murmur of cascading water. The feeling of being in front of an underground waterfall, in such an isolated and mysterious place, was both wonderful and frightening. He stood there, motionless, gazing at the waterfall for long minutes, marveling at its beauty and calm.

Finally he made up his mind, he swam in the cold water and filled with power and crossed the waterfall. Thanks to his strong body, the stunt did not cause him any harm.

" I was right "

Behind the waterfall, a path was taking shape and going even deeper. Altaïr walked on this dark path for long minutes, he was now completely plunged into darkness. His hands were resting on the rock like a blind man in order to move forward quickly without taking the rock in the face.

He continued his way like that for a good while before finally arriving in a huge cavity.

"God, I shouldn't be here. »

A huge black dragon was lying in a ball in a cave illuminated by luminous stones. Altaïr didn't even dare approach, he was about ten paces away and yet the pressure was already suffocating him. He looked at the dragon's body and couldn't make out any breath, any heartbeat.

"Is he even still alive?" »

He decided to take the risk. Anyway, he had no choice since he had no other way out. Either he would die from the dragon if it was alive or he would starve to death in the cave.

He approached slowly, the pressure growing on his body as he moved forward. Altaïr felt like his bones were breaking apart when he was only inches away.

"He would have spotted me by now if he was still alive considering how strong he must have been. »

Altaïr scanned the surroundings and saw a ring on the black dragon's third claw.

"A storage ring???? Altaïr exclaimed.

He had heard of it, only the most powerful humans had the power to wear it and only because the elves had given it to them as a gift after the pact for the humans to become one of their servant race.

Altaïr approached eagerly. Normally after the death of the owner the storage ring was free again and all the resources present inside were kept.

He put both hands on the golden ring and pulled with all his might. The ring only moved a few millimeters.

"Wow, it's going to be very long but the effort is worth it," he encouraged himself.

After two hours and three pauses to catch his breath Altaïr finally managed to remove the gigantic ring.

" Finally !!! Well, it's going to be complicated to carry such a ring."

As he said those words, the ring shrunk to human proportions.

"Right at the right time!!! »

Altaïr examined the ring from all angles.

[Beep…To open the ring, pour a drop of your blood on it then open it with your power]

Altaïr then pulled out his red sword and bled his finger. A drop of his blood fell on the ring, he then closed his eyes and connected his power to the ring.

An incredible number of resources then appeared. There must have been hundreds of thousands of gold coins, potions of all kinds, plants that shone strangely, and a parchment.

" Take ??? I hope it's a secret technique"

He unfolded the parchment and what he read inside was of unprecedented gravity.

"This world will soon descend into chaos," Altaïr said darkly.

You will know the contents of the scroll in the next chapter !

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