
I can improve every night in an alternate dimension.

Altair suddenly woke up in a classroom, only a few moments ago he was in front of his computer working late on a project due the next day. "What's going on?" he thought to himself. He realized that he was in another world and that the human race was an inferior race on the verge of extinction since the Earth was taken from them by other races. The humans vowed to take revenge one day. Altair finally found the opportunity to fulfill his dream of becoming the most powerful warrior, especially when one night... [Beep...Welcome to the pocket dimension]

Le_Merwen · Fantaisie
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19 Chs

Chapter 15 :

"Go to the second map" he ordered the system.

His body was teleported and he appeared beside a river in a lush forest. He looked around him, trees three times bigger than baobabs were in front of him.

On its trees hung silver fruits that looked like gourds.

"I wonder what benefits they would bring me," he said to himself.

As he spoke he woke up a large monkey, also silver, which struck its chest hostilely.

"Shit, I hadn't seen it" he exclaimed, jumping very hard.

He pulled out his sword and unleashed the first form of the lightning kata.

But before he could even execute his technique, the monkey suddenly disappeared from his position.

Altaïr just felt the monkey's fist on his solar plexus and the shockwave from the blow pierced his vital organs.

He just had time to see the monkey looking at him with a contemptuous and superior look before he bled to death and died.

He reappeared instantly in his apartment and waited through gritted teeth for the aftershock of death to pass. He crossed his legs cross-legged and concentrated on resisting the pain.

When she finally passed, he got up and went to take a shower to remove all the sweat from his body.

"Tomorrow we are going to the capital, I hope this test will be more fun than the school one. I feel that I will still be very bored. he sighed before going to bed.

The next day, he packed his suitcase for a week, looked one last time at the frame with the photo of his parents on the cupboard before leaving without looking back at school.

He arrived at school and waited for everyone to arrive before they all got on the bus that would take them directly to the capital.

There are ten hours of driving before arriving at the capital that the humans have named "Eakinor". The bus will be escorted by a special squad sent by the government for the occasion.

"The only instruction we will give you is never to get off the bus. It is equipped to resist powerful monsters and leaving it will sign the death warrant of all your comrades. So if this bus is not pierced you must NEVER get out. says the leader of the special squad.

It was a bearded old man with a scar over his right eye, a sword made of some unknown material but which gleamed a cold silvery color, as if touching it or being touched by it would sign your death warrant.

They got them on board and only one member of the special team boarded the bus. The others rode motorcycles which Altaïr thought was super cool and as if they were the police, they adopted a square formation around the bus.

Altaïr closed his eyes and felt with his senses their energy signatures which were much more powerful than his own. He retracted his senses before being spotted and took the opportunity to fall asleep after he made sure they were sufficiently well protected.

After having traveled halfway and when the bus had left all human civilization to engage in lands completely at the mercy of beasts, a deafening roar suddenly sounded and the walls of the bus shook.

Altaïr suddenly woke up feeling the strong aura that had appeared a few miles away.

"The special squad will take care of it, don't panic," reassured the principal despite the concern that shone in his eyes.

The bus stopped as well as the motorcycles of the special squad. They descended from it and full armor covered Knight's body.

The squad leader took out his knight's sword and walked straight towards the monster. The sound of his footsteps resounded with a metallic noise due to his armor. The orange mane on his helmet fluttered in the strong wind.

"Death fatally wins all its battles against existence. As humans, our role is to help life be lost with panache. So demon, give us a good fight before you go to death yourself. meeting the reaper."

Knight's gaze suddenly lit up with the same silver glow as his sword as he spoke those words.

The monster that threatened the convoy is a monster as big as seven stacked giraffes. It floats in the air, has about twenty tentacles with a very thin but very fast and very sharp blade. Its body is very flexible and has the shape of a jellyfish. This is lubricated with a paralyzing liquid that makes physical attacks against it very dangerous. He has no weaknesses except his brain which he can move freely throughout his body.

Knight whose gaze shone swung a silver beam with his sword, so fast that the monster didn't even have time to dodge it.

The monster that seemed so scary has completely disappeared from the face of the world. He was nothing before the mighty power of the squad leader.

"His blade's intent is always frightening," commented another squad member.

Altaïr who saw this intention of the blade springing from Knight's sword had his eyes shining too. He saw a path for his own original power of red lightning sword art.

His power was bubbling and new knowledge welled up in his mind through his understanding of Knight's. His talent enhanced by purple orbs was frightening.

[Ding...Path of Intent of Constructed Sword (lev 1:1\1000)]

"Anything that has a beginning, must have an end. Knight commented before ordering the bus driver back on the road.

The trip to the capital resumed its course and the rest of the trip went smoothly. The auras given off by the squad were enough to deter most beasts.

The bus stopped in front of the armored gate of the city and suffered the control of the security forces present to guard the entrance B of the city.

Altaïr has finally arrived in Eakinor, the capital of the human race.

Hey readers, what's up ?

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Le_Merwencreators' thoughts