
I can improve every night in an alternate dimension.

Altair suddenly woke up in a classroom, only a few moments ago he was in front of his computer working late on a project due the next day. "What's going on?" he thought to himself. He realized that he was in another world and that the human race was an inferior race on the verge of extinction since the Earth was taken from them by other races. The humans vowed to take revenge one day. Altair finally found the opportunity to fulfill his dream of becoming the most powerful warrior, especially when one night... [Beep...Welcome to the pocket dimension]

Le_Merwen · Fantaisie
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19 Chs

Chapter 13 :

"System can you store the orbs in the inventory?" asked Altaïr

[Yes host]

The orbs disappeared from the ground.

"Fine, let's find a quieter place to rank up." »

Altaïr climbed up on the red ant and they left in the direction of the grassy plains where the only beasts that prowl are blue cats.

"I'm going to settle here, keep watch and don't let any beast approach me" he ordered the ant

He sat cross-legged and closed his eyes.

"System, make me absorb the necessary amount of power to rank up. »

A red orb and a purple orb disappeared from storage. Altaïr felt the power rising within him and in his body, his reservoirs began to boil.

He saw the three forms of power begin to overflow and a sound of breaking chains then sounded before the reservoirs exploded and poured into his body.

Veins, muscles, bones, vital organs, nerves, everything has been crossed to undergo a more than qualitative change.

Finally after going through his whole body, the three powers returned to his belly in concentrated form and exploded, forming the famous sea of power, an essential characteristic to be able to characterize himself as a genetic warrior.

The three seas in Altaïr's belly then merged and a colorful ocean was born. The amount of power present in Altaïr's body is the same as that of a three-star genetic warrior.

His back suddenly burned, the stinging pain made him clench his teeth really hard but it wasn't strong enough to make him scream.

"I didn't think tattoos would hurt so much," he said under his breath.

As the pain in his back stopped, a feeling of sweetness filled his skull.

" What is ?? »

He closed his eyes to do some introspection and saw a small green-colored ball levitating slowly spinning inside his head.

"Could it be because of the purple orbs?" »

[Ding…Congratulations on forming your spiritual core]

[You are now a low-level spiritual master]

"A spiritual master?? I have never heard of it or even the previous owner of the body. »

[Spiritual masters are an extremely rare form of power. The great have only a few in their ranks]

"I better use this power only as a last resort to avoid the lusts of people I can't handle right now"

Altaïr then gazed at the red orb containing the lion fire technique with desire.

"Absorb it"

[Ding...Understanding Flame Lord's Special Technique: Multiple Fire Magic]

[You can now summon several fire spells simultaneously with very little power]

"That's all great but I don't have a fire spell yet…" he complained

"Absorb all other orbs"

[Ding…You went from low-level to mid-level one-star genetic warrior.]

[Your core has grown stronger]

Indeed Altaïr being able to see that his core had taken on a darker color.

"Let's head to the former lair of this flame lord. he said with anticipation.

He rode the ant and they searched all over the plain before coming to a tree where a black flame was burning and where three lionesses were resting.

"Well, this pig is having fun," he said jealously.

The lionesses stood up when he arrived and they roared in anger.

"You can roar, no one will come to help you," Altaïr said coldly.

The pocket size has completely changed its behavior and sensitivity. Dying several times gradually takes away his emotions and his heart cools like the color of his eyes. He gradually becomes a war machine, powerful, calculating and who knows how to make difficult decisions when they are necessary.

Lionesses sensing danger regrouped and charged together. Altaïr raised his arm, invoking his power of the wind. He spread his fingers and they were each sent in a different direction.

After this separation, he concentrated his power on a single lioness. He lifted her in the air before throwing her down on the ground violently. He did this several times, until the deformed lioness body no longer made any struggling movements.

"AHAHA IT'S SO EXCITING TO BE POWERFUL" Altaïr roared with pleasure.

The second lioness he focused his gaze on felt her body shiver with fear. She roared in a last futile attempt to intimidate him. Altaïr raised his arm and a tornado created under the lioness' paws, trapping her inside.

"It's time to cut" smiles Altaïr.

Blades of wind suddenly appeared in the tornado, mercilessly slicing the lioness. The wind from the tornado sent all the blood into the air, and a red rain fell.

"Hop" he said, jumping a step to the side to avoid the blood that could stain him.

The third lioness turned to run away.

"Starting a hunt is fun but I have other things to do," he said when leaving RedAnt

Crackling red lightning covered him and he suddenly disappeared from his position. He quickly caught up with the lioness and his sword cut off her head without her even being able to resist.

He harvested the orbs and stored them in his inventory before approaching this mysterious tree. He put his hand on the trunk and felt his firepower mutate. He closed his eyes and saw him darken in his ocean of power. The ocean, originally very colorful, quickly became darker and darker.

When on the tree no more flame burned, he invoked it in the palm of his hand and immediately felt that his power was much more destructive. He looked at a blue cat in the distance that was walking quietly and threw the flame at it.

The cat screamed in pain, he wanted to get rid of the flame but despite his best efforts he couldn't and his body was consumed in a few seconds.

"Even the bones are gone!" Altaïr wondered.

He smiled, the pocket size pleased him more and more.

[Detected that the host defeated a boss of the first map. Unlocking the second card]

"Only one?? Let's go visit the ant," he said as he walked away happily.

Hello reader! I'm sorry if the pace slows down, exams are approaching and it's time for me to revise.

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