
I Call It Home

Explore something new, intriguing, and marvelous in the world yet to be explored. Let your mind wander as you learn the life of Osiris from the village of Evandria.

Carter_Hochstetler · Fantaisie
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11 Chs

Fandrir the Strong

Fandrir had grown up in a town north of Evandrie. Poranthis was his birth place and his home for many years. The village resided a days travel north of the human Capitol of Evandrie. His life wasn't easy but he has spent several decades as an adventurer, helping local villages with their various problems. If certain monsters were attacking, he would be one of the first to confront them. The Soul-less, Sleep Striders, and the Disturbed were some of most common monsters he dealt with. Most people would think that fighting monsters around the area was insane. Or would eventually get you killed, but Fandrir was anything but afraid. Especially when it came to things that were life-threatening. In Fandrir's homeland, he was considered one of the most fearless characters ever to arise from his homeland. Other than his father Horngar. His family was from the land of Derka a small country ruled by berserkers. compared to others surrounding it, the primary race consisted of taller human beings.. As for Fandrir, he was the most physical, and technical out of everyone in his town. A berserkers intelligence was hindered over time since their race consisted of mostly warfare and was preserved by humans to be tools of destruction. Over time though, their need has fallen loose. For Fandrir, he dedicated himself to exercise and physical prowess. After his mother died from a simple walk from outside his village limits. He preserved his life for protecting the weak and those in need. Trying to make up for his past loss. On the other hand, his father was a wealthy nobleman, nothing too special but outstanding in the local government. Fandrir later learned that life was too simple for his own well being while living in his local village. Which lead him to start adventuring the vast lands of Cathandrie, and doing various precarious jobs across the country.

Fandrir gained his level of fame from his life as an adventurer, He has been in adventure guilds throughout the country for years. But as of recent, Evandria was the most recent town to accept his resume, he is not a perfect person. His members have been known to die while on jobs since he was "blamed" to do anything to secure the jobs success. Although, he is never one to allow pettiness to exist in his teams. He's an odd fellow, kind to the bone. Yet, only seeks success and victory. Usually, in any guild, you are permitted a team up to anywhere between four or six. As for Fandrir, he was never able to find stability with the others in his guilds for years since the numbers were so high. Fandrir was kicked out of guilds like nobody's business all throughout his young adult life. Not finding any group who would consider him as a genuine friend, but he learned to ignore the people who thought such things of him. He became resilient of the comments he received from others. "Fandrir only uses brawn and no brain, wonder when he'll use the brain?" That's one of the comments that Fandrir has never forgotten. He cared for people, but nobody seemed to see his side of the coin. He decided later in his career to head towards Evandria, a local town that was refurbished after a battle years ago. He recently heard of it growing at a rapid pace. Things might change for him once he had a new life in the village.


Everything around large cottage was sprawling in flame, and not only that but the ground was also rising. Something was causing the grass around to ripple in a circular fashion. It was disorienting, a man running into view was out of breath. Pure terror could be seen on his face. Just as the man was engulfed in the flames, he was holding a young child briefly coming into perspective, Osiris awoke from this nightmare of a dream in bed. He grasped his chest as he searched for air, what in the world was causing this sudden panic?

The land he depicted in this dream was something to behold, almost otherworldly. Even though it was a dream, something felt off about it. As he went downstairs for breakfast in a daze. He never decided to ask anyone since it was just a dream, and of course dreams can be a natural breeding ground of anxiety and unnecessary thought. After engulfing in the morning breakfast his mother cooked as usual, he began walking towards his school. The morning sunlight was just about to pierce the sky as per usual. Today was Osiris' big test, he was going to prove to his teacher that he was capable of handling his own. He was excited, he knew Evandria like the back of his hand. He needed to complete this task in order to pass his only class he was slacking in, which was called "survival". The whole point in the class was to learn what was useful in the wild and what wasn't. Osiris slacked in that class because he already knew everything, thus putting in effort towards it was pointless.

The village was populated by other fellow townsfolk of similar age all headed towards the same destination. It was his last year of this incessant place, Osiris has always been quick witted, even when others doubted him. It had been years of constant negligence by his instructors, always quarrelling with his ways. Until he eventually was going to show them, after his teacher confronted him babbling about how he couldn't last 3 days out in the forest by himself. But, Osiris was going to do just that, it was going to be long and dreary 3 days. Although, little did they know Osiris was fond of nature and the villages surroundings. He was quickly able to manage himself after being disposed of by his teacher and as he left he told her, "If I come back, just know I'm always up for a challenge." Indeed it was a challenge. Normally, this response towards a superior would be intolerable since seniority came into play, but Osiris was different, he always has been. His entire life he had never shown promise in education and scholarly affairs, but the reality was Osiris is a makeshift genius. Osiris didn't have many friends since his demeanor was off putting. He didn't like talking much, or even holding conversations longer than need be. Even so, he was going to probe everyone wrong in these next few days. His father would be proud of him and might even get a scholarship into the local guild.

Evandria was fond of peaceful times and Osiris was well aware of that. His friends had warned him of several dangers in the forests that even he himself had escaped, creatures like Dark Wolves, and large bear like beasts known as Gau. Other than that, hostiles weren't found throughout the deep forests past Evandria. His test had begun at the first stroke of dawn. He wouldn't be following anyone into school that morning. Instead, Osiris spent his first day gathering and collecting necessary supplies, wood for fires, large sticks for a shelter and pieces of stone for possible tools he needed. Of course back home, steel and other metals were used for these items. Although, today was a day to prove himself, he'd always liked a laid back life of simplicity while growing up. Unfortunately, he was bullied because of his upbringing. Kids even of lower class would make his days at class ones to be reckoned with for his own fathers' successes and failures. Osiris was never taught properly how to defend himself by a superior but always seemed to be capable of holding his own against others who meant harm in recent years. His strength grew over time most likely from his own bloodline. It got to a point where even the bullies were fearful of him. Soron was one of the only people who were capable of empathy towards him. After Osiris' trot into territory known, yet unknown at the same time. The first day quickly came to a close and sunlight faded, Osiris was relaxing in a chair similar to a hammock but made out of leaf like material. His craftsmanship with simple tools gave him an edge in Evandria. Osiris was able to find an abundance of fiber like plants and sticks he broke off with his bare hands from the bushes and trees native to Evandria. With dusk fading, he eventually dozed off.

Awaking several hours later, he looked up and around. He heard rustling in the area surrounding his encampment to the south. Osiris was taught that Darkwolves don't tend to go near fires, and the same goes for Gau, and eventually went off in a daze again. As he did so, a loud crack was heard several yards away from him. He instantly sprung up and yelled at what seemed to cause the trouble. "What are you doing here? looking to fight?" and with a bright gleam of light and a noise that sounded like a wagon crashing Osiris was put onto the ground nearly instantly. He couldn't imagine what could possibly burn so bright. Fire? No it was too white and high up for that, maybe a lantern? It was not enough time to consider what was occurring until he found himself face to face with a large, yet at the same time, frail bodied figure. It was as if someone took the skeleton of a deceased corpse and filled it with straw. the figure came closer towards the encampment at a full sprint, leering towards the fire. Osiris knew something was wrong. He was scared, heart pumping, this was no ordinary wolf or Gau he was accustomed to. Osiris lunged for his knife made out of make shift tactics consisting of stone and wood from earlier that he needed to cut sticks with for his hammock. The figure was within the encampment and pounced onto Osiris. He was completely off guard with this large entity hopping onto his back screeching like someone had stole it's dinner. The voice was shrilling, deep and cold, definitely not human. It was speaking but Osiris couldn't make out what was occurring as he was trampled by this entity. As it screeched for a second time, it flung itself back and forth as Osiris was beneath the creature.

"You're end is nigh boy."

With a fluttering slash, Osiris was penetrated by the link like arm of this beast and in his left leg, a gash was created. Directly after, Osiris was hit with a blunt force on the side of his head. He was flung a short distance by this attack, he was going to be killed if he didn't act. Getting up was the only option, the figure started looming towards him. Breathing as if smoke was consuming this creatures lungs. Clinging to his knife, it was do or die. He needed to stand, but his leg was wounded severely. Blood was pouring from what seemed like a small gash but the puncture ran deep, almost completely through his leg. Osiris knew he was going to pass out, the only thing keeping him awake in that moment was sheer luck, or maybe the power of his own will to live. Grabbing the knife and preparing for the next pounce by the enemy, the creature reeled back again for another strike as it stood over Osiris. As it swung itself forward Osiris shouted with all his might and flung his arm with the knife pointed outward. Fortunately, He had found a lucky spot to strike, the creature wailed, incredibly loud. It was horrifying, the tone so shaky, but the pain was all the same. Not only did the creature become wounded, somehow it was flung several yards away from Osiris. As for Osiris, that was all that was needed to save himself. As he laid bleeding in several areas, he started floating in and out of consciousness, until he gave in while staring towards the fire. Thinking to himself, "Did I win?"


It was late at night, Fandrir was sitting by himself at the local tavern in Evandria. He's never been here before. All the people happy and shouting with glee. It honestly made him pissed. Fandrir was an adventurer that was only seeking refuge in Evandria while he was making his way farther east. Everyone in town has paid attention to his features because he was different. Fandrir was human but at the same time not, he had much more muscle mass than any man in Evandria. Common for most berserker types. It was almost unfair how much stronger he was in comparison to others. No one dared to attempt to start trouble with him. Which is how he found himself talking to only the bartender, who was a cute bustling young lady. While sipping on a large tankard he gossiped about how in the past nobody thought he was as strong. Until he gained enough power to overcome anyone's doubts and was the strongest man in his whole village. The lady giggled and smiled as he told her the story, she didn't actually care about the story but this was her typical routine.

After several swigs, Fandrir wiped the foam off his chin and decided it was a good time to head back towards the adventurer guild. The guild was found on the southern side of the town of Evandria and was luckily a short walk from the tavern. Walking out the front gates Fandrir let out a large belch and a small laugh as he made his way towards comfort in a bed. Several seconds past as he started walking, stumbling a little on the way. Until in the deepest depths of his ear, he heard it. A low wail that was towards his right, he knew that sound. It was a sound of the worst caliber. A sleep strider. He knew it from his experience as an adventurer. How in the world could one get to Evandria? Fandrir as drunk as he was, his large figure immediately went into fight mode and dashed towards the sound of that wailing. Running, faster and faster, somehow the wailing stopped but as it did, he heard the shouting of what seemed to be a boy. Lunging and leaping over bushes he smelled the burning wood of a campfire, someone was in trouble. After one final leap and sliding under some vines, he found him. A young boy bleeding, passed out, and laying in the dirt. A pool of blood pooling around the lower torso of the young man. With what was left of the sleep strider several yards away from the boy, he wondered how this child was even in one piece. A creature who was almost double in size, had fallen to the hands of this teen. After Fandrir found the boy, he picked him up and rushed him towards the village. He was bleeding bad, but Fandrir had some extra cloth on himself that he ripped off and tied around the boy's lower left leg.

"It'll be alright lad, stay with me now."

It was an attempt to stop the bleeding, even if it was a makeshift trial. He brought the young boy into the adventurers guild since he knew medics resided somewhere in the building and started shouting for aid.

"Someone bring aid quickly, a child has been pierced by a Sleep Strider!"

A short woman, came out from a room to Fandrirs' back side, the lady came to aid Osiris and immediately tended to his wounds. Asking several questions considering what happened, all Fandrir could manage to come up with was,

"This boy is different."

As the young woman heard him utter those words, she smiled then giggled,

"You're one to talk Fandrir."

Osiris was in for a crude awakening after what happened that night.

What turned into a moment to prove himself, Osiris had instead entered into a realm of darkness. Nothing like anyone has ever seen before.

Something is brewing in Evandria, and who knows what it might be. Hope you enjoy and any feedback would be appreciated

Carter_Hochstetlercreators' thoughts