
I Call It Home

Explore something new, intriguing, and marvelous in the world yet to be explored. Let your mind wander as you learn the life of Osiris from the village of Evandria.

Carter_Hochstetler · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Meet Osiris!

Osiris was tall for his age, with dirty blonde hair. He was muscular and that came from helping his father tend to the fields and various landscape jobs that he took care of around the village. As for his mother, she was the upkeep within the household. After Osiris' father came home from the military after several years of conquest to the west, his mother had a much more laid-back lifestyle. Their names were Drand the Great, and his lovely wife Landis. Drand was nearing the end of his days in the military, he was one of the most well known generals in all of Cathandrie. He was a very tall and broad shouldered man, every word he spoke had purposes, never too much and never too little. Which is why he was so good at what he did in the military. Throwing out effective orders to soldiers in a high risk-reward situation was something that not many had to offer. Drand Conquered acres upon acres of land that had been overthrown in the recent past. Osiris was at the ripe age of 16 and began to understand the depths of his responsibility towards his own lineage.

He knew has father had played a key role in the defeat of the Frey formerly known as Zeniths, who are an enemy towards the east of Cathandrie. His father single handedly took on a battalion of ten Frey warlords. The battalion were the ones responsible of destroying largely populated areas and destroyed them all in a matter of hours. Burning, pillaging and rapings were occuring all across Cathandrie borders. The Frey eventually were able to push back Cathandries' borders 50 miles east of Evandria. Those were dark days, Osiris' has vague memories of that time, he was too young to understand the horrors that were taking place in his homeland. If any townsfolk were to ask Osiris' father on how he did it, He would shrug and say, "I was lucky." Osiris has heard this story over and over in the last few years, but never quite believed what his father said was to be true. He knew the scenes depicted on the battlefield were gruesome but he never thought his father might be subjected to this level of lie. Maybe, it was just pure luck and Osiris never considered questioning his father, especially since his fathers' dignity and honor was on the line. And of course, why would someone so dear to him lie about something so simple? An enemy is an enemy, who cares how you defeat them?

These thoughts were what Osiris was debating in his own mind while playing hide-and-seek. Although, in Evandria the game isn't referred to as hide-and-seek. The kids called it "Brothen," the game was in reference to an old battle. A legendary set of heroes known at the "Brothen Hearts," these champions were the ones to alter the course of the war against the Frey in the most recent war. In the game the Brothen were the seekers and the Frey were the hiders. This time, Osiris knew he was going to be caught, he always was since he never had a good sense of concealment. Trudging around in the forest outside of Evandria was like playing in Osiris' own backyard. He loved the woods, he came there when his mind wandered, or when his mentality was at a low point. His friends usually wanted him to be one of the Frey, since his skills for seeking others were unprecedented compared to his peers. Although today was a lucky day for Osiris, he had never been in a spot out in the fields before without someone spotting him. This time, it was different. The field is always covered in natural vegetation to the land of Evandria is home to large wooden evergreen trees that stood over 40 meters tall, usually not together since they were spread out from hills and other bush type plants. Vines were plentiful in the area right outside of town, as well. Osiris had felt like he had found himself in a pleasant spot. Meanwhile, His friend from school was on the prowl, and had been searching for Osiris for some time. But just as Osiris was on the verge of being caught, his friend Soron ran across towards the bushes he was in. Soron stopped to catch his breath, then cocks his head right at Osiris. Without two seconds going by, Soron looked left, then right, then right back at Osiris. Turning and looking towards the sky, Soron immediately continued on his way shouting, "OSIRIS I SWEAR YOU'RE GETTING BETTER EACH DAY! HAHA!" As his friend skipped into the distance, Osiris found himself dumbfounded. How in the world could Soron not see him, he looked right in his face! No matter, Osiris didn't put much thought into this since it was close to sun down and decided to turn himself into the Brothen, thus ending the game. As he did so, Soron looked at him gleaming with envy, "I can't believe you made it to the end Osiris! it's been years of me being a Brothen and I've always caught you essentially with your pants down!" Soron and Osiris alike were covered in sweat, it was an unusually warm day that time of year, Evandria was supposed to become dreadfully cold in the night time. Hence, heading home at sundown was essential.

Osiris turned to him as he put his hands behind his head and chewed on a sweet tall grass that was native to his village, "I guess I'm getting pretty good lately, huh Soron?" On the way home on days like this, where school was out and Osiris was able to contemplate things on his mind through the week. He couldn't help but remember what his father had told him years ago. "Osiris, I know the things you'll do in your life will be great, but I want you to know, nothing is as incredible as the land found in the East." These words echoed in his head every now and again. What could possibly be better than the land of Cathandrie, the landscape utterly beautiful, full of pretty flowers, consisting of seemingly never ending landscapes, bustling with creeks that procured bountiful food supply. What could his father know to be so much better than the life of Cathandrie, especially after being in a war lasting for four years? There was so much landscape that had yet to be uncovered. Indeed his father had traveled quite a bit, but just how much was it to deem Cathandrie not perfect?

Nonetheless, Osiris knew that his father was a trustworthy figure in his life and he wasn't about to squash it. Although his mind couldn't stop thinking about what happened between him and Soron as their game was almost over. Certainly after being stared at right in the face by one of his colleagues for several years had begun dancing around Osiris' mind. It was as if in that moment he went into a different space, something one couldn't describe, even he knew that something was aloof. He decided to let it go and blamed it on how dark it was outside.

After coming home that night from a day of playing with his friends, Osiris came home to his usual mix of vegetables and bread made from the finest wheat in the known area. It was a custom of the people of Cathandrie to have a sip of wine during dinner and each member of Osiris' family simply went around taking one small sip as they began to chow down for the night. One of the many things that brought joy to Osiris was the fireplace, something that was so devastating to the human race in the past, has become domesticated and trained to stay in place in order to benefit each and every person. It's almost as if a fireplace became a dog and has been trained to aid humans. Osiris usually caught himself up in deep thought like this from time to time, but that's how life was for him. What good can someone do if they never consider what their actions cause towards someone else? His thoughts tended to get in his way of his daily life but he could never tell if doing so would cause trouble for his own wellbeing. After dinner, Osiris went up to the second floor with the old dark wood creaking as he stepped to where his room resided.

There was a small opening towards a balcony, which eventually enabled access to the rooftop as he got older through the years. This was his place, where he could look up and stare. Nothing could get better, his life was in his own hands, his father a proud and successful man who took care of his family only wanting the best for them. As Osiris laid on the roof, he looked down upon the village, dimly lit up just so the visible eye could make out each individual house. He considered this spot on the rooftop a place of safety, a place where he could consider what was wrong and what was right in life. But at this time, he genuinely thought things were falling into place, he was doing well in school, his father becoming more like a father again. Rather than him coming home months later after a conquest of the enemy to the east. After that thought, he instantly was taken aback, remembering how his father would come home, stumbling into the house, scrapes and bruises and occasionally a wound in his arms or legs. War was nothing compared to the life of what Osiris was privileged enough to have. His father made tons of sacrifices for his family, and one of those biggest ones was his right eye. Drand had lost his eye in a fight against the Frey. Finishing up his time on the roof, he climbed back down into his room, and got comfortable in his large red ad white comforter and drifted off into sleep.