
I became Zoro's Sword

What if Zoro finds a demonic sword? A sword that has the soul of a reincarnated person. Will this devil corrupt Zoro? or perhaps befriend him and join the Straw Hat crew adventure?

MrITookAnotherL · Anime et bandes dessinées
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30 Chs


Yasuo POV

As Renekton tried to kill me, he suddenly stopped and looked to his left - followed by me - and saw Sabo leaping towards him, ready to hit him. Renekton jumped backwards and dodged the pipe aimed at him.

Sabo looked at me with a smile and said, "You alright?"

I quickly got up and stood beside Sabo, saying, "What took you so long?"

"Hahaha, sorry about that."

Sabo quickly dashed towards Renekton - who still had a smile on his face - and swung his pipe. However, Renekton's arm darkened and blocked Sabo's pipe.

Earlier, Sabo and I were getting toyed with because I was too weak to cut him deep enough to actually do damage, and Sabo's mind was too clouded in rage to make drastic decisions.

I dashed towards the two to help Sabo. I swung my sword, aiming at his neck, but was quickly stopped as he grabbed my sword. He threw it slightly, making me off balance. He did a 360 and kicked me in the stomach, making me stumble a few feet away.

His defense seemed impeccable, with his tough skin and scales, with the addition of the black aura that would appear when he struck and defended.

As I got up, thinking of a plan to beat him, a voice suddenly whispered in my ear, "Do you need some help?"

Sweat began to form on my face. Fortunately, as I turned around, I saw that the person who was talking was Tenago.

After realizing it's Tenago, I frowned because he has not been helping throughout the fight; he has only helped once with a few small tentacles that held Renekton for a few moments. I looked at Tenago and said, "Why the hell do you need to ask that? Yes, we need help!"

Tenago looked at me and frowned, saying, "Never mind then, I won't help you."

"What?! But you just asked!"

"Yeah, but you didn't say please."


I stayed quiet for a few seconds, then my face turned red and veins started to pop out of my head… I closed my eyes and calmed myself down then said, "Could you PLEASE help us out?"

Tenago stared at me and blinked, then said, "Nope."



I swung my sword aimed at his neck. However, my sword went right through him. He put his hands on his mouth and started sobbing, saying, "H-How could you?! After all the things we've been through!"

The veins on my head started to expand, almost exploding, "Why won't you help? I said please, dammit."

"Yeah, but you didn't mean it. You have to say it from the bottom of your heart!"

I clenched my sword and said, "May God forgive me for what I am about to do."


However, before I could even swing my sword at Tenago, I heard a loud boom coming from the battlefield where Renekton and Sabo were fighting. I turned around and saw Sabo on a wall full of cracks. He got off the wall and went on his knees, coughing blood and breathing heavily.


I quickly sprinted towards Sabo while yelling, "Please help us, oh great Tenago!" I did not get to turn back, but what I heard still irritated me. It was an obnoxious sound of laughter that didn't stop even when Renekton intercepted me midway towards Sabo.

Renekton punched me, which I quickly blocked as the wind warned me in time. I blocked using two of my hands, and the two almost broke from the impact, and he did not even turn his arms black. As I was flying sideways, he dashed towards me, ready to attack again, when I turned on a shield made out of wind that would protect me from any attack.

The wind was strong enough to block the punch from Renekton, but I still felt the impact after hitting a bunch of boulders. After hitting the last boulders, I tried to stand up and looked where Renekton was, and I saw him charging towards me with a grin on his face.

I went on guard, ready to block his upcoming attack, when I suddenly saw a dark figure standing behind him a few feet back. It was Tenago, wiping his tears from laughter. He was sitting down, crossed-legged, while floating. He then raised his arm with his finger mimicking a gun.

Light began to swirl around his index finger, and before Renekton could reach me, he suddenly jumped backwards, avoiding the tentacles that came after he jumped. However, before he could even land, 4 giant tentacles rose from the ground, binding all his limbs.

Renekton tried all his might to get rid of the tentacles, but the awkward position did not allow him to. Moreover, the light from Tenago's index finger stopped swirling and began to compress into a smaller version, then it fired.


The light was so fast I could not see it; all I heard was a loud boom that struck Renekton. The impact from the blast created a dust cloud that covered Renekton.

I stared at the dust cloud, hoping that the blast injured Renekton. However, as I stared at the dust cloud, a pair of red eyes stared back at me. Sweat started forming all over my body, as my instinct told me to leave immediately. Those eyes felt like the eyes of a predator, waiting for his prey. I don't know if those eyes belong to Renekton, because the eyes seemed to be from a tall figure, way taller than Renekton, but it would not make sense if that person was not him, as he was the only one blasted by Tenago.

As I thought more about Renekton, a loud roar could be heard. All the dust from the previous blast was now gone; replaced by a towering beast that looked like a humanoid crocodile. His roar was so loud that I had to cover my ears, so it did not burst.


Renekton POV

Few minutes ago

Sabo, the chief of staff of the revolutionary army, isn't as strong as I thought he was. He uses various fighting styles, but he doesn't have the experience and makes several mistakes.

He swung his pipe, which I quickly ducked and punched his stomach. However, it wasn't as effective as he used armament haki in his hands to block it. Although I have the stronger haki, especially with future sight and emission haki, he has more speed and agility to counter and decrease the impact of my punches.

"But that's all to it!" I yelled as leapt towards Sabo.

After the first punch from me, he was thrown back a few feet away and is now just getting balanced. I did not give him enough time and dashed my way towards him, punching him in the stomach and sending him flying towards a rocky hill.

After beating the shit out of him, I looked around, trying to find the other one and the weird-looking guy that was nothing but darkness. In truth, through the whole fight, I have been trying to keep an eye on him, as I saw him to be the most dangerous out of the three, and that's why I could not blitz Sabo and that wind user. However, no matter how hard I tried to keep an eye on him, I still somehow lost him.

"You wouldn't have to worry about him if you just used me!"

A loud voice suddenly yelled inside my head; it was the same obnoxious voice that I hear every day.

'It was all because I ate that damn fruit!' I thought.

The voice snickered and said, "I am the reason why you are powerful, yet you treat me like I'm a parasite."

I smacked my head and said, "Because you are! Why did you have to hurt them?! They were innoc-"

Before I could finish, I heard a familiar voice that yelled, "Please help us, oh great Tenago!"

The voice snickered again and said, "Hmp, retard."

"Tsk." I dashed towards the man, as I don't want him to help Sabo because I want to get things over with. I tried to punch him with no haki, as he was still weak and had no armament haki, and I also did not want to kill him. However, he quickly reacted and stopped my punch using his two arms.

He was sent flying a few meters back. I tried to weave weave, two-piece him, but a wind barrier stopped my punch. He was still sent flying back and struck a boulder in the process. I ran towards him, ready to knock him out, when I saw the future of small tentacles rising up from the ground.

I stopped and jumped backwards, avoiding the tentacles. In spite of jumping to avoid the tentacles, 4 gigantic tactics rose from the ground and held my limbs tight.

The voice inside me chuckled and said, "Gay."

I sweated a bit and yelled, "No, diddy!"

I tried my best to get out of the tentacles, but I was in a position where I couldn't use my muscles correctly to get out of the situation. The voice inside me growled and said, "It's a demon! Use me already! I'm gonna kill that little shit!"

I struggled to get out, but I still responded with, "NO! You're in timeout! I told you, you shouldn't have hurt that old man and the kid!"

As I said those words, I suddenly saw the future of a beam hitting my chest and penetrating through it; killing me in the process. "Shit!" I murmured as I turned around and saw a beam ready to shoot.

I quickly transformed as I had no choice. I watched as my body got taken over by the voice, the real "Renekton."


Narrator POV

The scene of "Renekton" with his gigantic form was terrifying. It made the spine of all those who saw it tremble. His green skin, menacing claws, and his terrifying mouth full of sharp teeth with saliva dripping down was etched in the minds of those who saw it.

Renekton walked towards Yasuo, who was sweating from fear. His footsteps seem to tremble the earth itself. Every time he exhaled, steam came out of his mouth; his bright red eyes would form lines whenever he moved. He was a being that could not be trifled with.

Renekton opened his mouth, which felt like ages for Yasuo. He chuckled and began to speak by saying, "Why so scared, boy?"

He stopped right in front of Yasuo, who was clenching his sword, trying to fight back. However, he could not even move. He bit his lips till they bled and stood up, facing his Renekton head-on, staring him back in the eyes as he looked up towards those red eyes.

Renekton chuckled, moving his face closer to Yasuo, and said, "You ain't shit. Give me the sword before I kill you."

Yasuo just frowned and looked back at Renekton without saying anything. Renekton moved his gigantic hands, ready to obliterate Yasuo's head by crushing it like it's just a mere grape. However, before he could even reach his head, Renekton suddenly saw a drop of rain on his hands.

He looked up, as more and more raindrops fell. He held his palms up and said, "Rain? The sun was bright-"

Before he could finish, sweat dropped from his face as he turned around, swinging his fist. His fist was stopped by a man wearing a green cloak. Lightning struck, and part of his face was shown. It was a brown-skinned man, and the only thing that was shown was his tattoos and his dark eyes.

Inside "Renekton," a man sat as he watched the cloaked man. He smiled and sweated a bit then said,
