
I Became an Extra, and to Survive, I Must Kill the MC.

Jin Wei, a Mafia leader, dies during a gang war. However, right after his death, he opens his eyes and finds himself inside the body of a young vampire who came to Earth for exploration. As he accrues the memories of his previous owner, he realizes that he is in a novel world he used to read in his free time before his death. In this world, the MC considers anyone besides humans as evil. In the future, the MC will destroy the entire vampire race. Since Jin Wei was a vampire, he needs to do everything in his power to kill the MC, or he is screwed for sure. --- (Author's Note: Jin Wei is not a hero who will go around saving the world for justice. He is a villain that might destroy the whole world if he thinks it's necessary. Jin Wei will have a big harem as the story progresses. If you're not a fan of this type of MC and story, it might not be the right fit for you. Keep in mind that this is a work of pure fantasy, so our usual common sense might not apply to this novel.)

Stellar_NYX · Fantaisie
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132 Chs

Chapter 18 Quintex family

Jimmy has a secret he can't share with anyone. He belongs to a secret family known as 'Quintex,' which primarily manipulates the world from the shadows. Their original ability, considered the world's strongest, is called 'Five Elemental Outburst.'

This ability enables them to control all five elements, a feat seemingly impossible in the eyes of ordinary individuals, as normal people typically can only wield one element as their ability.

Moreover, possessing elemental abilities is already rare, but the 'Quintex family can manipulate all five elements, making it truly a broken ability.

The Quintex family has controlled the world even before star energy entered the earth. They control the earth from generation to generation, all while staying in the shadows.

They used their money and power to make everyone rely on them to the point where, even if someone knew they were being manipulated into becoming mindless slaves, they couldn't break free from their Matrix.

They first influenced young children by donating a substantial amount of money to all educational institutes. Since those who donate to a school have their say in many decisions, they use their power to the fullest and teach the children, 'If you wish to become a good person, you need to have a job.'

This influence affected young boys the most, and with their family members saying the same thing, they completely believed it and made it their goal to become good individuals with good jobs.

After fully controlling men, making them both physically and mentally weak and exhausted, they began to control women. They convinced them that they were better than men and could achieve the same things, even better.

At that time, women didn't have much to do in their lives and instantly believed their sweet talks, even though it contradicted basic biology.

That's what women are; they believe in anything as long as it's about themselves being better. Since women like to hear praise, even if it's not true, and after getting that praise from more than one person, they completely believe it.

Just like how most women believe they are 10/10 even though they aren't because all men they see on the street treat them as such, and after getting that treatment for a long time, they completely believe it. It's just how it is.

This influence reached worldwide, leading even women to become their working slaves. Women worked more than ever before after being influenced.

While this helped the Quintex family gain more working slaves, ensuring they remained at the top without challenges, it caused a social war between men and women, debating who was better.

Truth be told, they wanted something like this to happen because it helped them keep a close eye on everyone.

They always created small problems like dividing countries, religions, skin colors, men and women, and even creating more sexualities, making it easier to control people.

As there is a saying, 'Divide and rule,' which the Quintex family used to the fullest to control the whole earth for generation after generation.

In the end, the stress between men and women caused a rapid decrease in the fertility rate, nearly destroying humanity.

Before this occurred, star energy entered the earth, leading people to awaken supernatural abilities and cultivate strength. Once normal people gained power that was previously fiction for them, they broke free from the grasp of the Matrix created by the Quintex family.

Though the Quintex family almost lost control, they awakened the strongest Original ability, allowing them to remain at the top.

Later, they assisted other families with strong original abilities to survive, but those families had to obey them, or they perished with their abilities.

Now, everyone believes that the Original families control the world, but in truth, they are puppets used by the 'Quintex' family; they are the real kings of Earth.

However, Jimmy was a defective product of their family. Though talented and smart, he didn't want to be an unknown king of the earth who remained in the shadows and controlled it.

Jimmy wanted to be a king known and loved by everyone. Knowing his family wouldn't agree, he seized the right opportunity to escape. After reaching a human settlement, he underwent plastic surgery by a low-ranking doctor without any ability or cultivation base.

Once the surgery was done, he killed the doctor to keep his secret. Changing his family name, he joined the military academy, hoping to make new friends.

Despite succeeding, upon seeing his friend being bullied, he could only grit his teeth and endure; this was completely unacceptable to him.

Before Jimmy could say anything, Liam got up with anger all over him and shouted, "Were you the one who attacked him?"

Both ranked 6th and 7th just snorted. Then the brown-haired man, also ranked 6th and named Ben, replied, "So what? That guy sat at our table, so I just put some manners into him."

Then, ranked 7th, named Kan, added, "Yeah... even though he was a low-ranker, still dared to think he has the same status as us. He deserved that punishment, don't you think?"

Jimmy was frustrated, seeing their unreasonable attitude, "Y-you... y..."

Before he could complain, Liam already rushed towards them at full speed; anger was all over his face, but amidst that anger, his mouth was full of saliva as he looked at both of them.

Previously, he was barely controlling his urge because he didn't want to hurt anyone, but now seeing their attitude, the resistance he had completely shattered, and he dashed towards them, to beat them up and then drink their blood as a reward.

However, what he fails to realize, because of his messy head, is that both of them are stronger than him, even in the nighttime. Currently, it wasn't even evening, so sunlight was still coming inside the canteen.

This already weakened him significantly, so now how could he beat anyone with his pitiful amount of strength?

As anyone would expect, just as Liam got closer and threw a punch at them, another punch came straight for his head at lightning speed, which Liam was unable to even see.


"Argh!!!" As soon as the punch landed on Liam's face, his face sank a few cm, and his pupils turned white as he lost consciousness. Now blood was coming out of his nose like a river.

"Tsk!!! Pathetic weakling, and here I was hoping for a good fight." Ben snorted and cleaned his fist, which was covered by Liam's blood, and went out of the room with Ken as they didn't want to fight with Jimmy yet for no reason.

As soon as Ben and Ken left, Jimmy sat beside Liam with anger in his heart, anger for those two to bully his friends, anger for himself because even though he had strength, he couldn't use it to save his friends.

What would be the point of having strength if he can't even protect the people near him? Jimmy thought angrily, clenching his fist.

But then Sakura, who was also watching from the back, came running towards them and sat beside Liam and Joey and used her healing ability. This helped both Liam and Joey to recover back to normal, although Joey was now completely fine and conscious, Liam was still unconscious.

Seeing this, Jimmy, with the help of Joey and Sakura, put Liam on his back and quickly ran towards the infirmary, and right behind him, Joey and Sakura also followed.

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