
I Am The Reaper Of Death

A spirit is trapped inside a skeleton's body. Unable to do anything. He accepted his fate and continues his life. But one day, a book suddenly appeared in front of him. Despite its simplicity. It proclaimed itself as the book of death. The book had chosen the spirit to become the next enforcer of death - The reaper. Out of curiosity, the spirit accepted the offer and receives a life-long mission, a duty. [Killl the immortals!] But how can a mere spirit trapped inside a skeleton's body kill an eternal being? And what happened to the previous owner? This is the tale of a grim reaper. A being that will reap anyone's soul that dares to violate the laws of life and death. _______ I made this story to join the WPS contest. And although this is just a spontaneous decision that I took in the middle of the night. But hey, give this story a chance, will you?

TheUnsuspicious · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
3 Chs

Trapped inside a damn skull!

In this world, many races existed other than humans.

A race that many believes to be the ego of the world. It possesses a spiritual body rather than a physical body. The spirit race.

A prideful race that boasted its immense strength since its birth. A being that tramples over the other race. The dragon race.

A race that is known for its beautiful appearance and its high affinity towards mana, the elf race.

A race that is known for its high craftsmanship and its love for alcohol, the dwarf race.

Naturally, there are still many other races that haven't been mentioned yet. But that is not the main focus of this story.

This story will tell the tale of a single spirit, a special one.


{A Spirit's POV}

As I fly through the sky, I glance at the forest below me that covers thousands of miles. This forest is the home of countless races and species. Whether it be small or large.

As I travel through the forest from above. I saw something from afar, an orc.

Its skin color appears to be green and Its body is full of muscles that show the strength that this orc can muster.

After descending to the ground, I approached the orc's location.

As I got closer and closer, I noticed that there are other monsters besides the orc.

Goblin, a race that is known for its child-like body and its fast reproduction.

Right now, the orc seems to have been surrounded by 4 goblins.

As the orc roars in anger, he jumps to the air to slam one of the goblins in front of it.

In response, the goblin dodges to the side in panic.


The weight of the orc causes a small tremor to the surroundings.

Not caring about the shaking ground. The other 3 goblins leaped into the orc's back as they punctured the wooden spears that they held into the orc's shoulder.



The orc immediately screamed in pain.

As it wriggles around, the orc manages to grab one of the goblins behind him.

The unfortunate goblin tried to fight back from its hand. But as if it is just paper, The orc ripped the goblin's body apart.

The other 2 goblins that were still behind the orc leaped from its back in fear of being the next victim.

Meanwhile, the goblin that had been in the ground all along took a stone that is bigger than his hand and throws it to the orc's head.


Blood began to flows from its head.

Staring at the goblins, the orc's eyes were filled with nothing but fury.

Roaring once again, the orc charges towards one of the goblins.

Seeing this, the 3 goblins then work together as they fought the orc.

One of them distracted the orc and the other 2 inflicted considerable damage to it.

Although their coordination is very messy. For the goblins, This is already considered pretty good.

And so, the battles to the death continue for minutes.



Finally, the orc fell to the ground lifelessly.

However, looking at the other side, there is only 1 goblin that manages to survive. The other goblins had died either by getting thrown to the nearby tree or getting its body stabbed by the orc's hand.

Seeing that the orc finally died, the goblin cheered in exhilaration with its high-pitched voice.

I, meanwhile stood beside the goblin as I shook my head in disappointment.

The lifeless orc suddenly rose and rush to the goblin that was still celebrating its victory.

The orc then grabbed its little body and smashed it to the ground.


Following that, the orc then stomped at the goblin's head multiple times with all its might.


Exhausted, the orc stopped its crazy rampage.

With its erratic breath, it checked at the goblin that honestly can't be considered as a living thing anymore.

You could say that it has turned into juice.

Seeing that, the orc shouts in excitement.


Naturally, it doesn't last long as the orc was too tired.

After a quick celebration, the orc left the place, leaving behind 4 dead goblins.

After being the spectator all this time. I finally move towards one of the goblins that had its stomach punctured by the orc's hand.

Staring at the still opened eyes. I gave my comment.

"That's rare. It seems that he died first because of shock before his injuries managed to kill him"

Suddenly, I noticed something from the corner of my eyes.

Turning my head, I saw the goblin that was thrown to the tress had somehow survived from the impact.

As the goblin walk with faltering steps. I moved closer towards it and examined its body.

Not noticing my existence, the goblin stumbled and fell to the ground.

"If he doesn't receive any helped soon, he will die within a few minutes"

And as if the goblin heard what I just said, tears began to come out of its eyes.

Knowing that it won't survive, it mourned in sorrow. The goblin doesn't have enough energy to search for help. Nor can it shout for help as the orc is still around.

And thus, the goblin can only weep silently….

Looking at the weeping goblin, although a bit hesitant, I tried to pat its head.

…But as expected, my hand passes through the goblin.


Knowing that nothing can be changed, I can only stand there quietly.

Soon, the goblin exhausted all of its energy from crying and finally died. A lonely and cold death.

Looking at the lifeless body. I shook my head and left the place.


Time passes by as I go from place to place. And one day, I finally sigh in disappointment.

"When will I finally evolve into a low spirit? How much longer am I supposed to stay in this infant form.."

Right now, I am equivalent to an infant spirit in terms of a human term.

An infant spirit is just a consciousness that exists without a body. Only when it gains a spiritual body can it finally turn into a low spirit and interact with an object.

And for me to become a low spirit. I can only wait for myself to grow… this sucks.

How do I know this you ask? …I don't know. I just know it by instinct. It's similar to a human child that slowly learns to walk by itself. I am just slowly aware of this.

But there is one thing that I realize though, and that I was different compare to the other spirit.

As a spirit rises in rank, their intelligence also rises. But when I saw a low-level spirit in the past. Its intelligence is only that of a child.

Maybe this is why it takes such a long time for me to evolve to a low spirit…


All of a sudden, I stopped on my track.

"Hmm? A skeleton?"

Among hundreds of trees, laid a human skeleton on the ground.

"I've met some skeletons in the past. But despite its low intelligence, I've never seen it rest like this…"

Skeletons are monsters that can appear from multiple phenomena, a necromancer may call or create it, or a soul may have accidentally fused with a skeleton.

Compare to the former, the latter can rarely happen as many restrictions stop the phenomenon from happening. But in the end, It will create the same low-intelligence and weak skeleton.

Out of curiosity, I approach the skeleton.

As I move around it, I examined this special heap of bones.

"It looks ordinary… is it perhaps just a normal skeleton?"


As I thought for a bit. A funny thought came upon me.


Grinning to myself, I entered the skeleton. Or to be exact its rib cage.

Looking towards the outside, I chuckled.

"Hohoho… it's a bit weird but it felt like I am wearing a large mask"

As I fooled around for a bit, I suddenly remembered about one important fact.

As I turn my head above me, I can see the inside of the skull. And for some reason, it's completely hollow.

…Aiya, Did my grin turn wider?


I quickly entered the skull from its mouth.

"Woah, the skull blocked quite a lot of light huh?"

"Hmm, it's quite comfortable… Should I make it into my house?"

Although I don't need shelter, it does feel better to rest inside something. Whether it be a cave or a house.

But all this time, I never really felt comfortable in all the previous places that I've visited.

Either because something or someone had already occupied it, or it's just not comfortable enough.

'Who would have thought that I would actually want to live inside a skeleton?'

As I became more comfortable as time passes by. I decided that its better for me to leave.

There are just too many reasons why I choose to leave.

As I touch the skeleton's head. I spoke.

"Goodbye, my friend. Although short, I hop-...…..Huh?"

Wh-why can I feel the skull?

As I touch the skeleton several times. The excitement began to rush inside me.

"H-have I finally reached the L-legendary low-level spirit?!?!"

As the skull was too small for me to let out my excitement. I left the sku-


When I tried to left the skull from below. A wall-like existence blocked me from going out.

"I… bumped?"

Touching the invisible barrier. Questions began to appear one after another.

No matter how much energy I put, The barrier kept resisting it with the same amount of force.

"I..I am trapped…"

"…NOOOOO….. LET ME OUUUTTT!!! I was just kidding when I said this skull is comfortable!!!"

I began shouting for help as I tried to escape from any hole.

Whether it be the nose, the eyes, even the damn ear. Despite the difference in size. I tried to go through it.

And as expected…. I am truly trapped inside this damn skull.


As I sat on the barrier. My mood got depressed.

"Boohoo… Why is my fate like this…"

Guys, if you still didn’t know. This novel is for the WPC contest. And ill be honest with you. The speed of me writing novel is very slow. And one of the reason it takes a long times is the fact that I will constantly revise and edited my chapter just to make it flow better.


But that would be impossible in this contest. (especially because I also have work for my college… I knew im gng to regret this) Which is why, don’t expect the writing to be excellent. But no worries I will at least make sure that the writing have the basic minimum.

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