

A boy from 21st century was abandoned at his birth. The society outcast him. He had anger but could not vent on it. One day, while crossing street, he died by a car accident. when he opened his eyes, he saw an unfamiliar celling. He got the memory of the Body. Watch as Rex, become a SCUM GOD with the help of SCUM GOD SYSTEM.IT helps him grow stronger by doing evil in this magical world. #Warning# : You may become addicted.

Sumit_Bhamer · Fantaisie
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90 Chs

CHAPTER 1 Rebirth ( Rewritten)

This Chapter has been Rewritten and i have corrected the mistake that I was able to find.

Hey guys my First Novel Written by Me . You won't find like this novel out there and give it a try . Also don't forget to comment your thoughts about it .If find any mistake then let me know please, so i can correct them.

Earth 099 ( Modern earth)

The young man, barely in his twenties, meandered aimlessly through the bustling streets. It was as if his legs were operating independently, his mind consumed with overwhelming thoughts. His bloodshot eyes revealed a recent bout of tears. It was evident that something unfortunate had befallen him, leaving a heavy burden on his shoulders.

A towering structure loomed ahead, an imposing edifice that drew his attention. Seeking solace, he halted in his tracks and marveled at the grandiose building before him. Its size and intricacy were captivating, diverting his focus from the internal turmoil.

The bustling city around him continued to buzz with energy, but the young man remained trapped in his distressed state, unseen and unheard by the throngs of passersby. He stood still, as if contemplating his purpose within the vast realm of existence. The world carried on, oblivious to his plight.As he stared at the colossal building, its presence seemed to beckon him closer.

( Pov change)

I'm Tamisu, an orphaned guy feeling lost after my girlfriend Nana cheated on me and sent me a video. I'm in unbearable pain and don't know where to go from here. My parents abandoned me, adding to my pain. I'm just an average guy with no direction and struggling to cope with heartbreak.

I am in agony after my girlfriend Nana cheated on me and sent me the video. I am at a loss for what to do now. Why is this happening to me? I did nothing wrong; I loved her with all my heart and did everything I could to make her happy. However, she left me for a wealthy man in the end.

I put all my effort into ensuring she had everything she desired. Things would've been great if she simply let me be, but that wasn't the case. Instead, she chose to send me the video. It was a cruel reminder of how unbearably rotten things had gotten and cut me to my core of sorrow and despair.

I'd reached a point of absolute exhaustion from attempting to meet her needs, needing nothing more than for her to be content. But instead of holding it together, I watched as the footage unfolded my life going from somewhat normal to a mess of wrecked emotions. From the time we'd started down this terrible path to the moment her actions became so unbearable, it was all there before me.

I felt powerless at the notion that her demands had become so unpredictable. Each moment felt like a blow of regret for me as I watched us both spiral further and further into a well of agony and unrest. We had been so deeply devoted that something so unfortunate had to come to our relationship. Seeing this honest representation of our established history made me want to give up on everything, to accept that this was the sign that it was time to part ways.

It was then that I finally began to comprehend the importance of setting limits and boundaries. It wouldn't have gotten to this place if I had opened my eyes to the clues, if I had allowed her to be her own person and if I had given myself some space. That video, however eyeball-burning, was a reminder that my time was finite and that it should be treated with respect. No matter how much of my being I sacrificed, nothing was ever enough for her and that realization has stayed with me ever since.

It doesn't matter, if she had cheated on me but the worst thing is that, she sent me that video. when I asked her to talk to me at least one time.She just look away and asked the rich guy to throw me away. I was beaten brutally. I had some fracture bones. I didn't have money for treatment and nobody tried to help me .Some just said that it was a good thing that she left me for money and some didn't even give me a look just walk past me. I had no parents, I am just average looking guy who had to work hard just to get into college but for her I tried my hard.Now I don't want to live anymore. I just want to end everything and so with these thought I went to the top of the building and jumped. I didn't even feel any pain, everything just went blank. My last thought was, if I were to reborn again, then I want to become strong, wealthy and get everything,every women and with that everything went blank.

(EARTH 100 magical)

In the winding lanes of Tokyo a horrific sight was discovered. At the end of a dark and deserted alleyway lay a young boy of around 17 years, seemingly lifeless. Upon further inspection, it appeared that he had suffered horrendous injuries. The air around him was thick with the smell of death.

The boy bolted upright, a sense of confusion and disorientation smothering him. He looked around, trying to process his surroundings. It felt like he'd been here before, yet the concept of familiarity made little sense to him. He felt lightheaded, as if he'd awoken from a slumber that had lasted for an age. How is this possible? he thought, for he had distinct memories of passing away – of dying. He couldn't be alive…could he?

The emotions he felt were different from anything he'd ever experienced before. He felt a slight tinge of life, like something dormant had been awoken within him. But his mind reeled and thoughts seemed alien to him as much as the landscape he now found himself in. He had glimpses of memories, fleeting and distant, but it was as if life had suddenly been injected back into a forgotten dream.

He was surrounded by a cloud of pale fog, silent and unassuming. Although he had no idea what had just happened, a sense of something greater than himself began to emerge. He knew he was in a place unfamiliar to him, something unknown that was yet to be revealed.

As he struggled to recall how he had arrived in this strange state of being, he felt a sliver of hope. Sitting there in the stillness, he recalled that just moments ago he was preparing to take his last breath. All at once, he realised that somehow he had been granted a second chance at life.He had got the memory of this body.

Just like me, he experienced betrayal from his girlfriend. Unfortunately, when he voiced his concerns, the situation escalated to a tragic extent. Fortunately, in my case, I was not subjected to severe physical harm. However, the emotional impact remains

"Not only that, but this world seems to have a thing called a dungeon that appeared about 200 years ago. With the appearance of dungeons, people began to awaken powers. This boy named Rex, whom I have taken over, was a loser who had only awakened a weak affinity for earth. Powers are classified from F to S++, with F being the lowest. So, that's pretty much it. Now, I have to find a way to become powerful and get revenge for this body. Huh... there seems to be some kind of floating screen. Is this the legendary system that I've read about in novels? Can it speak? 'Hey, system, are you there?'"

"Yes, host, I'm here to help you."

"So, what are your functions?"

"I'm the Scum God system. My main function is to assist you to get laid,providing expert advice and help you to become a God."

"Are there any other functions available?"

"Currently, the system has the following functions: Status, Lucky Draw, and Inventory. Please note that you may unlock more functions in the future. The Lucky Draw feature can only be used once a year."

"That's it ,what about more."

"The more women the host fucks the more Function gets unlock. Currently you have Beginner's Pack would you like to open it"

"Hell ya open it, I wonder what kind of power I will get, will I get flying ability or some God sword hehehe 8 can't wait."

"Congratulations for getting 20+in Charm, 30 + in strength and stamina,sperm control"

" well I'm disappointed but at least I got some stats system open my Status "

----------_- STATUS-_-----------

Name : Rex

Strength: 40 (30+10)

Charm: 35

Luck: 25

Stamina: 40

Penis: 8 inch

Skill: Sperm control.

" Host is recommended to fuck a women as soon as possible.because you are so weak, you may die if someone attacked you."

" New Mission: Go Fuck any women,

it doesn't matter who you fuck, as it is your first time Reward : Depends on pleasure felt by women... Advise host to make them organism at least 2 time "

I have Rewritten this chapter with some minor changes and had done correcttion. If you are new then let me know your thoughts.