

In the infinity realm, there are three echelon,mount Olympia where the Divine gods dwell, Mount Lyrota where the Celestial gods who take on roles to help the Earthly realm, and The underworld where the demons and banished gods reside. Each Celestial gods have their roles on the Earthly realm except one god, Santaliel. Santaliel was a god who has never felt among other gods and the only god who hasn't discovered his role yet, he decides to go to the Earthly realm and try to discover his role and then gets entangled with a human who changes his fate. And with each new encounter he learns a little about himself and gets closer to discovering the truth about his origin. *The names used in the story has no relation to the original owners of the name *Add the book to your library,sit back and enjoy the story

Anni_Senpai · Fantaisie
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28 Chs


The human girl's gaze met Santaliel's, her brown eyes locking onto his bright green ones. For a moment, they simply stared at each other, the world around them melting away. She cleared her throat, breaking the awkwardness, and Santaliel awkwardly offered, "Let me help you pick those up."

As they bent to gather the scattered fruit, their hands touched, sending a spark of electricity through both of them. They quickly withdrew, her face turned red and she stood up

"Pay attention to where you're going next time so you bump into someone else," she advised, as she gathered her belongings and continued on her way.

Santaliel watched her go, mesmerized, until Lyrx's voice snapped him back to reality. "Let's go, Santaliel," she said, a hint of jealousy creeping into her warn calm voice. "We need to figure out why humans can see you."

"Of course," Santaliel replied, shaking off the distraction.

They continued their journey and Orly who remained quiet continued to trail behind. They arrived at a secluded place with stairs that ascended towards what seemed like a temple adorned with different flowers of different species and colors and a vast space.

As they approached the Temple's entrance, Santaliel admired the wooden statue of a goddess engraved at its center. "That's a remarkable statue," he complimented, scanning the intricate details. Lyrx nodded, "The people of this kingdom crafted it, believing that a single goddess watches over and cares for them, unknowing to them that it's not just one"

Just then, a woman emerged from the Temple, her presence radiating grace and serenity. She wore a flowing white garb with golden intricate designs, strategically covering her breasts and lower body, while revealing a tantalizing amount of her well curved body. Her golden,soft ,bouncy hair cascaded down her back, and her skin appeared as delicate and smooth as the clouds.

As she approached, Lyrx offered a gentle bow. "Greetings, goddess Cecile."

Cecile's smile illuminated her face, "Hello, Lyrx. I've been expecting you."

"What a cute little creature" Cecile smiled at Orly

"Greetings my Lady" Orly greeted as she bowed

Santaliel looked at her with awe, he had heard about the goddess of the sun, Cecile who is among the 12 Monarch of the infinity realm, but he was seeing her for the first time and the description of her beauty he had heard from Cupid wasn't a good enough description for the Elegance and beauty that was standing in front of him

" We had a little issue on our way here so we delayed alittle" Lyrx explained

" I wonder what it could be,first who is this strange young lad" goddess Cecile's curiosity was sparked as she gestured towards Santaliel, " he almost has no celestial Force,I would have mistaken him for a human if not for the power of the seal of enchantment emitting from him" 

Santaliel's confusion deepened, his eyes narrowing in thought. "Seal of enchantment?" he repeated, unfamiliar with the term. 

" Seems like you don't know about the seal of enchantment,well I guess it's for a reason" Cecile said as she notices the confused look on his face

"Could that be why humans can see him?" Lyrx asked

"If he can be seen by humans,then I'm pretty sure it's more than just the seal of enchantment that Is behind it, but who is he" Cecile said 

" This is Santaliel lady Cecile,he is the son of Lord Ares" Lyrx informed

"Ohh,It's you,that's explains a lot, how much you've grown" Cecile gave a warm but sad smile

" Greetings Lady Cecile, if I may ask what is this seal of enchantment you speak of," Santaliel asked curiosity etched in his voice

" Well you're origin isn't something you should hear from me, the one who can answer all your questions is no other than the god of war himself,your Father," Cecile said

" he won't tell me anything," Santaliel said

" Then I guess that makes it a family issue," Cecile said, " Now you're here dear Lyrx I can finally go get some rest," Cecile said as she waved her hands and a portal that emitted golden shimmering light opened "Take care of my people Lyrx"

"Yes my lady" Lyrx gave a gentle bow and Cecile smiled and went into the blinding golden light and disappeared.

" Do you know about this seal Lyrx" Santaliel looked at Lyrx with curiosity with curiosity etched on his face

"I'm sorry Santaliel but all I can tell you is that the seal of enchantment is a very powerful spell that requires a great amount of celestial force" Lyrx said as she looked away from Santaliel Asif hiding something

" That can't be all you know" Santaliel responded " what are you hiding from me" Santaliel said with anger and disappointment in his voice 

" Master you should consider the lady's feeling,if it's something she can say I'm sure she won't hesitate to tell you" Orly chipped in

" I know but I just want to know the truth" Santaliel let's out 

" And with due time I'm sure the truth will find its way to you Santaliel" Lyrx said gently " Now let's do what we are here for"

Santaliel takes a deep breath and exhales " Alright"

 Lyrx smiled and stood at the center of the yard,the atmosphere became dense with Celestial Force, Frost like flowers began to bloom at the corners of the place and Clouds began to form on the clear sky. 

Lyrx spread out her hands and Frost began to gather around her and a ray of white Frosty Clouds shot up into the sky and tiny drops of snow began to fall.

It was a breath taking sight to behold but Santaliel couldn't suck it all in as his mind still wandered to questions about the seal of enchantment

"How was that,did you like it" Lyrx asked as she took in ragged breaths

" That was spectacular,you're amazing Lyrx,the snow drops are really nice and pretty" Santaliel praised with less enthusiasm than usual 

Lyrx gave a warm smile understanding the worries in his heart

"You're as splendid as ever lady Lyrx" Orly commented trying to cheer her up because obviously she made it a grand show just for Santaliel

" Thank you Orly" she smiled " let's go in and take a rest" she gestured entering the temple and Santaliel and Orly trailed behind her.

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