

In the infinity realm, there are three echelon,mount Olympia where the Divine gods dwell, Mount Lyrota where the Celestial gods who take on roles to help the Earthly realm, and The underworld where the demons and banished gods reside. Each Celestial gods have their roles on the Earthly realm except one god, Santaliel. Santaliel was a god who has never felt among other gods and the only god who hasn't discovered his role yet, he decides to go to the Earthly realm and try to discover his role and then gets entangled with a human who changes his fate. And with each new encounter he learns a little about himself and gets closer to discovering the truth about his origin. *The names used in the story has no relation to the original owners of the name *Add the book to your library,sit back and enjoy the story

Anni_Senpai · Fantasy
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28 Chs


Santaliel sat in his room with Orly nestled on his lap, gently running through his hands through Orly's white soft fur

"Master I would appreciate if you would stop treating me like a pet afterall I failed to protect you" Orly scowled

"Don't be such a grouch, you got hurt because of me, so let me pet you a little" Santaliel coaxed

The sound of a gentle knock echoed through Santaliel's room, and he looked up to see who it was.

The door slid open revealing a young lady dressed in a white corset gown that highlighted her elegant physique with blue frost like patterns at the tip of the gown , with her long blue hair that effortlessly flowed at her back adorned with different ornaments and her frosty eyes that one could get lost in that sparkled with concern, she stepped timidly into his room with elegance and stood by the door.

"Santaliel, I heard you were hurt. How are you feeling?" goddess Lyrx asked in her gentle, calming voice.

"Come in Lyrx, it was nothing really" Santaliel gave a reassuring smile

Lyrx was the goddess of tranquility , and at a particular time,she would go to the Earthly realm and spread her aura, bringing about peace and calmness to the heart of humans

" I was on my way to the Earthly realm but decided to drop by and see how you're doing" Lyrx Explained

" You're always so nice and thoughtful Lyrx,I wonder what the Earthly realm looks and feels like" Santaliel said with a hint of sadness in his voice

"You've not been to the Earthly realm before?" Lyrx asked

"What's the use of a god without a role,going to Earthly realm" Santaliel responded

"Ohh I know," Lyrx clapped her hands and smiled "how about you follow me to the Earthly realm"

"you don't mind if I tag along?" He asked with excitement in his voice

Orly raised an eyebrow " You shouldn't Master"

" Well it's not against the rules,and you can have a look around " She smiled "We can head out right now"

" Let's do it then, Orly wanna come?" Santaliel asked as he stood up and walked up to her

" I guess I don't have a choice, your Father would punish me greatly if anything happened to you" Orly sighed

" Alright then" Lyrx smiled

she closed her eyes, Stretching forth her hands, and the tips of her fingers began to glow celestial force echoed in the air making the place ice cold, and a blue door with intricate designs appeared in the room and opened revealing a bright white light 

"Shall we?" She gestured her hand at the door and Santaliel and Orly entered the light, while she followed behind them the door closed and disappeared from the room

The Earthly realm is a vast and diverse world, filled with varying landscapes and creatures. From towering mountains to sprawling oceans, and a vast field of greenery.

The inhabitants of the Earthly realm were humans who didn't possess any celestial force, going about their normal ways, praying to the gods for their blessings, Cultivating and harvesting different fields. 

Small villages dot the landscape, their thatched-roof cottages nestled among rolling hills and fields of golden wheat. The people of the Earthly realm live in harmony with nature, tending to their crops and livestock with care. Smoke curls from chimneys, and the distant laughter of children playing in the fields.

A portal of shimmering white light opened and Santaliel and Orly as well as Lyrx emerged from it,they landed at a vast greenery field

 Santaliel's eyes widened with wonder as his feet touched the solid earth, a stark contrast to the cloudy pathways of Mount Lyrota. "Wow, this place is breathtaking!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with excitement.

"The grasses are green, we don't have any green grasses back at home,I wonder if they have mountain berries here" He marveled as he knelt down and ran his hands through the grasses taking in the feel of it

" Welcome to the Earthly realm Santaliel" Lyrx giggled 

"Are those the humans,I expected them to look more like us" Santaliel questions as he points towards a flock of sheeps that were feasting on the green grass

" No those are called sheeps,they are animals, you'll see more animals" she explained " those are humans " she points her hands towards a distance that seems to a bustling area

They strolled along the field and arrived at a place that was bustling with people, peddlers advertising their products, the fishermen urging the passersby to try out their new batch of freshly caught fishes of different types and the exchange of Thale between peddlers and passersby which is the currency used in the Earthly realm, and carts being moved by horses with people riding on it

Santaliel and Lyrx continued to walk along the path Orly trailing behind them

Santaliel Continued to look around with awe and asked Lyrx multiple questions and Lyrx Continued to giggle

"Won't you stand out as a god in your attire?" Santaliel asked, his brow furrowed in concern. "I thought humans weren't supposed to know about us gods?" He glanced around, noticing the stark contrast between their elegant, ethereal garb and the humans' vibrant, earthy clothing.

The humans wore tunics and dresses in rich, muted hues, terracotta, sage, and sandalwood adorned with intricate embroidery that seemed to dance across the fabric.

Their garments appeared to be woven from the very essence of the earth, blending seamlessly into the natural surroundings. In contrast, the gods' attire shone like beacons, radiating an otherworldly glow.

" The humans can't see us gods because they have no celestial force, we're divine beings, so however I'm dressed it doesn't matter" Lyrx explained

" ohh, So what's your role on the Earthly realm" Santaliel inquires

"I make it snow here" Lyrx answered

"Snow?" Santaliel inquires 

" Yes,Since my core was tranquility,I thought about different ways I could help the humans attain peace and I decided to make it snow,my snow brings peace and calmness and joy in the hearts of human after they've had a long time of sunny weather" Lyrx explains with a warm smile on her face

" I guess you're heart is as beautiful as you" Santaliel Compliments 

Lyrx tries to hide the redness of her face as she hears santaliel's compliments " I'm not as great as other gods and goddess who have major role, I'm sure once you discover yours it will be great as well" 

" I hope so" Santaliel chuckles facing Lyrx as he unknowingly bumps into something that crashes to the ground

"Ouch, watch where you're going" A human said as she fell to the ground after crashing on Santaliel and her paper bag which contained different fruits in it scattered on the ground

"Huh, Is she talking to me?" Santaliel asks Lyrx who had a confused look on her face

"Ofcourse I'm talking to you,you're the one who bumped into me" the human said to Santaliel with a fierce look In her brown eyes as she scans her goods that were scattered on the ground

" I thought they can't see us? " Santaliel asks Lyrx confused 

"You could atleast help me up and who are you talking to weirdo" The human shot at him

"I don't know what's going on and it looks like it's only you she can see and not just her" Lyrx said as she looked around and notices the eyes of other passersby fixed on Santaliel as he stood in front of a girl whom he caused to crash to the ground

" I'm so sorry,I didn't know you could see me, Are you ok?" He says calmly as he stretches out his hand to the girl.

She looks up and can't help but blush as she realizes how handsome he is.

" Ofcourse I can see you,you should watch where you're going" She said trying to hide her red face as she takes his hand

He pulls her up and her brown eyes stares deeply at his green eyes and for a moment their eyes locked 

He has never touched a human before and imagined countless times how it would feel like but he never expected it to have this much spark 

I'm sorry for the slow updates

I'll try my best to upload faster

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