
I am Karna (fanfic)

Fanfic about Karna. Not from anime, but from Mahābhārat. I may take some creative liberties. Even those who knows nothing about Mahābhārat can read it. I'll try to make sure to the best of my capabilities. For Sanskrut words, I've used IAST alphabets system.

JoJo_Soni · Livres et littérature
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16 Chs

Chapter 11 - Blindfolded Fates

In the palace of Hastināpur, Lord Bhīshma was currently oversaw the activities of all the workers regarding the wedding preparation.

From the reports, the Gāndhār royal family should be arriving today. He wanted to ensure that all the preparations were completed promptly.

"Namaskar, Lord Bhīshma. I've come back from the Campā city," reported Adhirath with a respectful bow.

"Oh, Adhirath, you are here. Good to see that you are back on time," Bhīshma said.

"It was thanks to the horse you permitted me to use," Adhirath acknowledged. 

"Haha! No need to mention it. You are one of the few people the horse has warmed up to. Not an easy horse, I tell you, unless you've dealt similar kind." Bhīshma said with a hearty voice.

Adhirath remained silent hearing this.

"Your quite demeanor suggests that you have something to tell me about it." Bhīshma deduced.

"Um... Yes- NO. Nothing of great importance, Lord Bhīshma," Adhirath stammered. 

"Hmm. Regardless, come with me. You have an important duty to fulfill," Bhīshma ordered.

"Yes, my Lord." With lowered eyes, Adhirath followed Lord Bhīshma.

Bhīshma walked to the inner chambers of the palace.

As they entered the room, Adhirath observed his surroundings, guessing that it must be the quarters of one of the three princes.

"Dhṛtarāṣtra," Bhīshma called the first prince.

Dhṛtarāṣtra means the one who holds the kingdom firm. As the first prince, he was going to become the king soon after the marriage.

Amidst the absence of a king, Lord Bhīshma assumed the responsibilities of all administrative duties. 

Adhirath keenly observed the first prince. He towered over everyone with his height. His standing had a regal bearing. With his form — imposing and dignified — marked him as a figure of authority.

Dhṛtarāṣtra's arms resembled the sturdy trunks of trees, while his broad chest stood akin to a mountain. The sculpted arms, bulging muscles, and V-shaped torso testified to their unwavering commitment to rigorous training. 

His strength was evident to even an ordinary observer; a single punch from him could bring down an elephant. 

The adornment of golden, weighty ornaments on his dark complexion enhanced his appearance, rendering him a divine presence, akin to a Deva (God) walking the earth. 

"Namaskār, Great Uncle!" Dhṛtarāṣtra greeted Lord Bhīshma.

Dhṛtarāṣtra looked at Lord Bhīshma. Well, look would be a wrong description. Because if this god on earth had any flaw, that would be that he could not see. 

He was blind from the birth. 

"May you live a long life, son." Bhīshma blessed him.

"What is it, Great Uncle? If there was anything you wanted, you could have just called me. I would have come to you."

"I am not here to ask for something, but for quite the opposite. Meet him, he is Adhirath, my friend and charioteer." Bhīshma introduced Adhirath.

"Namaskār, first prince." Adhirath bowed to Dhṛtarāṣtra.

"Remember, my son, a personal charioteer is akin to a trusted friend. They not only skillfully navigate your chariots but also stand by you in the journey of life. As you prepare to ascend to the throne, it is imperative that you have the finest by your side. Adhirath currently holds the esteemed position of the best charioteer in our kingdom, and he shall henceforth be under your command," Bhishma explained reasoning behind this sudden transfer of suta. 

"It is my sincere pleasure to serve you, Prince," Adhirath expressed with a respectful nod.

Dhṛtarāṣtra acknowledged with a nod of his own. "Given the commendation from Great Uncle, my expectations for you are indeed high."

"I assure you, Prince, I shall not falter in fulfilling your expectations," Adhirath assured.

Dhṛtarāṣtra turned his attention to Bhīshma. "Where can I find Pāṇḍu and Vidur, Great Uncle?" 

"Vidur is handling all the incoming guests and as for Pāṇḍu-"

"I'm here, brother, Great Uncle." Pāṇḍu, standing at the door, said.

Pāṇḍu first greeted Bhīshma before teasing Dhṛtarāṣtra. 

"Look at you, brother~ How impeccably dressed you are." Dhṛtarāṣtra wore a smug expression on his face in response to the flattery. "With this, sister-in-law will be blinded by all the shine coming from you."

Dhṛtarāṣtra chuckled, "Heh! It's enough that I'm blind. If my wife also turned blind, that would be like a twisted match made in heaven."

Pāṇḍu and Bhīshma exchanged glances, suppressing their discomfort at the humor of Dhṛtarāṣtra. 

"Why are you so silent? Don't worry, I'm not sad. Because, from now on, my wife will be my eyes to the world in front of me," Dhṛtarāṣtra declared with a tone filled with hope. "With my wife as the queen by my side, you as my general, and Vidur as my prime minister, there will be no one in this land who can stand against us. I will be the greatest king in history. That's how I wish to be remembered, not for my blindness."

"You are right, brother. We'll show everyone," Pāṇḍu affirmed with a beaming smile. "Look, brother, Vidur is also here."

Vidur entered the chamber, extending greetings to everyone before conveying, "Brother, Uncle, the royal family of Gāndhār is here."

Smiles adorned the faces of everyone present, except for Vidur and Bhīshma.

"But?" Bhīshma inquired.

"There is a bit of a problem, Great Uncle," Vidur responded, with concern painted on his face.


A crowd had assembled along the path from the city gate to the palace entry. The reason for this gathering? To catch a glimpse of the royal entourage from Gāndhār.

The air was abuzz with rumors, especially those surrounding the princess. Engaging in discussions about these rumors was a favored pastime among the people.

"Hey, have you heard about how she looks?" "I heard she is exceptionally beautiful," came the responses as the eager onlookers eagerly exchanged speculations about the enigmatic princess.

"Tch. That's common knowledge. But have you come across any detailed descriptions of her?"

"Uhh… I've heard she possesses a beauty akin to Mother Queen Satyavatī."

"Hmph! Expecting this moron to know anything would be a fool's errand."

"What did you say?!!"

"Allow me to enlighten you. She is a fair-skinned beauty, with the most renowned accounts describing her enchanting eyes akin to lotuses. It's why she's often referred to as the Lotus of Gāndhār."


"Look! They are here. The Gāndhār royal family has arrived."

From the gate, the royal entourage entered. Though their assembled army was small, even commoners could discern their strength.

In the forefront, Old Gāndhār Naresh Subal and Queen Sudharmā, positioned on his left, graced the front chariot.

Directly behind them followed another chariot, with Prince Śakuni at the helm, and on his right, his sister Gāndhāri stood proudly.

The already-placed servants showered flowers upon the entourage and played drums to mark their grand welcome.


"Gāndhāri!! Gāndhāri!!"

"Princess Gāndhāri!!!"

People cheered upon seeing the beautiful princess, causing an ingenuous, wide smile to grace the face of Gāndhāri.

In contrast to his usual demeanor, Śakuni remained silent, keenly observing everything. However, as he noticed his sister's eyes sparkling with happiness, an unintended, sad, and guilty smile crept onto his face.

But this celebratory atmosphere didn't last long. Gradually, the cheers subsided, and confused murmurs replaced the applause.

The reason became evident as Princess Gāndhāri emerged, adorned with a blindfold made of white cloth.

"B-brother, is everything okay? Why is everyone silent?" Gāndhāri asked with concern in her voice.

"Don't worry, dear sister. They are just blinded by your beauty, that's all," Śakuni reassured.

Śakuni discreetly signaled his aide riding on the horse by his side. The loyal aide understood the cue and dispatched a few soldiers to circulate and continue shouting the name of Gāndhāri. In a matter of moments, the public also succumbed to the infectious cheers and joined in the enthusiastic celebration.

"See? Everything is fine. They were just too stunned to speak."

Gāndhāri, who understood her brother very well, had an inkling of what might have transpired. Yet, she appreciated his actions for her sake.

"Will everything be fine, brother?" she asked, seeking reassurance.

"Everything will be fine. Trust your brother. I'll make sure of it," Śakuni promised his sister.

Śakuni had already harbored a growing resentment towards the Kuru clan for arranging this marriage, which had resulted in Gāndhāri deciding to wear a blindfold.

'If they don't treat you properly, dear sister, then…' his unspoken thoughts lingered ominously in the air.

[a/n: I think with this we should have 15k words, so please give power stones.

Also, I've decided that after this chapter, you won't get such focused chapter on Kuru clan for a long while unless mc interacts with them. Most of the situation progression will be explained via mc hearing news reports from suta sages.

Also, since I'm not sure how long I have to finish the story, I will try to fast forward it.]