
I am James Kent (New)

A repost to my new account. Will be based on the New 52. I know a lot will complain that it is the same thing but please there are small changes made even now Synopsis loading

Ink_Verse · Anime et bandes dessinées
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17 Chs


Basically, the metal negated everything. From gravity to magic and on that list was the Bio-electric aura that protected powered Kryptonians.

This meant the metal could actually hurt Kryptonians even at their strongest but it was extremely rare on Earth so James didn't know where Eobard got….. scratch that.

When Eobard got it and even shaped it into a glove.

"This is what Hawkwoman refused to share with the world" Eobard said in amazement as he admired the blood on the glove.

"It doesn't matter though, you are still going to die" James said then became even more serious after all now his life was actually in danger.

Earlier his body could absorb any sort of energy Eobard threw at him, a punch's kinetic energy was absorbed and when he tried to phase through James' body, he would absorb the speed force around him so James was never really in danger before.

However now, things just became serious as Nth Metal was not a metal to play with as it carried multiple abilities beyond his capabilities of handling and James hoped that Eobard didn't know of all of those uses.

     Becoming much more serious, James immediately took off after him as Eobard too came after him with the two meeting themselves in the middle of the field.

As they met the two immediately began exchanging blows as Eobard used his years of experience to fight while James used his gained knowledge to adapt as he blocked nearly all of Eobard's blows, both sides healing as they got injured.

     As the fight continued, James started becoming more and more lax with his control as he began using his new Martial arts style against Eobard.

With each strike, James blocked, Eobard suffered a broken hand along with a blown-out chest as James started adapting to his mind-boggling speed or in better terms, he absorbed more of the Negative speed force energy, Eobard released and transformed them into normal energy which improved his prowess.

      They exchanged multiple blows in just a second with James suffering fewer and fewer injuries as time went on.

James' physique offered him the absolute advantage over Eobard as he could tank most of his punches and at the same time, heal from any injury gained in the process while Eobard could only heal his body as he was damaged which was increasing by the minutes.

       James, now capable of seeing the now tiring Eobard clearly, activated his gravitational field as he attracted Eobard towards himself.

He couldn't use it previously because he believed that Eobard would definitely know of it and would be able to outrun his range but now that their speed was on par, concerns of that sort were thrown out of the window.

Activating the Field, Eobard flew uncontrollably towards James who immediately gathered all his strength and slammed his fist into Eobard's body resulting in blood splattering everywhere.

"Finally," James thought as he picked up the glove Eobard was holding.

      James didn't know if Eobard had sent his memories back in time or not after all, comic book characters were all ridiculous.

James didn't know how Eobard did it earlier so he guessed that he must have sent his Memories to a younger version of himself which honestly sounded like something out of a comic book but in this universe it was possible.

Looking around the field, James saw all the carnage he had caused and sighed

"I guess, he wouldn't be coming back anytime soon" James thought after all who wants to continue coming to their death despite knowing how it happens.

Eobard wasn't that stupid so James could easily tell that he would be free from any time travel nonsense for now.

     Looking at his body, James was immediately disgusted so he hovered up into the air and immediately shot for the skies as he flew into space.

The very speed at which he was travelling burnt off his clothes along with any form of dirt or traces of blood on his body.

He could have chosen to just return home and bathe but that wouldn't work for someone with an enhanced sense of smell like Clark but when he burnt it all up and was smelling like burnt toast then nobody would notice.

      Though his durability made it impossible for his body to be harmed by this type of heat, it didn't mean that the faint smell of burnt meat wouldn't remain.

As James flew out of the Planet's atmosphere, he immediately headed for Venus as he thought of how he had just killed a man.

       Yes, Eobard was an extremely stupid man and one who was bent on killing him but he was still a living being at the end of the day. Funny enough, he hadn't felt anything when he had done so.

James didn't know the reason for this apathetic behaviour but the main reason he could think of was that he still thought of most people as comic book characters.

As James thought of his current situation, he smashed into an extremely dark yet extremely hot planet.

Standing up and waking up from his thoughts, James looked around in surprise, he didn't know when or how he got here so fast.

"Since when was I this fast?" James thought to himself as he hovered off the face of the planet and turned to see the massive ball of plasma that towered over him.

James had somehow flown from Earth to Mercury in just a few minutes. This very fact blew James' mind after all he normally spent about 20 minutes to get from Earth to Venus but he had just gone from Earth to Mercury in the same amount of time.

"Hmm, update Metagene increases specific traits according to the type of energy it absorbs" James mentally noted since this meant that while his Metagene absorbs all forms of energy and converts them into a form of energy that his mutated cells accepted.

Specific types of energy affect certain traits for example Negative Speed force energy improved his body but it focused more on his speed or agility and whatever it was that controlled his flight.

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