
I Cheated On Robin

Aaron signed for the nth time and placed another file in front of Damien.The latter's face was ice cold and his terrifying ceo aura filled the room. The people in the meeting room couldn't help but shiver slightly.

"this is garbage!" Damien crumbled the file Aaron placed in front of him after reading it.

Aaron shook his head and place another file in front of him.

'Why is he transferring all his anger in this innocent souls, they weren't the ones who told him to propose to his girlfriend'

"why are you people doing things like this?" Damien leaned back in his chair and took a deep breath,his face reflecting calmness.

Everyone slowly gulped, he only become calm when he is at the peak of his anger. Some of them look up to Aaron for help.

Even though he is only an assistant to the boss, everyone knows he holds a higher influence in Damien's decision than theirs,so they could only look up to him for help.

Aaron look back at them and shook his head mouthing to them that he can't do anything this time.

"if you all spend your time brainstorming rather than always looking up to Aaron for help you would have achieve a better result by now!" Damien held and other file and compared them.

"sir..I have gone through everything there and separated the best for you" Aaron spoke up finally deciding to help the helpless people.

"should I fire you guys and hire more people with better brains!" Damien ignored Aaron and stared at the board.

They kept their head low and didn't say a word.

"you are all lucky you are the best of the best and there is no other better than you" Damien said" go! and when next we have another meeting I had better see the best business ideas or am gonna look for replacements" Damien threatened low.

" you are all dismissed" Aaron waved them away and they scurried out of the office.

" those amateurs" Damien muttered low.

Aaron placed all the files in front of him" this are all the best but they need a little adjustment and boom best selling"

Damien picked up a file and shook his head" why do you even bother helping them?"

" they don't deserve your frustration, I told you several times to break up with Vanessa if you aren't sure you want to continue with the relationship but you went ahead and propose to her!"

Aaron said with a mocking smile on his face.

" I panicked okay!" Damien ran his fingers through his hair" she found out about the restaurant and Robin and...and...!"

" and?..." Aaron raised his brow.

" I don't know maybe there is this little guilty conscience that I cheated on her" Damien said.

" but you didn't do any intimate thing or start dating Robin secretly" Aaron shook his head.

" no not Vanessa...I mean my guilty conscience is not towards Vanessa but Robin. It feels like I cheated on Robin"

Damien groaned and facepalm himself.

" whoa! ...that's too much drama" Aaron sat down on the seat in front of Damien.

They both sat down just breathing and doing nothing until Aaron broke the silence.

"I found the Fred George you were talking about"

Damien lifted his head up from his palm" what is he like?"

"geez! that's your first question" Aaron shook his head and brought his phone.

He opened the gallery app and click on photos, clicking on a particular picture.

Damien took the phone and stare at the picture. He didn't recognize this man at all.

But one thing for sure this man is handsome,a lot! His small eyes and black hair accentuating his pale skin and his tiny pink lips.

Damien's face grew green with jealousy. 'what is with this girl and handsome men'

"data" Damien ordered Aaron his face still glued to Fred's picture.

"age twenty nine, profession, a counselor at Robin's university, relationship status, engaged" Aaron stopped and saw Damien is smiling now and no longer glaring at the picture.

" the real person you are suppose to worry about is his younger brother, he and Robin just broke up few months ago and they are likely to get married because their family was once a family friend well till now they are still in touch" Aaron said.

" she have never mentioned the younger one so that one is of less importance but I want to talk to this older one he is my ticket to having information on what happened to Robin secretly the first year of our eight years" Damien gave back the phone to Aaron.

" noted sir"Aaron nodded "and you should know that Zach Benjamin is not Robin's boyfriend he is just her roommate"

" I knew that girl won't just date anyone" Damien smiled widely.

Aaron burst into laughter" but Robin dated almost all the handsome boys in her college"

Damien a face darkened" those are just her flings"

"should I order food or will you just go to the restaurant as usual?" Aaron asked.

"I will go as usual" Damien smiled.


Robin signed and entered sat down on one of the tables in the dining room along with several other employees, all staring at the man sitting at the front.

"so now that everyone is here let the meeting begin" Damien said in a clear and calm voice that everyone believed he was still happy about his engagement yesterday.

"congrats sir!" Mrs Tracy said with a huge smile.

"congratulations sir" "congrats" "congratulation"

The whole employee erupted in cheers.

Damien clenched his jaw tight and waved his hand for them to stop but the voices didn't die down.

"it's okay" Damien said but the voices still didn't die down.

"shut up!" he yelled.

The whole place grew quiet!

" I called this meeting because of a complain" Damien said glancing at different people in the crowd.

"sir...." Someone raised his hand.

"zip it! I don't want to hear a thing from anybody except for the answers to the questions I ask!" Damien ordered in a frustrated tone.

Everyone gulped,afraid to offend Damien,cause this is the first time they ever heard him speak in this tone.

"now who the heck ordered you all to shower roses and songs during the moment I gave her the ring?" Damien asked glaring at each and everyone.

Slowly a hand rised up" I did sir"

Robin replied.

Happy birthday to I and my lovely twin sister.

We added one more year in good health and peace of mind.

I wish a happy birthday to all those sharing the same date, more good life and answered wishes.

Ghost_11creators' thoughts