
Stop Calling Us A Couple

Damien stared at Robin's hand for the longest amount of time before waving for her to drop he hand.


He asked.

"I realized you didn't look like you planned for that proposal, so I arranged for flowers and music to make seem more realistic" Robin answered bluntly.

Damien stared at her, shaking his head a little.

" did I ask you to do that?" Damien face darkened suddenly" did I ask you to help me then Robin?"

Robin stared at him feeling a lump in her throat. She lowered her head and stared at little at her nails before lifting her head up again.

'why so I forget that this girl have been spoilt most of her life that she can handle a little berating!' Damien thought.

"sorry Robin... and to you all" Damien signed" okay is there any complains to make?"

A flurry of hands went up and some flew down immediately.

"I have a complaint" Robin spoke up raising her head higher.

"talk miss Red" Damien nodded.

"please can most of the staffs stop calling us a couple"

Robin said deadpanned, her face still looking stoic.

Some faces flew to her direction, while some bent down.

" it isn't like that! it was just harmless teasing"Diane the ringleader of the gossiping waitresses.

" so you do admit you were calling us a couple" Damien clenched his jaw hard.

" mmm" Diane lowered her face which turned red in embarrassment.

Damien burst out laughing, holding his belly that is trying to burst from laughter.

"For your information, Rob... I mean miss Red and I are just childhood friends infact this whole restaurant is created because of her" Damien said with a huge smirk on his lips, his eyes falling on Robin.

Robin furrowed her brows, deeply angry at the man.

'i think I have a lot on my plate before but that was before Damien Strong was introduced into my life' Robin complained inwardly.

"if looks could kill...." Damien said.

"then you would have die a thousand and one times" Robin completed it glaring openly at Damien.

"chill... bestie" Damien smiled mischievously.

Robin bit deep into her lips. What a shameless man this Damien is, obviously teasing in front of the whole restaurant staffs.

"Robin stop! you are bleeding" Someone nudged her.

" what?" Robin looked up at the person.

" your lower lip,it is bleeding" He replied.

Robin brought her hand to her lip and saw blood on her hand.

"you really shouldn't bite your lips that hard next time" he laughed.

" why were you even looking at my lips?" Robin looked up.

"cough! cough!" The person choked on his saliva.


Robin walked into Damien's office as soon as the meeting ended.

"sir!" Robin said in an angry voice" I know what you did out there,you were trying to ruin my reputation right?" She pointed her finger.

Damien smiled and stood up,he walked up to her holding her finger.

"no I wasn't" Damien whispered in her ear.

" yes you are!"She pushed him off.

Damien walked close to her again.

" if the brat says I am then I am. Are you happy now your brattiness" Damien gave a mock bow.

Robin clenched her fist tightly and slowly took deep breaths.

" do I have to remind you everytime that don't ever call me a brat again" Robin said whispered angrily.

" oooh" Damien playfully shivered" am so scared, what is the BRAT gonna do to me"

Damien laughed and shook his head.

Robin looked up and started laughing.

" oh my gosh" Damien stepped back a little,really stunned at the moment.

'this is the second time I've heard Robin laughing in a span of two weeks, has the earth suddenly turned flat' Damien thought.

"well I guess the iceberg has finally learned to loosen up..wow! am a great teacher" Robin wiped the little tears at the corner of her eyes.

Damien expression changed for a minute there before shifting back to its playful state.

"well the student have become the teacher" Damien sat down on the sofa placed in his office.

"yeah it seems so" Robin bit her lower lips just to wince in pain.

Damien flew up in a flash and his finger darted to her lips.

"sss.." he squinted as his hand placed little massages on her lips"why will you bite it this hard, don't you know lips are meant to be kissed not bitten, what are you? a masochist!"

Damien gulped as his finger lingered on those supple lips. Even though one has been bitten hard it just added to the intoxicating feeling there.

"um...Damien" Robin whispered her eyes set on the finger caressing her lower lip.

Damien didn't reply still lost in the feeling.

'how will it feel to just kiss it?' Damien thought.

The pressure of his finger getting harder,his face pushing dangerously near to Robin's.

"what are you doing?" Robin moved away from him breaking his spell. Her lips wound that hadn't close properly tore again and started bleeding.

Damien shook his head to properly get out of his bond. The sight of the blood on her lips just moved Robin's fiery personality to a whole new level.

'tch! only if she didn't dye her hair brown' Damien thought, picturing her hair color,the look on her face and the sight of that drop of red on her lips.

He gulped again, feeling weirdly excited.

"why are you looking at me like that?" Robin asked as she wiped the blood with tissue paper.

"what?" Damien shook his head and hit it hard.

"what was I just thinking?" he whispered to himself" when did I become a vampire?"

"why are you doing that?" Robin asked.

"um...noth...nothing" he blinked furiously" I was just...um..I.."

" don't worry, I can't be seen with a mad man" Robin shook her head and leave.

" why was I even thinking about that?" Damien widened' his eyes in horror.

'but it won't be bad to just kiss her once or twice maybe...'

Damien hit himself again" no, no! must not think about kissing Robin that would be cheating in my fian....I mean Vanessa"


Robin hurried out of Damien's office just to lean on the wall outside to calm her fast beating heart.

Her heart wasn't beating fast because if the way Damien looked at her but because of something she tried to hide deep down in her heart.

" why am I feeling this again?" She muttered to herself.

Slowly her fingers reached up to her lips touching it ever so slightly.

She placed her hands down and slowly bit on her injured lip hard with blood gushing out.

But she didn't feel pain just pleasure.

Happy birthday to I and my lovely twin sister.

We added one more year in good health and peace of mind.

I wish a happy birthday to all those sharing the same date, more good life and answered wishes.

Ghost_11creators' thoughts