
I am chasing a rough man in the 80s

【Soft and Cute Female Lead VS Gentle and Rough Male Lead】 The new book "Hey, The Ancestors Are Coming" has been uploaded Neither cherished by her father nor loved by her mother, from a poor family and overweight, married to a man who is not a good catch, Chen Hansui thought she was dealt a bad hand in life. Only after she died did she find out that her mother was a woman of power and her husband, a future local tyrant, loved her madly. Seeing the world from a different perspective changed everything... Upon her rebirth at the age of 20, Hansui decided to turn the bad cards she was dealt into a winning hand. However, facing the village's most notorious mother-in-law, a weird and wacky sister-in-law, and a husband who isn't exactly a catch... The soft and adorable Hansui cries out, "I can't do this." The male lead: "I think you still have a fighting chance. Here, let me give you a little 'mouth-to-mouth resuscitation'." Minefield: The male lead in this story is not much of a catch, with his only redeeming quality being that he treats the female lead well. The female lead is a sticky and adorable little thing. Even the outrageous mother-in-law and the sharp-tongued sister-in-law adore her. There's really not much to fight about. Villains who encounter such an adorable female lead automatically have 99% of their IQ blocked. Being the darling of the group means only sweetness lies ahead. Zhalang: Written by sweet-stylized Niuniu Mi Goose flock: 346251814

Niu Niu Mi · Urbain
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954 Chs

Chapter 6: Cultured People are Different

Chen Kaide's face darkened in anger.

Yu Jingting picked up an iron shovel lying nearby and smashed it towards the glass window.

Lun Lamei's shrill scream echoed in the small courtyard.

The glass shattered all over the ground.

"Come out! Are you waiting for me to drag you out?" Yu Jingting descended like an avenging god.

Summoning her courage, Lun Lamei appeared.


"Why did you deceive my wife into having an abortion?"

Short and plain-looking, Lun Lamei had a way of captivating men in the village with her restless eyes, and always considered herself beautiful.

Suizi wished she could slap Lun Lamei twice.

How naïve must she have been in her previous life to rely on her.

"Suizi, we've been friends for three years. How have I treated you normally? I took you to the hospital to save your baby, but who knew the doctor would make a mistake? It's not my fault!"

Lun Lamei wept as she spoke to Suizi, her performance so heartfelt that anyone would have believed her.

Lun Lamei had said the same thing in Suizi's previous life. Word for word.

After Suizi had her miscarriage, she snuck over to the Yu Family Residence when they weren't paying attention to question Lun Lamei; Lun Lamei responded with tears streaming down her face and smooth-talking excuses.

The Suizi of the past, pure-hearted and guileless at twenty years old, was unable to discern whether Lun Lamei's words were truth or lies; the truth only came out after a long time of puzzling it out on her own.

Having been reborn with her past experiences, if she still trusted a villain now, she would be a total fool - a pure 24k fool.

"Lun Lamei, are you planning to send us away then bribe the hospital to corroborate your lie?"

Lun Lamei was shocked. Since when had this dumb girl become so sharp?

"Don't even bother, the doctor already told us everything. You lied and said that I had neurological problems and tricked them into giving me anaesthesia for an abortion."

"You want to kill my son? I'll knock her off so she can't look after herself!" Yu Jingting, unable to contain his anger, raised his arm to strike.

Suizi grabbed his arm, "What did you promise me on our way here?"

"I don't care, her skin is too loose, I'll help her tighten it up!"

"Men who do not keep their word don't belong in bed." Suizi's voice lowered.

"Damn it!" Yu Jingting pointed at Lun Lamei, who was trembling in fright, "What are you looking at? I'm cursing you!"

A troublesome woman starting fights with his wife, almost cost him his bed rights!

"You have two choices. Return our bridal gifts and I'll take this matter to the village chief."

Even though Suizi's gentle voice lessened the firmness of her words, Lun Lamei and her daughter were so frightened their faces turned white. Lun Lamei clutched her mother's arm; this matter could not get out - who would marry her then?

This argument was something Suizi had pondered over for a long time in her previous life.

Suizi was smart, but often slow to react verbally, timid and easily bullied. When in disputes, she would first feel scared, then only later get angry, constantly at a loss for words.

It would take her half a day or even an entire day to process any conflict.

By the time she had thought of how to argue back, the other party had already forgotten about the dispute.

Now that she had an opportunity to use her rehearsed speech, she felt a surge of relief.

Yu Jingting burst into laughter. 

"The Feng Shui in our old Yu Family is so good, it brings up good people. My wife stayed at your house for twenty years, all she learned was meekness and mewling. But after only a month in my house, she can already speak up properly!"

Suizi was speechless. In his mind, speaking properly meant talking tough? And normal talking was equal to meowing?

"Chen Hansui, you bastard! Believe it or not, I'll slap you!" Chen Kaide cursed.

Yu Jingting stood in front of Suizi, hands on hips.

"Try hitting, why don't you? Calling someone a bastard, how dare you! You're the real bastard, a lapdog raising someone else's kid!" Yu Jingting spoke "human words," greatly entertained.

He'd long been disgusted with the likes of Chen Kaide, neglecting his own beloved daughter while joyfully raising someone else's child. When Suizi was unmarried, she was either scolded or struck.

Every time he passed by the Chen Family house, eight times out of ten, he would witness this bastard and his awful wife bullying Suizi.

"!!!" Chen Kaide's old face turned red from his verbal lashing.

"Your ancestral tomb is cursed birthing something like you! Even insulting my father-in-law?" Wang Fenfang had never seen anyone as shameless as this.

"Your ancestral tomb gives off stench! Giving us such a disgraceful old witch! My mother-in-law just died two weeks ago, and you come into my wife's house with a chicken in one hand, a duck in the other, and a brainless kid following behind you!"

"On behalf of the Wang family, Yang Village and all its villagers, including all our dogs, cats, chickens, ducks, and geese, I'm here to say hi to you; you old hag who seduces other women's husbands and harms their children; shameless, but too conceited to realize it!"

"I, I——" The arrogant woman was at a loss for words when faced with the unreasonable actions of Yu Jingting, her breath cut short.

Suizi visibly saw Wang Fenfang's face puff up with anger.

In her previous life, when she saw Yu Jingting cursing people she was afraid, but now she wasn't scared anymore. Listening to him cursing people was like listening to a stand-up comedy routine; it could be hilarious.

As Yu Jingting went on his tirade, he sneakily glanced at his wife and saw her laughing. This only encouraged him.

Rolling up his sleeves, he pointed at Wang Fenfang and continued his rant:

"You stuttering now? Weren't you quite articulate when you insulted my wife? So, you have the guts to hit her, but think my educated wife can't fend off your attacks, huh?"

"Suizi is fatter than I..." As everyone in the courtyard was subdued, Lamei could not let this remark go.

She believed that she was more attractive to men than Suizi and couldn't understand why Li Youcai was still itching for Suizi even after he'd slept with her.

Yu Jingting laughed. Wasn't this exactly what he was looking for?

"If you piss on yourself, could you compare yourself to my wife? My wife is an angel descended from Heaven, while you're a toad from some mountain cave, wandering around blaring your sounds." He only knew a few fancy phrases, and he used all of them to praise his wife!

Yu Jingting looked at Suizi to gage her reaction and saw that she gave him a thumbs-up. Excited, he wanted to continue his tirade, but Suizi patted him on the shoulder - enough was enough.

If she listened anymore to his comedic monologue, she was afraid she'd forget what the real issue at hand was.

"Return my bride price, or shall I find the village chief?"

"Who has ever heard of returning the bride price?" Wang Fenfang murmured.

With Yu Jingting keeping everyone in check, not a single monster dared to act out.

"So talk of money excites you, does it? Does a dung truck passing your house have to scoop a spoonful for you to check its saltiness? If I give my bride price, it would go to my proper mother-in-law. Who do you reckon yourself as—oh, you're an old cabbage head." Yu Jingting seized the opportunity to insult her one last time.

If it weren't for his wife holding him back, he could have cursed for three days and two nights straight.

"Before my mother returned to the city, you promised her you'd take care of me, but you failed to do so. My two uncles who are soldiers have also warned you: if you bully me, they'll tear down your house." Suizi told Chen Kaide.

Chen Kaide shivered. He wasn't afraid of Suizi's mother but he was scared of her small uncles.

"Cultured people really are different—My wife, you're so eloquent, speak more often in future. Let your uncles know, they are welcome to send a letter if they feel the distance is too far; I can tear it down for them!"

200 Yuan was not enough to rebuild the Chen Family's house. As unwilling as Chen Kaide was, he had no choice but to let Wang Fenfang hand over the money.

Five minutes later, Suizi, holding the 200 Yuan, left the Chen Family home with Yu Jingting, the curses of the Chen Family trailing behind them.

"Wife, that's not the way home?" Yu Jingting noticed.

"We're going to the village chief's house."

"??? "

"I only asked them whether they would return the money or face the authorities, but I didn't say that taking the money would exempt them from facing the authorities."

How could Lamei, bearing the pain of losing her child, be allowed to get off with just a few harsh words? Her kindness from her past life had run out.

Damn...Cultured people really are different! You're even more ruthless than me!" Yu Jingting gave her a thumbs-up, impressed. Now that was crafty!