
I Am A Notorious Hidden Boss In The Alternate World

25-year-old Albion lived an unimpressive parasitic life of a NEET and otaku, leeching off his loving parent's allowances to enjoy watching animes, reading manga and novels at home. When faced with the cruel reality of contracting cancer through smoking, he selfishly ran away from home and sacrificed his life on a strange day of drastic changes. 'Since I'm going to die anyway, let me save another life in exchange.' Those were his thoughts before shoving a person out of harm's way and getting struck by a truck. 'If I could get a second chance, I want to live a fulfilling life and not waste it like this.' However, Albion's new life resolution was quickly challenged by a stroke of divine providence. "What? I'm not dead yet? Holy cow, I transmigrated into the body of a notorious hidden boss who controls half the world's wealth in an alternate universe after he failed his heavenly tribulation? I never have to worry about money? I can live forever? Lucky me!" Albion thought he had shot to the peak of life, but he could not be more wrong. The immortal body was too strong for a mortal soul like him to control. He can only move for 5 minutes a day! He became immobile and paralyzed for the rest of the time! The Four Horsemen of the Dark Emperor thought he was crippled and turned on him! They couldn't kill him physically due to his invincible body so they dropped him to the bottom of the ocean to drown! His body was immortal. He could not die. Thus, he lived the following life in the dark depths of the ocean before being swallowed into the stomach of a giant sea serpent! Before he could enjoy his new life, he had sunk to the lowest point of his life, literally! However, the world rapidly changed after the notorious True Immortal disappeared for two years! The Apocalypse arrived, and so too, the System! Ding! [You have slain a Lv.1 ancient sea serpent. 100 EXP has been gained.] [You have leveled up.] [You have become a Lv.2 Hunter.] [Title acquired: Hunter.] Albion: ??? "Did the sea serpent get food poisoning and died from eating me or something?" Albion wondered in the pit of the sea serpent's stomach. [System calibration complete. Goldfinger has been activated.] "Never mind, my time has come! With the system in hand, I will take back everything and rule the w--wait, what? This body's cultivation needs to be sealed in order for me to move freely without impairments?" "Sigh, forget it, ruling the world is too hard. I'm a wanted man anyway. Let's just hide somewhere, watch my animes, and reading my manga and novels..." Albion was nerfed harder than the Big Bang at the beginning of time. However, what's his, will still be his. "Until my soul becomes strong enough to fully wield this power, I'll just treat it as a 5-minute Super Saiyan mode I can enjoy once a day..." He was not the Dark Emperor, but the Dark Emperor was now him. The Four Horsemen that turned on him, their day of retribution will come! Little did Albion know, the world had more things in store for him than his quest for vengeance. The dimensional rifts that appeared everywhere and the interdimensional creatures that spilled forth from there are actually...! Find out on the next episode of drag--Ahem, to be continued. =====Author's Note===== [Currently on break] Feel free to check out my other book, Prime Originator (also my first work). The genre is completely different, so you may or may not like it and vice versa for readers coming from there :) You can join me on discord at the link here; https://discord.gg/9SUWMPZ =====DISCLAIMER===== I do not own the cover. The original belongs to its respective owner.

Pointbreak · Urbain
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370 Chs

Goldfinger Activate!

After the last system message was transmitted to all the system users, the System went silent. No matter how much the users called, neither did the System respond nor did the exchange store open.

The disappearance of the System immediately caused people to explode on social media.

[What is going on? I can no longer open the system exchange store!]

[You too? It is the same for me! No matter how much I call, the System is not responding to me…]

[Could it be that the System was truly attacked by something?]

[No shit, Sherlock! Did you not listen to the warnings before the System went quiet?]

Thousands of threads were posted within seconds and received millions of views and comments that continued to surge by the moment.

The number of attention people pay to online news was no joke.

After all, more than 70% of the world's population was bound to the System. Its disappearance came as a great shock to many that relied on it.

[Seeking help urgently!!! My Divine Energy will not stop leaking! What can I do to stop it?!]

[Ahh! Same here too! If anyone knows anything, please respond quickly!]

[I just saw my father combusted into bursts of lights… Boohoo...]

[Divine Energy is dangerous without the System!]

The System was not only an excellent tool for acquiring talents and knowledge, but it also acted as a storage holder of Divine Energy for its user.

Since the System disappeared, the usually-kept-under-control Divine Energy began to run amok.

People with large stockpiles of Divine Energy immediately combusted into light works, while the more fortunate ones underwent a forced mutation partially.

As for the remaining 30% population of the world, they had always been skeptical concerning the existence of the System and Federation.

They had been part of neutral countries and never became part of the Earth government.

Although they did enjoy some benefits brought by exposure to Divine Energy, they lived too far from the original source in River City to consider binding the System.

According to the information posted online by other system users, the pitiful amount of Divine Energy they were exposed to was not enough for them to exchange for anything.

At this point, they were thankful for their previous choices.

At the same time, another thread was quickly gaining attention with its concerning title.

[Interdimensional creatures are real! My home area is being under attack!]

[It is true! There is an outbreak at the dimensional rift near my home too! These interdimensional creatures are very hostile! The local police can keep the situation under control for now, but I do not know how long they can hold!]

[Ehhh, is that so? What do those interdimensional creatures look like? Are they menacing? Do they look like aliens? Or are they monsters?]

[Hard to say! I have never seen anything like this before! You will know what I mean when you see them! But you better pray that you don't!]

The person found it hard to describe the interdimensional creatures. It was something the world had never seen before.

The interdimensional creatures were like flawed digital beings given form after a failed manifestation.

Perhaps the best way to describe them was like 3D shadows with an endless string of binary numbers running vertically on their jet-black body.

The commenter typed furiously onto his far as he watched a police officer suddenly torn apart and eaten by the interdimensional creatures. Not long after, the interdimensional creatures gained semblances of half-human and half-animals.

[Holy shit! The police officer died! The interdimensional creatures seem to be evolving after eating the police officer!]

[My hats off to you, brave guy. If what you said is true, I would have already legged it!]

[Hahaha... I also want to, but my legs just won't move… please help T_T]

Many dimension rifts opened on Earth, but not all of them spawned interdimensional creatures. Nevertheless, chaos broke out at the ones that do.

When people were fighting and defending themselves from the attacks of the invading interdimensional creatures, the System—or rather a system, made its announcement to the world.


[The dawn of a new cosmic age is here, and the universe shall welcome a new chapter in its endless expanse. Welcome to the beginning of the Apocalypse. The Apocalypse Survival System is now online.]

While most of the world was filled with confusion over this news, the police forces and peacekeeping forces fighting near the dimensional rifts were filled with uproar.

[Notification: You have slain Lv.1 interdimensional creature. 10 EXP has been gained.]

[Achievement: You have slain Lv.1 interdimensional creature for the first time. 100 EXP has been awarded.]

[Ding! You have leveled up!]

[You have become a Lv.1 Hunter.]

[Title acquired: Hunter.]

Many system users received such notifications in their minds after getting a successful kill on the interdimensional creatures near the dimensional rifts around the world near them.

Those that had yet to experience it themselves had their doubts when the information first made its way online.

Nevertheless, there was no smoke without fire. Once the truth was known, it sparked a frenzied hunt for interdimensional creatures! Killing interdimensional creatures allowed them to grow stronger!

Having experienced the otherworldly wonders of the last system, they were more accepting of the new system, even if it was an enemy of the Federation for swallowing up the previous system.

A portion of the population did not care if the world was ending. In fact, they welcomed it.

Like a suppressed desire being unleashed, people risked their lives to hunt every interdimensional creature spawned. The path to becoming stronger had never been more clear to them!

These groups of people were commonly found to be teenagers and young adults between the age of 13 to 35.

Their presence near the dimensional rifts made it difficult for the Earth government and became a real headache for peacekeeping forces trying to protect the civilians from the threat.

In short, there was a lot of chaos and casualties.

The world underwent a second wave of rapid changes and frenzy improvements since the visitations of the Federation.

The interdimensional creatures grew stronger with each subsequent wave of attacks, but Earth stood firm in its resistance against the invasion of interdimensional creatures.

After two years of desperate resistance, humans established a stable society of hunters in the apocalyptic age. Help from the Federation never came during this time. The Apocalypse affected every plane and dimension and not just Earth.

No one knew why the Apocalypse was happening, only remembered that it started in the year 2021.

All this time, Albion continued to reside within the belly of the sea monster at the bottom of the Ganymede Ocean, utterly oblivious to the world's upheaval.

He was bored to death without the internet. Without access to anime, manga, and novels, he could only continue his research on the soul. 

With the five minutes of mobility that he had each day, he would put his self-created soul cultivation technique to the test. 

Alas, each and every one of them failed without much surprise; he couldn't overcome the hurdle of having any energy. 

Soul cultivation required a very specific type of energy, nether energy, something that he did not have. 

Supposedly, there was a place called the Netherworld Realm, which the Dark Emperor could access. 

However, it required mastery of a very high-level technique to open the portal.

But to do that, he must first train in the technique, and second, expend his Divine Energy to use it.

However, Divine Energy was crucial to maintaining his True Immortal Body, the very thing keeping him alive. 

It was impervious to damage below the True Immortal level.

Nevertheless, Albion could tell his Divine Energy was diminishing by the day. Of course, he could use his daily 5 minutes of mobility to kill the sea monster and leave the ocean floor. 

However, what then? 

If the Dark Emperor's four horsemen found him, they might continue attacking him until his True Immortal Body expends all his Divine Energy.

Thus, he was resolved to fix his immobility problem first before returning to the surface. The sea monster's belly was currently his best cover.

After all, Kasif should have been aware that he was still alive when he found out he couldn't access the Ashura Ring.

Albion didn't doubt that the four horsemen were looking for him.

Nevertheless, Albion couldn't completely shirk off his previous self when spending his boring days in the sea monster's belly.

He would have thoughts of fapping sometimes. 

Alas, he doubted he could finish in five minutes without any source of excitement. It would only be self-torture if he becomes immobile before he could finish.

As such, he forced himself to abstain.

Eventually, Albion became used to tranquil life in the sea monster's belly during the two years.

Alas, those days didn't last forever when the sea monster suddenly started squirming and whining furiously recently.

Then, one day, it stopped entirely, following a string of messages popping up in his head.


[You have slain Lv.1 Ancient Sea Serpent. 100 EXP has been gained.]

[You have leveled up.]

[Achievement: You have slain an Ancient Sea Serpent for the first time. 100 EXP has been awarded.]

[You have leveled up.]

[You have become a Lv.2 Hunter.]

[Title acquired: Hunter.]

[Unique entity and conditions have been detected. The system is currently recalibrating.]

[System recalibration complete. Goldfinger has been activated.]

A glimmer of life appeared on Albion's eyes and wiped away the drowsiness he had been feeling over the past 2 years. Goldfinger activated? About time it did!

But how did the Ancient Sea Serpent die? Come to think of it… where did the anchor go?

Golden finger is basically a system or cheat ability for those unfamiliar with the term.

This chapter finally brings an end to the long prologue.

New readers can jump straight to chapter 11 to enjoy the main story, but I thank everyone for reading thus farヽ(͡◕ ͜ʖ ͡◕)ノ

Also, there are only 3 days left to vote for this story to win in WFP#18, but chances are, it’s not happening hahaha (crying inside)

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